Snopes Demands White House Explain Trump's Funny Babylon Bee Retweet

December 13th, 2019 6:21 AM
The "fact-checking" site had one of its regular freak-outs over stupid Americans mistaking satirical websites for actual news, especially the right-leaning Babylon Bee. They actually contacted the White House to express concern that President Trump's Twitter account was spreading fake news (instead of jokes). Sadly, there was a Democrat running against Trump that was dumb enough to…

Snopes Tries to Claim Bozell & Graham Abortion Column 'Mostly False'

October 4th, 2019 8:46 AM
Someone doesn't like our "Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers" project. On Thursday, published an article headlined "Did Mainstream Media Outlets ‘Refuse’ to Cover Abortion Doctor Ulrich Klopfer?" They were questioning a Bozell and Graham column, which asserted that the networks failed to report on Dr. Klopfer's Illinois garage full of more than 2,000 dead babies.  Snopes called this "…

Most 'Fact Checkers' Act Shifty with Schiff's Lying About Ukraine-Gate

October 3rd, 2019 9:03 AM

Congressman Adam Schiff was caught in a lie by The New York Times on Wednesday, although they didn’t make that point. The newspaper reported the whistleblower contacted Schiff’s committee and discussed his complaint in vague terms, and those terms were passed along to Schiff. He told MSNBC "we have not spoken directly with the whistleblower." Will the "fact checkers" notice? Most of them…

Snopes Spins Away from the Facts: Born-Alive Baby Thrown in the Trash

October 1st, 2019 1:13 PM
Alexandra DeSanctis of National Review pointed out the silliness of what they call a "Fact Check" these days. On Monday, asked the question "Was a Baby Born Alive at 23 Weeks ‘Thrown in the Trash’?" The factual answer is "Yes." But Snopes had to define it down to a "Mixture" of truth and falsehood....because facts can be spun! The baby had no chance of toss away! 

Snopes Leaps to Defend AOC From Spin on Words She Actually Said

September 16th, 2019 5:13 PM
The "fact checkers" at are fervent and incessant defenders of "The Squad," especially Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. On September 13, Bethania Palma tagged several pro-Trump tweets as "FALSE" based on something AOC said on tape....five months ago

FACTS or FLACKS? Snopes Claims Joe Biden's Medal Mangle Is 'Not False'

September 1st, 2019 8:45 PM
The partisan elasticity of the "independent fact-checkers" will be tested by Joe Biden in this presidential campaign. The Washington Post brutally critiqued Biden's moving story of a story not wanting a medal as recounted at a Hanover, New Hampshire campaign stop. "In the space of three minutes, Biden got the time period, the location, the heroic act, the type of medal, the military branch and…

WashPost, Call Out Harris, Warren on Ferguson 'Murder'

August 13th, 2019 4:30 PM
We wouldn't normally evaluate a "fact check" when it lines up with all the available facts. But it can be noteworthy when Democrats are tagged as "Four Pinocchios" False. Both the Washington Post Fact Checker and flagged Senators and presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren for incorrectly claiming Michael Brown was "murdered" in Ferguson, Missouri by police…

Snopes Tags Bad White-Voter Poll for AOC, Omar as 'Mostly False'

July 28th, 2019 7:23 AM
The liberal "fact checking" website is presently engaged in a frenzy of defense of "The Squad," especially Rep. Ilhan Omar. This one was especially interesting:  "Are U.S. Reps. Ilhan Omar and AOC Polling at 8 Percent, 21 Percent Respectively?" Snopes declared this was "Mostly False," complaining "We know of no credible polls" that would find such a thing. 

Snopes Bumbles Again with the Babylon Bee, and the Stinger Is Sharp

July 26th, 2019 4:15 PM
The astringently humorless "fact check" squad at just keeps ripping the Babylon Bee website, painting their satire as "misinformation." This time, Ellie Gardey at the Daily Caller forced Snopes to revise their "fact check" and add actual facts. 

Snopes Attacks Conservative Sites on Frederica Wilson's Censor Bender

July 11th, 2019 8:24 AM
The "fact checkers" at are running to the defense of liberal Democrats again in a July 10 post on Rep. Frederica Wilson in an article headlined "Did Rep. Frederica Wilson Advocate Prosecuting People Who ‘Make Fun’ of Congress?" The answer is yes. But David Mikkelsen at Snopes insisted "context is key," that conservative media outlets like the Washington Times and the Daily Wire skipped… Rushes to Defend Ilhan Omar AND Whack Babylon Bee Again

May 12th, 2019 6:59 AM doubled down on two of their regular themes on Thursday: defending Rep. Ilhan Omar and attacking the Christian satire site The Babylon Bee. Snopes insisted no one would be able to figure out Omar didn't say "If Israel is so innocent, they why do they inisist on being Jews?"

Snopes Check on Biden Skips Over His Mangling of Kent State Body Count

May 8th, 2019 10:15 PM
Sometimes, the fact checkers pick the wrong fact to check. See on Joe Biden. Their latest Biden article explored whether Biden actually said he had "no empathy" for the young generations. Snopes was aiming low by fact-checking a tweet by a left-winger's account that had 958 followers. "IbrahimAS97" described himself as "a person within whom a profound hatred of centrist democrats…

For Love or Clicks? Snopes Leaps to Correct Silly Ocasio-Cortez Items

April 17th, 2019 11:50 AM claims to be a fact-checking website, but its recent rash of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defense items suggests it's a liberal clickbait site. There's five items just in the first 15 days of April. None of them evaluate if AOC mangled facts. They're all on defense. NOT True That Man Sold His Testicles for Bernie Sanders!

March 11th, 2019 7:07 AM
Twitchy asks an obvious question: Why does "keep doing fact-checking articles nobody thinks are real, especially one with easy-to-find disclaimers?" The latest example of Snopes feeling the need to do a "satire check" is a doozy:  “Did a Brave Millennial Sell His Testicles to Raise Money for Bernie’s 2020 Campaign?” If you wonder if this could be true, you should probably not be voting…