
‘Paw Patrol’ Spinoff Pushes Non-Binary Character By ‘Queer Mr. Rogers'
Normally when there are predators like this we try to keep them away from kids but not Nickelodeon who paid her to indoctrinate them.
Dogs, Pigs, and Ships: You Won’t Believe Who Beat Stelter on Sunday
On the latest edition of CNN’s lead Fox hatefest known as Reliable Sources, the Brian Stelter-helmed show suffered another pitiful showing in the ratings as, amongst all viewers in the 25-54 demographic, Stelter fetched only 85,000 viewers. And when examining a variety of other shows that aired on Sunday before, during, and after Stelter, the results weren’t pretty as, according to…

Here's the Reason for the Monumental Collapse of Nickelodeon
Linear television ratings are in a massive decline, whether they may be cable, satellite, or over-the-air antenna. And it has nothing to do with the increasing amount of one-sided ideology in a majority of mainstream TV (although it clearly doesn’t help the situation), it has to do with the mass migration towards a la carte streaming services – which allows consumers to watch any movie or TV…

Goodbye Childhood: 30 Kids Shows, Toys Push LGBTQ Agenda Over A Year
Once upon a time, parents could feel okay about letting their children watch cartoons or ogle the shelves of toy stores. Chances were good they’d come away with their innocence intact. No more. Progressive LGBT etc. propaganda now litters the cartoons, commercials and even the toy aisles.

Nickelodeon’s Pride Music Video Gets Kids To Love Trans/BLM Agenda
If your children have access to a screen and the internet they are in more danger than ever of being inundated with hyper-radical sexual politics. This Pride month, children’s programming outlets are pulling out the stops to make kids okay with the trans agenda.
Nickelodeon Series Features First-Ever Transgender Teen Actor
Just in case kids haven’t gotten the message that gender confusion is cool, Nickelodeon is offering yet more LGBTQRX (and sometimes Y) propaganda for juveniles. A new episode of the live-action series Danger Force will feature the first-ever transgender character and actor in…

Pregnant Actress 'Excited' to Take Baby to Pride March
This is probably obvious advice by now, but no one, and we mean NO ONE should be modeling their parenting skills off of Hollywood celebrities.
Gay Betty: Paramount+ Reboot Of ‘Rugrats’ Turns Mom Gay
Paramount+ is releasing new Rugrats reboot this month and its gonna be gay! Yeah baby! Your children are sure to appreciate this very inclusive update to the Rugrats lore. Unfortunately, we’re not being blessed with a gay baby. No, it's actually Phil and Lil’s mom Betty who is receiving a sexuality update. As pop culture outlet The AV Club says, Betty “has low-key always been a queer icon.”…

Pro-Abortion Kamala Honored as ‘Champion of Kids’ at Nick Awards
She should have gotten slimed, but on Saturday, actress Jennifer Garner praised pro-abortion Vice President Kamala Harris, declaring she’s had “a lifetime of being a champion of kids and family issues.” Even worse, Garner was peddling this lie to children!

New 'Blue's Clues' ABC Song Goes LGBTQIA
The past few years have seen a plethora of LGBTQIABCDEFG targeting of preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school audiences.

‘#1 Cable Network’ Nickelodeon Promotes ‘TransDayofVisibility’

Is ‘Garfield’ Creator Jim Davis Making a Business Mistake?

Revived Nickelodeon Show to Feature Trans Character Arc