Ben Carson

CNN Host Pushes Carson on 10 Commandments, Will NOT Debate Pride Month
Dr. Ben Carson appeared on CNN's Late Night with Abby Philip to discuss Louisiana putting the Ten Commandments in classrooms, which CNN thinks is wildly controversial and objectionable. Phillip eventually asked Carson why Trump favors this policy when "he doesn't even try to follow" the commandments. Carson turned to the promotion of Pride Month in schools. Phillip wanted to avoid…

Column: Avoiding Debate Debacles With the Liberal Media
Everyone who cannot abide the way that liberal networks attempt to mangle Republican presidential candidates in primary debates is having the same thought: If the Democrats never award a primary debate to Fox News or Newsmax, why on Earth should Republicans subject themselves to CNN or MSNBC or the rest?

Joy Behar Attacks Tim Scott For Daring To Be A Black Conservative
Recall the job of the “overseer” for those slave-era plantations? In today’s world liberal plantations have taken the place of slave plantations - albeit to the same effect.

Top 5 Times Big Tech Has Propped Up Roe by Silencing Pro-Life Voices
Big Tech worked tirelessly to silence pro-life voices, but the censorship can’t stop the Supreme Court from overturning bad precedent. A grievous Supreme Court document leak indicated that the court may overturn Roe v. Wade. Big Tech and the leftist media have supported the leftist narrative on abortion by silencing pro-life content.

New NBC Show Character Refuses to Date ‘Black Republican’
NBC premiered its new series about a group of black friends in Los Angeles, Grand Crew, with a pilot episode that has a character fretting about dating a -- gasp! -- "black Republican."

Cabinet Contrast: Biden’s ‘Superheroes’ vs. Trump’s ‘Ignoramuses’
The transition has only just begun, but already the liberal media are fawning over Joe Biden’s “historic” choices to staff his administration, as he selects “very experienced,” “very diverse” and “not political” “adults in the room” who actually “know what they are doing.” The contrast with the media’s reaction to President-elect Trump’s selections four years ago could not be more stark.

Stooges at CNN Wounded That Trump Is Undoing THIS Obama Power Grab
On Thursday’s New Day, CNN co-host Alisyn Camerota brought on senior Washington correspondent Joe Johns to race bait over President Trump’s decision to rescind Barack Obama’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) policy. Johns unabashedly lied by claiming that Trump rescinded the policy to appeal to “white suburban voters” and to inflame “racial divisions and the racial culture…

Showtime’s ‘The Chi’ Hopes Teen Won't Be 'Next Ben Carson'
From its start, the third season of Showtime’s The Chi has focused on its anti-police narrative. The show has pushed other race based narratives, as well. July 12’s episode, “Gangway,” featured Kevin (Alex R. Hibbert) and his mother, Nina (Tyla…

TNT Show: New KKK Dress Code -- 'No Hoods Anymore, Just Red Hats'

Ten Questions NBC’s Debate Moderators Should Ask the Dem Candidates

MSNBC's Johnson: Trump Team 'Basically' Says 'I Hate Black People'
DUH: HUD Housing Should Put Americans First

The View: Carson Proves Trump Runs ‘Cult of Mentally Crazy People’