John Hinderaker

More Than 40 Conservative Orgs Sign Pledge to Reject Big Tech Money
More than 40 organizations have signed a pledge to reject money from Big Tech organizations like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Apple and others. In a separate statement, MRC Founder and President Brent Bozell stated, "We are sending this pledge to all conservative organizations and leaders and urging them to sign it. We must act together to end Silicon Valley’s corrupt grip over…

Conservative Leaders: Tech Companies Pose Existential Threat
Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell and more than 30 conservative leaders issued a statement Monday calling for the breakup of Big Tech companies including Amazon, Google, Facebook and Apple after their sweeping acts of censorship against conservatives and President Donald Trump this past week.

Conservative Leaders Call on Google: Stop Blocking Conservatives
On Tuesday, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell and other conservative leaders released a letter calling on Google to explain reports and allegations that the search engine is attempting to block conservative sites and exclude voices that don’t fit the liberal narrative. (A similar letter has also been sent to members of Congress, asking them to investigate.) The letter to Google can…

Newsweek Pulls Franken Story; What About AP's False Nik Cruz Stories?

AP's Paul Wiseman Smears GOP Tax Plan as 'Trickle Down'

Fake Fact Check: AP Won't Concede Truth of Trump's Economy Tweet

Press Ignores NY Times's Absurd 'Honest Mistake' Defense in Palin Suit

AP Howler: 'Many' Faced 'Insurmountable' Voting Barriers in Wisconsin

'Fact Checkers' Overwhelmingly Target Right-Wing Pols and Pundits

NYT's Steinhauer Commits Two Big Errors Covering Abortion Funding Vote

AP Takes One-Sided Hatchet to Trump's Tribute to Ryan and Carryn Owens

Two Trump Nominees Pass Committee Votes, AP Portrays GOP As Bullies

AP Melts Down Over Losing First-Question WH Presser Privilege