
'Quantico' Ends With Trumplike President Exposed as 'Puppet' of Russia

May 16th, 2017 1:49 AM
I don't know how it's possible but the May 15 episode of ABC’s Quantico, titled "Resistance," was even more transparent in its attempts to be a dark allegory for the Trump era. Just as the creator and showrunner indicated in a recent interview, this show is meant to resemble the current political landscape. Because of Trump, they say the idea of another Constitutional Convention is "not outside…

ACLU: Colleges Must Teach Students To 'Defend Speech They Hate'

May 4th, 2017 4:23 PM
On many college campuses, free speech comes with the caveat: say what you want, as long as it doesn’t offend the liberal majority. And if it does, you can expect virulent protests in return, such as the riot that led to the injury of a professor at Middlebury College when social scientist Charles Murray was slated to speak. 

Lefty Stars Raise More Than $500K For ACLU In Ultra-Political Show

April 3rd, 2017 5:03 PM
They hinted that it wouldn’t be political… yeah right. On the evening of March 31, a gaggle of progressive Hollywood celebrities gathered in New York for the ACLU’s “Stand for Rights” benefit telethon. The event’s Facebook description explained that the actors, musicians and comedians would do “what they do best” – not “speaking earnestly about politics,” but rather “entertaining for a great…

Tom Hanks, Tina Fey, Alec Baldwin to Raise Funds for ACLU

March 22nd, 2017 10:36 AM
If there’s anything Hollywood loves more than Hillary Clinton, it’s the ACLU. And now that they can’t throw lavish fundraisers for the former Democratic candidate, entertainers can funnel more money to their favorite liberal organization. On the evening of March 31, a group of big name actors will do just that through a benefit performance called “Stand for Rights.”

Noticia Falsa: Univision tergiversa derogación de reglamento antiarmas

February 18th, 2017 10:01 AM
Univision acaba de presentar un informe tan sesgado y engañoso que, después de verlo, uno se queda con la impresión de que el presidente Donald Trump se apresuró al tachar a CNN de "Noticias Muy Falsas".

Very Fake News Alert: Univision Misrepresented SSA Gun Rule Repeal

February 18th, 2017 9:50 AM
Univision has just sprung a report so awfully biased and deceptive that after watching it, one is left with the impression that President Trump may have been a bit too hasty in bestowing his coveted "Very Fake News" label upon CNN.

Not All Refugees Are Welcome

February 2nd, 2017 2:13 PM
For years, left-wingers would contest my use of the term "open borders lobby" because, they sternly rebuked me, nooooobody in America seriously believes in open borders. Whelp. This weekend, thousands of anti-Trump liberals took to the streets, airports and college campuses chanting "all are welcome" and shrieking "let them in" to protest White House executive orders enforcing our borders.

CBS Evening News Fails to Tie ACLU to Chicago Homicide Increase

January 3rd, 2017 4:25 PM
On Monday's CBS Evening News, in a report devoted to the increased rates of homicide in Chicago, correspondent Jericka Duncan suggested a link to the police making fewer stops after being scrutinized over the police shooting death of Laquan McDonald in 2014. But, unlike the previous night's report on CBS 60 Minutes by correspondent Bill Whitaker, Duncan's piece did not mention that the Chicago…

WashPost Aids ACLU: Catholics vs. 'Pregnant Woman with Brain Tumor'

September 14th, 2015 1:19 PM
In the run-up to the papal visit to America, The Washington Post keeps pushing stories against allegedly heartless Catholic positions on the life issues. On Monday’s front page, they promoted this story: “A Catholic hospital in Michigan cited religious reasons for refusing to perform a tubal ligation requested by a woman with a brain tumor.” (Emphasis theirs.) The headline on page A-3 was “Mich…

Merry Christmas? ACLU Stops School From Feeding African Orphans

December 15th, 2014 3:47 PM
Thank Gaia for the ever-vigilant ACLU! Who else would have discerned the dire threat to civil liberty lurking in a California school’s effort to raise money for starving children in Africa?  A middle school in San Marcos, Cal., partnered with a local charity, Friends and Family Community Connection (FFCC), to raise money to send meals to children in Tanzania – innocent enough, right? Wrong. It…

Lewis Black Joins Campaign to 'F@&* Voter IDs'

October 12th, 2014 4:11 PM
Hot-tempered comedian Lewis Black has never been shy when it comes to taking on controversial topics, and his latest crusade has paired the foul-mouthed performer with the American Civil Liberties Union in an attempt to “F@&* Voter Suppression,” particularly through requiring voters to have IDs with their picture on them. In a fake “photo shoot” with Dale Ho, director of the ACLU's voting…

ACLU Director Says Movie ‘Makes Abortion Funny

June 9th, 2014 2:14 PM
That statement should offend both sides: not only those who oppose abortion but also those who abort (after all, if it wasn’t difficult, why the “not in her shoes” mantra?). But not so for the media – abortion is the very definition of “funny,” in The Washington Post’s latest piece.  The Washington Post recently published American Civil Liberties Union Deputy Legal Director Louise Messing’s…

NPR Boosts NAACP and ACLU's Activism After Court 'Gutted' Voting Right

April 7th, 2014 5:12 PM
Carrie Johnson's Monday report on NPR's Morning Edition could have been mistaken as an informercial for the left-of-center ACLU and the NAACP's efforts to help "protect minority voting rights," after the Supreme Court's Shelby County v. Holder decision from June 2013. Johnson played up how "a divided Supreme Court gutted part of that law – throwing into chaos a system that had required...states…

Dishonest Abortion Activists Attack Hobby Lobby at SCOTUS

March 25th, 2014 3:47 PM
What do Cesar Chavez, “raped animals,” Margaret Sanger fans, and Occupy-esque mantras have in common? They were all present in front of the Supreme Court today. Hundreds of left-wing activists showed up today to attack Hobby Lobby for its objection to the Obama Administration’s HHS Mandate, specifically that the Christian-owned firm pays for abortifacient contraceptives in the employee health…