Lizz Winstead

Ready for ‘24? Here’s a Look at 2023’s Most-Read Items on NewsBusters
2024 is bound to be not only one of the most monumental years in American history, it ventures to be among the most chaotic. So, before we dive head first into 2024 at midnight, let’s look back one last time at 2023 to look at what stories you, the readers, visited the most on NewsBusters. As always, we can’t thank you enough for not only your readership, but also financial support. Amid a…

Daily Show Rants Against 'Anti-Abortion Garbage' Super Bowl Ads
Lizz Winstead, creator of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, really was not a fan of this year’s Super Bowl commercials. First she melted down over Fox crowning Greg Gutfled “the new king of late night” and on Monday’s edition of The Daily Show she lamented “A hundred million dollar ads with people who are funding anti-abortion garbage” while “we are having bake sales.”

Daily Show Creator Has Profane Meltdown Over Gutfeld Super Bowl Ad
Lizz Winstead, a creator of The Daily Show, oozed profane rage against Greg Gutfeld who has overwhelmed her old show in the ratings.

NY Times Demands Colleges Raise ‘Standard of Care,’ Provide Abortions
New York Times reporters pressed colleges to bow to the demands of left-wing activist students and provide abortion services to students in Wednesday’s “Colleges Are Resisting Demands to Provide the Abortion Pill.” Liberals say they're "pro-choice," not pro-abortion. But there's no doubt this newspaper promotes abortion as essential.

For Father's Day Weekend, MSNBC Urges Men to Support Abortion
Despite claiming to still be pro-life, former RNC chairman Michael Steele did nothing but lob softballs to Abortion Access Front founder Lizz Winstead and comedian W. Kamau Bell to promote a video they recently created for Father's Day about how it important it is for men to support abortion when he guest hosted MSNBC’s Velshi on Saturday.
Daily Beast: Pro-Lifers Are the 'Extremists' that Rioted at Capitol
Today would have been the 48th March for Life in DC where hundreds of thousands of pro-life Americans gather to unite against abortion. Though it is a civil event, the media is linking the Capitol rioters to the “dangerous extremists” taking part in this year's March for Life.

Baffled MSNBC: Wait, How Can Women Actually Support Trump?
MSNBC Live host Craig Melvin was confused on Tuesday how President Trump could have done better with white female voters in 2020 than 2016, after all he is a bad man with bad policies. The Daily Show co-creator and founder and CEO of Abortion Access Front Lizz Winstead agreed as was greatly alarmed that woman might not agree with her on abortion.

Can’t Touch This! Hollywood Struggles To Hurt Amy Coney Barrett
Supreme Court Justice Nominee Amy Coney Barrett is just too good. Not only is she a God-fearing conservative with pro-life views and seven children, she’s the reached the heights of career success that most secular liberal women only dream of.

Hollywood Sets April 30 Fundraiser to ‘Save Abortion’

Celebs On Warren's Exit: We'd Vote for ‘Coronavirus Before a Woman’
We always knew that once Elizabeth Warren had to exit the primary race there would be plenty of complaints that it was because she was a woman and America is a sexist place, especially from Hollywood. Though it’s pretty ironic to see the woke Hollywood crowd lecture the country about this.

Celebs Root for DC Swamp as They Boo Donald Trump at World Series

'Satisfying:' Vice Writer Learns to Give Abortions Using Papaya

Math Is Hard: Celebs, Journos Parrot Team USA’s ‘Equal Pay’ Demands