Neil deGrasse Tyson

Neil DeGrasse Tyson Dodges On Male-Female Differences Being Scientific
On Friday’s episode of HBO’s Real Time, it was the best of host Bill Maher and it was the worst of Bill Maher. On one hand, Maher called out astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s unwillingness to upset the woke crowd when he refused to affirm that male and female differences are scientifically based. However, later, he falsely claimed the country has elected a female president, but “…
Steak-umms Fries Neil deGrasse Tyson on Twitter
Steak-umms and Tyson are beefing. Not the frozen chicken nuggets brand. Rather, it’s the famous (and infamously insufferable) astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, and the two are hashing it out over matters of epistemology, the validity and scope of scientific fact, and its correspondence with objective truth.

Seth MacFarlane Claims Fox News Channel Is ‘Incredibly Destructive’

Neil DeGrasse Tyson Accused of Abuse. Where’s the #MeToo Crowd?

'Bill Nye' Guest Rips Religion: 'Higher Power' Is Neil deGrasse Tyson

DeGrasse Tyson: Climate Deniers ‘Unraveling’ ‘Informed Democracy’

CNN Howler: Abraham Lincoln Was Pro-Science Back in... 1963?

Charlie Rose: 'Do We Have Too Many Scientific Deniers?'
60 Minutes Hypes Neil deGrasse Tyson, But Skips Fake Quotes, Errors

Say What? Resolve to Ignore These Media ‘Experts’ in 2015

Maher: ObamaCare ‘So Much More of a Significant Achievement than Lan

Salon: Experts Like Piketty and Tyson Prove That Science Has a Liberal