RIGGED: NPR Invites Jen 'Right Turn' Rubin to Assess Press v. Sanders

August 4th, 2018 9:16 AM
NPR has invited on a rotating group of liberal and conservative panelists in recent months for their Week In Review panel on All Things Considered. On Friday night, they rigged that system by matching a topic with a "conservative." The topic was whether Sarah Huckabee Sanders was right to complain that the media "attacked me personally." The "conservative was Jennifer Rubin -- described by NPR…

On July 4, NPR Replay: How 'God Bless America' Is a 'Syrupy' Whitewash

July 6th, 2018 7:01 AM
NPR has a habit -- call it "counterintuitive" -- of trashing popular beliefs on major holidays (or holy days). On Good Friday in 2008, for example, NPR's Fresh Air rebroadcast a guest who trashed Christianity. On July 4, 2018, All Things Considered replayed a five-year-old interview suggesting the beloved patriotic song "God Bless America" annoys "many" with its "syrupy nationalism and…

NPR Host Laughs at Conservative for Mocking Dems' 'Venezuelan Wing'

June 30th, 2018 10:33 PM
Conservative attorney Gayle Trotter was invited to sit in the "conservative" analyst seat in NPR's Week in Politics segment on Friday's All Things Considered, and shocked anchor Audie Cornish by identifying socialist Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as part of the "Venezuelan wing of the Democratic Party." Cornish said she had to "pause for that," and then laughed at her. It wasn't an "objective…

NPR Plays Up 'Distinct Disappointment' in Ruling on Trump Travel Ban

June 28th, 2018 7:24 PM
Tuesday's All Things Considered on NPR targeted the Supreme Court's decision that upheld President Donald Trump's travel ban. Host Mary Louise Kelly touted that "the Court's conservatives plac[ed] few limits on presidential power" on the issue. Nina Totenburg lined up three legal experts who all expressed "distinct disappointment" in the high court's ruling. Totenburg also spotlighted that the…

NPR Plays Up Irish Church Scandals In Abortion Vote Coverage

May 26th, 2018 10:51 AM
On Thursday's All Things Considered, NPR predictably hyped the impact of scandals involving the Catholic Church during their coverage of Ireland's abortion vote. Correspondent Alice Fordham noted that "during this ferociously noisy national debate [over abortion], the Church's role has seemed muted." She emphasized that "the Church's credibility in Ireland has suffered, after investigations…

NPR Touts 'Underground Railroad' For Abortion in Ireland

March 23rd, 2018 5:01 PM
NPR's All Things Considered on Thursday promoted an activist's own spin about her abortion campaign in Ireland, which likened the cause to the 19th-century effort that helped slaves escape bondage in the Southern United States. Lauren Frayer spotlighted how "there's a sort of modern-day underground railroad discreetly shuttling thousands of Irish women to abortion clinics" outside of the Emerald…

NPR Alarmed by Conservatives at HHS Defending Religious Freedom

March 23rd, 2018 6:51 AM
Liberal National Public Radio expressed alarm on Tuesday that religious conservatives inside the Trump administration are pushing "discrimination" against women seeking abortions and people seeking "gender affirming" surgery. Roger Severino runs a new office at the Department of Health and Human Services defending the religious freedom of health care providers. Liberals don't see religious…

Amanpour Claims a 'Current Extreme Orthodoxy We All Live In' on Sex

March 18th, 2018 11:29 PM
CNN host Christiane Amanpour appeared on Saturday night's All Things Considered on NPR to plug her news series Sex and Love Around the World. Amanpour suggested everywhere in world, "sex is taboo," and we all sufffer in "the current extreme orthodoxy that we all live in, especially around the topic of sex." What world is she describing??

NPR Censors Pro-Gun Rights Voices in Boycott, Divestment Coverage

February 27th, 2018 3:44 PM
NPR couldn't be bothered to include pro-gun rights talking heads in their Monday coverage of boycotts targeting the National Rifle Association and gun manufacturers. Morning Edition featured pro-gun control activist Shannon Watts during their report on the "more than a dozen companies...cutting ties with the National Rifle Association." However, the program merely read an excerpt from a NRA…

Director of Marx Movie to NPR: Marxism Had 'Nothing To Do' With USSR

February 26th, 2018 3:06 PM
Raoul Peck, the director of the new film, The Young Karl Marx, acclaimed the 19th-century radical leftist on Sunday's All Things Considered on NPR: "Today, his [Marx's] analyses are even more urgent and necessary than before." Anchor Sarah McCammon pointed out, "But hasn't this been tried before many times? I mean, Marx's ideas pervaded, for instance, the Soviet Union." Peck denied this historic…

Leftist Media Mourn 'Cultural Appropriation' of the Dead at Super Bowl

February 6th, 2018 4:53 PM
While the Super Bowl had no hint of a national-anthem protest, liberals still found something to be angry about – “cultural appropriation” of two famous black men. Washington Post reporting intern Sonia Rao began: “In 2018, we heard Martin Luther King Jr speak and saw Prince perform during the Supreme Bowl....Both instances sparked immediate backlash online.” NPR implied that somehow you can't…

NPR: Nunes Memo a 'Strange Episode' of GOP Attacking 'Law and Order'

February 3rd, 2018 7:28 AM
On NPR’s All Things Considered on Friday night, anchor Mary Louise Kelly dismissed the whole thing as a “strange episode” where the Republicans, “the party of law and order, [was] attacking the bureau charged with enforcing law and order in this country.” Somehow, it’s not a “strange episode” that NPR is sticking up for the integrity of the FBI, when just days ago, they were reminding listeners…

NPR Lets Maroon 5 Member Compare Christians Backing Trump to Slavery

January 29th, 2018 10:04 PM
On Sunday, NPR host Michel Martin interviewed Maroon 5 keyboardist P.J. Morton on his solo record and a song that “caught my ear” called “Religion.” The lyrics included: “I don't think I like your religion. Don't always make the best decisions. Not saying you don't have good intentions. I know that you are only human.” Of course, this song was about evangelicals and Donald Trump, and somehow,…

Righty on NPR: Top Immigrants 'Treated Worse Than the Tsarnaev Family'

January 14th, 2018 9:29 PM
In the midst of reports of the president’s unfortunate reference to immigration from “s---hole” countries, the PBS NewsHour analysts were agreeing with each other on everything on Friday, but NPR’s Week in Review segment brought listeners an actual debate. Conservative Orange County Register columnist John Phillips was back to shock NPR snobs with a pro-Trump set of arguments.