David Leonhardt

Surprise! PBS’s Barron-Lopez Delivers Balanced History of Immigration
When you see that PBS News Hour’s most biased reporter, Laura Barron-Lopez, has filed a 10-minute-long overview of the history of immigration policies in the United States, you arrive prepared for an onslaught of bias on an issue Barron-Lopez has been particularly liberal on. So it was a pleasant surprise to find that Tuesday’s report actually took a balanced look at the topic.

NYT's Mara Gay: Masking Is 'An Act of Solidarity' With Minorities
MSNBC’s Morning Joe simply can’t quit masking. On the Thursday program, New York Times editorial board member Mara Gay claimed that masking is still “an act of solidarity and respect, not just for people with certain health vulnerabilities, but also for racial minorities.
Musk Panic at NYT:Twitter Free Speech Equals ‘Bullying…Misinformation'
As if the New York Times news pages weren’t crazed enough about Elon Musk,Times opinionizers really kicked up the dramatics over the billionaire entrepreneur acquiring Twitter, led by editorial board member Greg Bensinger’s aggrieved take in Tuesday’s edition, “Twitter Under Elon Musk Will Be a Scary Place.” Bensinger, whose livelihood depends on tolerance for free expression…

NY Times: GOP Using ‘Lies…To Stoke Fear and Hatred’ On Trans Kids
The New York Times is again trying to pose the mainstream consensus on children and transgender issues -- and legislation like the Florida law that liberals falsely call “Don’t Say Gay” -- as dangerous, even suggesting it may encourage transgender youth to commit suicide: "Bazelon points out that this political strategy relies partly on lies that seem intended to stoke fear and hatred…

NY Times Touts 'Chinese Exceptionalism' and 'Zero Covid In China'
Sarah D. at Twitchy wasn’t pussy-footing in describing a Twitter threat mocking The New York Times from New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz. Their headline was “NYT plunges headfirst into Xi and China’s lap with blatant, destructive CCP COVID propaganda.”
NYT HYPOCRITES Quiet on Biden Smears of Unpatriotic, Undemocratic GOP
During the Iraq War in 2003 and Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, the New York Times haughtily defended Democrats against having their patriotism questioned by conservatives -- something which almost never happened. Yet Democrats are cheered when they actually slime Republicans and Republican policies as “unpatriotic,” using that exact term, just like President Biden did when…

Economist RIPS SLANTED NYT Column Saying Biden Tax Plan Isn’t Radical
New York Times “The Morning” newsletter writer David Leonhardt claimed President Joe Biden’s massive tax hike proposal was not “radical.” One economist was having none of it.

Shorter NY Times: America, Your 'Individualism' Is to Blame for Corona
Are American freedom and individualism to blame for the failure to contain the coronavirus? That was one premise of the lead story in Friday’s New York Times by David Leonhardt: “U.S. Is Alone Among Peers In Failing to Contain Virus – 2 Major Causes: Individualist Tradition and Trump Administration Missteps.” The paper also panicked over a big biker rally in South Dakota, after not…

Unmasking Mask Hypocrisy at the New York Times and Time Magazine

NY Times Editor Finds Media's Problem: ‘What About Centrist Bias?’

NY Times: ‘Conservatism Has a Violence Problem,’ Same Goal as Killers

NY Times Jerk Doubts Franken & Biden Accusers, But Kavanaugh's Guilty!

NY Times Not Enjoying Mueller Time: ‘Pouncing’ GOP, Blaming Barr