
MSNBC Guest Cheers ‘Conservatives’ like Scarborough Quitting GOP

July 13th, 2017 7:43 PM

If you’re a regular NewsBusters reader and not chuckling after reading the above headline, kudos to you. Wednesday night on MSNBC’s The Last Word, former CIA official and MSNBC analyst Ned Price expressed hope that more Republicans and “principled conservatives” follow supposed compatriot Joe Scarborough in rejecting Trump by leaving the party.

CNN Journalists Melt Down On Twitter Over ‘Violent’ Trump WWE Tweet

July 3rd, 2017 11:18 AM
This past weekend a fan of President Trump took an old video of Trump participating in fake television wrestling, put CNN’s logo in place of the person Trump was pretending to punch and made a gif out of it. Trump then retweeted the gif, to the media’s dismay. Predictably, journalists took to Twitter to spin this silly photoshopped tweet as a violent threat against all journalists. CNN…

Frum Opposes ObamaCare Repeal, Admits Only GOPer Over Foreign Policy

June 29th, 2017 8:30 AM
On Tuesday's The 11th Hour with Brian Williams on MSNBC, it was another case of an alleged Republican pushing a left-leaning point-of-view instead of a conservative one as The Atlantic senior editor, former George W. Bush speech writer, and recurring MSNBC guest David Frum argued against Republican efforts to make substantial changes to ObamaCare. At one point, he even admitted he only considers…

Celebs Brazenly Politicize Scalise Shooting, Declare ‘Too Many Guns’

June 14th, 2017 12:34 PM
After House Majority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise, of LA. was shot gunman opened fire at a GOP baseball practice in Alexandria, VA., celebrities were more concerned with the politics of gun control than the fact that a U.S. congressman was shot. Mia Farrow, previous wife of Frank Sinatra and star in The Great Gatsby (1974), tweeted:

Shameful: Journalists Immediately Politicize Congressional Shooting

June 14th, 2017 10:25 AM
Minutes after Representative Steve Scalise and several congressional aides on Wednesday were shot while practicing for a baseball game, journalists on MSNBC and Twitter immediately politicized the attempted massacre, offering calls for gun control. 

On CNN, Atlantic's Frum Slams Limbaugh; Injects Race into MT Assault

May 26th, 2017 4:25 PM
On Friday's New Day on CNN, during a discussion in which panel members fretted over Republican reaction to GOP Rep.-elect Greg Gianforte violently attacking a reporter, The Atlantic's David Frum managed to inject race into the discussion as he theorized about what Rush Limbaugh would have done if Gianforte were a black Democrat. Frum: "Had the congressman been a black Democrat, imagine what Rush…

Pathetic David Frum Ties Trump Intel Leak to Manchester Terror Attack

May 23rd, 2017 2:11 AM
While the scene in England’s Manchester Arena was still a crime scene following Tuesday night’s terror attack, frequent MSNBC guest, The Atlantic writer, and former Bush administration official David Frum thought it was crucial to tie the bombing to President Trump’s intelligence leak. 

Nation Columnist: Almost All Righty Pundits Specialize in ‘Bulls**t’

May 20th, 2017 10:59 AM
The Nation’s Eric Alterman doesn’t mind that a few weeks ago, The New York Times added another conservative op-ed columnist. He just wishes it hadn’t been the “awful” Bret Stephens, who used to write for “the rubes who believe what they read in Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal” but now is tasked with impressing the “smarter and more sophisticated” readership of the Times.

Sportswriter: Liberal Dominance of His Field ‘Suits Me Just Fine’

February 18th, 2017 4:03 PM
Lateral movement in one direction or the other routinely comes into play in sports. That’s not the case in sports media, which almost always go to the left. “Today, sportswriting is basically a liberal profession,” declared Bryan Curtis in a Thursday piece for The Ringer. Curtis noted that “Donald Trump’s election was merely an accelerant for a change that was already sweeping across…

Salon Writer Warns That ‘The GOP Zombie Cannot Be Killed’

November 3rd, 2016 4:48 PM
David Frum’s book assessing the conservatism of the early-to-middle 1990s was called Dead Right. If Gary Legum wrote a book about today’s conservatives, he might call it Undead Right. “The GOP is a zombie party, shambling across the countryside, spreading terror and devouring any living creature it comes across,” declared Legum last Friday. “But unlike in, say…a George Romero movie, you can’t…

David Frum: ‘Doofus’ Trump to Blame For Melania’s Plagiarism

July 21st, 2016 1:50 PM
According to reform conservative (or former conservative) Frum, Republicans in Cleveland were feeling “embattled, defensive, and pessimistic” before the Melania Trump plagiarism story broke. Now, Frum speculated in a Tuesday piece for The Atlantic, “that mood of pessimism must be even grayer,” and since he lays out “ten reasons why Melania Trump’s speech matters and will continue to matter,” he…

David Frum Counts Ways Right’s to Blame For Trump ‘Catastrophe’

June 2nd, 2016 6:42 PM
Next month, on the forty-seventh anniversary of the first manned lunar landing, the Republican party is virtually certain to make Donald Trump its 2016 presidential nominee, a choice that so-called reform conservative Frum suggests has more in common with Apollo 13 than with Apollo 11. “Whatever happens in November,” wrote Frum in a Tuesday Atlantic essay, “conservatives and Republicans will have…

David Frum: ‘True Conservatives’ a ‘Pitiful Minority’ of the GOP

May 2nd, 2016 9:34 PM
In March of 2013, the Republican National Committee issued what soon became known as the “autopsy report,” which discussed how the party might improve its chances of winning presidential elections. Last Thursday in The Atlantic, reform conservative (or former conservative) Frum provided the GOP with a sort of pre-autopsy document that it might consult after Donald Trump’s “almost certain failure…

Fake Republican Frum Warns GOP Could Lose Everything Without Trump

April 1st, 2016 4:23 PM
Fake Republican and Senior editor for the Atlantic David Frum shared a dire warning for the Republican Party with Andrea Mitchell on Friday. “[Donald Trump] went to the Republican National Committee to deliver a pretty clear threat, If I'm denied this nomination, I will burn this party down,” Frum claimed, trying to fear monger the party into nominating Trump.