Google Buries Trump Campaign Website After Bombshell Trial Verdict

June 4th, 2024 1:17 PM

Google buried former President Trump's campaign website in search results after a guilty verdict in a case backed by George Soros-supported prosecutor Alvin Bragg. Despite Trump's donation website experiencing high traffic, it didn't appear on the first page of Google search results a day after the verdict. An analysis by MRC Free Speech America found all other 2024 presidential candidates'…


Media Loved Interviewing Trump's 2020 Rivals, But Not Biden's in 2024

March 21st, 2024 12:00 PM

In 2020 and 2024 respectively, GOP President Donald Trump and Democratic President Joe Biden each faced three longshot primary challengers, but the media coverage of these campaigns was vastly different, a NewsBusters study has found.

Column: Joe Biden Squashes the Primaries in Darkness

January 17th, 2024 6:16 AM

Joe Biden's presidency is bursting with all the swagger and success of Jimmy Carter. There are even six American hostages in Israel. His polling is absolutely dismal. But Carter faced a rough primary season with Ted Kennedy in 1980. The Democrats and their media allies have suppressed all primary opponents for Biden.

Google Search Buries Biden Opponents — Again

September 27th, 2023 11:15 AM

Is Google shilling for Biden? It appears so, as its search engine once again buried Republican “presidential campaign websites.” 


CNN's New Day Presses GOP Guest on Guns, Soft on Dems

August 8th, 2019 11:48 AM
On Wednesday's New Day show, CNN was still showing its transparent bias in favor of more restrictions on gun rights as gun control skeptic Congressman Brian Babin was pressed on his views while supporters of gun control were allow to give their prescriptions for more gun control with little challenge.

Marianne Williamson and the ‘Dark Psychic Forces’ of the Media

August 3rd, 2019 4:00 PM
Democratic presidential candidate and self-proclaimed “spiritual leader” Marianne Williamson made headlines in the first of the recent Democratic debates in Detroit by saying this of the water crisis that has plagued nearby Flint, Michigan. Said she, as reported here by USA Today: 

Witches for Williamson! Really.

August 1st, 2019 3:55 PM
Sure, to most normal Americans Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson sounds like some hippy dippy weirdo. That’s the joke. But then again, we have our chakras out of alignment, because there are some very serious witches out there who believe there is some spiritual power behind Williamson’s debate night talk of “dark psychic forces.”

ABC Avoids Williamson’s Wacky Beliefs on Vaccines, Darth Vader

August 1st, 2019 2:08 AM
In a post debate segment, ABC’s Nightline on Wednesday night profiled Marianne Williamson, avoiding her weird and wacky beliefs on vaccines and AIDS virus being represented by Darth Vader. Instead, reporter Marci Gonzalez enthused, “She's taking her passionate case far beyond her fan base.” Hinting at her unusual beliefs, the reporter noted, “she is also focused on this spiritual climate of…

YIKES: MSNBC Panelists Were NOT Happy 2020 Dems Bashed Obama!

August 1st, 2019 12:12 AM

Unlike their late-night analysis after Tuesday’s debate, MSNBC had their acts together on Wednesday night, putting together in many of their initial takes a near-unanimous message that former Vice President Joe Biden was on the defensive and that it was an abomination how many of the Democratic presidential candidates condemned the Obama administration.


CNN's April Ryan Gushes Over Dems Talking Slavery Reparations

July 31st, 2019 6:11 PM
On Wednesday's New Day show, during a panel discussion of the previous night's Democratic presidential debate, CNN political analyst April Ryan gushed over candidate Marianne Williamson because she brought up the issue of the U.S. government making reparations for slavery.

Scarborough Goes Full-Tilt Liberal, Rips Trump Judicial Appointments

July 31st, 2019 11:42 AM
On Morning Joe, discussing last night's Democrat debate, Joe Scarborough says Americans don't want to hear about the details of the Bernie Sanders "Medicare for All" plan. Instead, says Scarborough, they want to hear about how President Trump is a bigot and a racist, and how "he's appointing federal judges that don't respect precedent." As if liberal judges never overturn precedent? 

'The Daily Show' Hails Williamson, Warren as Debate Winners

July 31st, 2019 1:04 AM
Let the clown games recommence! Tuesday marked night one of the second round of Democratic presidential primary debates and late-night leftist zealot Trevor Noah did not waste any time on The Daily Show following the debates to crown two candidates victorious for their performances.

CBS Highlights Unnamed, Mystery ‘Moderates’ on Dem Debate Stage

July 30th, 2019 1:06 PM
Some of the coverage of the 2020 Democratic presidential field, even in the liberal media, has noted just how progressive the candidates are. Yet, CBS This Morning on Tuesday highlighted unnamed mystery “moderates” amongst the liberals. Reporter Ed O’Keefe began by describing the ideology of Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren: “Two like-minded liberals who we know spent time together in…

12 Comcast/NBC Execs Funded Harris Campaign Before Debate

July 29th, 2019 9:56 AM
Not only did NBC debate moderators give California Sen. Kamala Harris extra time during its June debate, it turns out twelve executives from NBC Universal and parent company Comcast gave her campaign cash too. NBC was ready to crown Harris the victor after its two-night, Democratic debates June 26 and 27. In various programming the network heaped praise on the “breakout star,” calling her “brave…