Julianne Moore

50 Hollywood Hypocrites Who Loved Violent BLM, Condemn Capitol Riots
The liberal media and Hollywood left are telling you the Capitol riots were “atrocities,” an “armed insurrection” and “violent sedition against our government” and trying to link all Trump supporters to them. Over 50 Hollywood celebrities celebrated one set of riots and criticized the other. Famous people like Rob Reiner, Ron Perlman and Seth Rogen claimed that the events on January 6 were a “…

White Celebs Release New Cringey PSA: ‘I Take Responsibility’
Celebrities are at it again, virtue signaling their little hearts out for whatever left-wing cause is currently trendy. This time, it’s white celebs specifically who have come together to collectively “take responsibility” for … I dunno, systemic racism, I guess?

Celebs Attack 2nd Amendment, ‘Hater in Chief’ Trump After Shootings

‘What Leadership Looks Like’: Hollywood Swoons Over NZ Gun Control
Welcome back to Hollywood’s little fantasy roundtable about how “heartless” America is and how progressive countries show us “what leadership looks like.”

When Clueless Actresses Thought Blackface Northam ‘Said No to Racism’

Hollywood Liberals Out for Blood in Wake of Kavanaugh Accusation

‘Your Prayers Don’t Work’; Hollywood Uses Shooting to Push Gun Control

Celebrity Lefties Push for Dem in VA Gov Race: ‘Say No To Racism’

George Clooney’s Liberal Drama Rages Against ‘50s America

Bozell & Graham Column: Hollywood Never Apologizes for Ultraviolence

Celebs Urge: ‘Reject NRA’s Dangerous Agenda’, But Use Guns for Careers

What? MSNBC’s Wallace Compares Weinstein Scandal to Working for Palin

The Real Vegas Villains? Media Blame Gun Owners For Latest Shooting
The media’s inevitable exploitation of the Las Vegas shooting to rip up the Second Amendment was sickeningly swift. Not even 24 hours passed before journalists had began badgering politicians for more gun control and even worse, disgustingly blaming gun owners for the bloody attack. One CBS employee actually said she wasn’t “even sympathetic” because “country music fans often are Republican…