Alec Baldwin

Claim: SNL Hired Comic Who Made Racist Remarks to Appeal to the Right
September 20th, 2019 10:24 AM
It’s no surprise that people in the “mainstream media” in news and entertainment are tilted so far to the left that they very likely could not be much more liberal. Nevertheless, in a ridiculous effort to bring more conservative viewers to NBC’s Saturday Night Live program, producer Lorne Michaels saw his clumsy strategy blow up in his face after it was discovered newly hired “conservative” comic…

Alec Baldwin Horrified Trump 'Fooled All These Flyover Americans'
May 1st, 2019 5:35 PM
On Monday night's Amanpour & Co. on PBS, former Time Managing Editor Walter Isaacson interviewed Alec Baldwin about, among other things, his Donald Trump impression on Saturday Night Live. Baldwin admitted he didn't understand Trump, and that his impression is a "caricature....we're doing like an essence of Trump. His corrupt, amoral, Machiavellian nature is at the fore." Then he said he was…

Alec Baldwin Contemplates Ending ‘Mediocre’ SNL Trump Impression
April 4th, 2019 4:45 PM
Good for literally every sound-minded person on the planet: Alec Baldwin says he’s going to start winding down his terrible impression of Donald Trump. Sitting down with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show, Baldwin intimated that he might be starting to grow tired of the role, and that it’s the SNL producers who “keep pulling me back in.” Sad!

Baldwin Dismisses Trump’s SNL Criticism, Laments Recent ‘Dark History’
April 1st, 2019 11:36 AM
Appearing on Monday’s Today show to promote a new movie, Alec Baldwin dismissed President Trump’s criticism of how the actor portrays him on Saturday Night Live. Baldwin claimed that he “can’t care” what Trump thinks and lamented the “dark history” that has supposedly occurred since the President took office.

Get This: Even Dems Admit Beloved Late-Night Comedy Hosts Are Lefties
March 19th, 2019 10:59 PM
Given the ongoing anti-Trump onslaught in late-night television, it should come as no surprise that Republicans and Democrats have very different perspectives on how political content is used in those “comedy” shows, whether they’re on the mainstream networks or cable TV. According to a recent survey, 54 percent of Democrats said they watch late-night talk shows, compared to 26 percent of…

They Knew (Again): Media Hid Alec Baldwin’s Hate
November 10th, 2018 1:30 PM
Conservative street artist Sabo struck a nerve earlier this year when he plastered the words, “We All Knew” across Hollywood. Sabo’s message? Entertainment insiders clearly knew something about mega producer Harvey Weinstein’s alleged reign of sexual abuse terror. How could so many women come forward about abuse accusations without someone in Savethe industry hearing about it … and saying nothing…

Cecile Richards on ABC: Planned Parenthood 'More Popular Than Ever'
November 5th, 2018 1:08 AM
Fortunately for any conservatives tuning into The Alec Baldwin Show on ABC, the interview time with Planned Parenthood’s former president Cecile Richards was quite short, especially compared to the other guest, comedian, and actor, Mike Myers. The Richards interview only lasted about ten minutes of the hour-long show.

De Niro on New Alec Baldwin Show on ABC: 'I'm So Offended' By Trump
October 15th, 2018 1:08 AM
The Alec Baldwin Show premiered on ABC Sunday night and it went about as I expected. The first guest on the talk show was the actor/liberal political activist, Robert De Niro. About half-way through the interview, Baldwin and De Niro launched into an attack on President Trump and Republicans in general, too.

Comedian on Seinfeld Show: 'Nothing Liberal About Shutting Someone Up'
July 10th, 2018 7:00 AM
One might expect Jerry Seinfeld's latest edition of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, "2018: Freshly Brewed," on Netflix to get political, since comedians just can't seem to help themselves right now in jumping on the Trump bashing train, so I was pleasantly surprised to find the focus on funny instead of on politics. In fact, when guests tried to get political, Seinfeld quickly shut them down,…

First Oprah, Now Baldwin: Hollywood’s Presidential Ambitions
June 12th, 2018 2:37 PM
Much of the damage people on both left and right feared President Donald Trump would do hasn’t come to pass. But he may leave us something infinitely worse than high taxes or bruised international feelings: President Baldwin..

Celebs, Media Defend Wolf’s Insults Targeting Trump Administration
April 30th, 2018 3:02 PM
Comedienne Michelle Wolf is a hero, according to media and Hollywood figures who are racing to defend her recent outrageous statements, regardless of how the rest of America reacts.

Paranoid Kathy Griffin: Of Course President Trump Had Me Investigated
April 27th, 2018 5:17 PM
Less than a year after Kathy Griffin was pictured holding a fake bloodied, severed head of Donald Trump last May, the far-left comedian claims that the president has a “vendetta” against her and personally ordered Secret Service agents to investigate her. Griffin made the accusations while a guest on ABC’s Start Here podcast after host Brad Mielke asked her if the President took those actions…

Will & Grace Mocks Pence Marriage:They 'Have Sex Through His Trainer'
April 6th, 2018 1:37 AM
In typical liberal fashion, NBC’s Will & Grace appears to really enjoy taking cheap shots at Vice President Mike Pence. Ever since it became news that Pence was quoted in a 2002 interview with The Hill saying he never dines alone with other women or attends events where alcohol is being served without his wife, the left went into “cannot process” mode like a robot gone haywire. Rather than…

Alec Baldwin's New Talk Show A Bloated, Self-Aggrandizing Snooze-fest
March 5th, 2018 7:06 AM
I don’t know who got the bright idea to air a “sneak peek” of ABC’s newest late night talk show Sundays with Alec Baldwin on Oscar night, but with the live Academy Awards running 50 minutes late, plus local news, the show didn’t start on the East Coast until about 12:30am. This was doubly was unfortunate for Baldwin – the few people still up watching TV at that hour were quickly put to sleep by…