
NY Times Writer So Lame on Immigration That David Frum Objected!

June 25th, 2019 8:30 AM

On Ari Melber's MSNBC show, Mara Gay, a member of the New York Times editorial board, argues that the US should admit Central Americans fleeing "domestic violence." David Frum rebuts, saying the asylum system is designed to address cases of individual governmental persecution, not people's personal troubles. He also refutes Gay's claim that violence is on the rise in Central America, pointing…


CNN Seeks to Improve Trust in the Media … Among Democrats

January 6th, 2019 4:36 PM
It’s a new year, so CNN media reporter Brian Stelter decided to dedicate a lot of Sunday’s Reliable Sources (the first episode of the year) to starting things off on the right foot by trying to improve the liberal media’s trust with the public. Unfortunately, he was only interested in improving it with only half the country. The left half to be precise. Throughout the program, he queried his…

On CNN, David Frum Suggests Trump 'Mentally Unstable or a Criminal'

December 10th, 2018 10:02 PM
During Sunday’s edition of Reliable Sources, the panel engaged in quite a bit of hyperbole when reacting to the latest developments in the Mueller investigation. Baltimore Sun Media Critic David Zurawik likened the Trump v. Mueller narrative, which he described as “a man of rectitude who believes in the rule of law versus a man who will say anything, who scorns law,” to a “battle for our national…

Frum: Trump Is ‘Punishment’ for Terrible Citizens Not Liking the News

June 10th, 2018 4:10 PM

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a very real affliction that plagues many in the liberal media and many in the anti-Trump crowd. During an appearance on CNN’s Reliable Sources on Sunday, David Frum, a faux Republican and editor for the left-leaning Atlantic, showed off how advanced his TDS was when he decried President Trump ahead of the historic North Korea summit as a cruel “punishment” against…


Tucker Slams Media for Finding Melania ‘Guilty’ of Being a Trump

June 6th, 2018 10:00 AM
Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson was on fire from the get-go Tuesday night, as he took the liberal media to task for pushing outlandish and wicked conspiracy theories regarding Melania Trump’s health and suggesting her marriage was abusive.

Never Trumper David Frum Worries About Anti-Trump Looniness

February 14th, 2018 3:32 PM
The anti-Trump opposition to President Donald Trump has gotten so loony that even Never Trumper David Frum is now worried that their crazed rantings will undermine the case against Trump. The senior editor of The Atlantic expressed his concerns in that periodical today with The Anti-Trump Recoil Goes Too Far:

Tomasky in NYRB on Trump, ‘The Worst of the Worst,’ Inciting Violence

February 6th, 2018 3:13 PM
The New York Review of Books February 22 issue prominently displayed journalist Michael Tomasky’s blessing of two virulently anti-Trump books, Michael Wolff’s infamous Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, and the anti-conservative jeremiad Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republican by David Frum. The NYRB’s cover teaser read “Fire in the White House.” The review's title was “…

Atlantic’s Frum Scoffs Before SOTU: ‘You Can Train a Seal to Behave'

January 29th, 2018 10:46 AM
The media has been hard at work discrediting and downplaying President Trump’s first State of the Union address before it even happens. The annual presidential address will happen tomorrow evening on January 30, but on CNN’s New Day Monday, the liberal network was already whining that whatever Trump said would have no impact, because his presidency was irredeemable, by this time anyway.

Melber: 'War on Christmas' Concerns Are 'Ignorant' or Anti-Semitic

December 27th, 2017 2:09 PM
On Tuesday's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC, substitute host Ari Melber suggested that conservatives who are concerned about there being a "war on Christmas" are either motivated by "ignorance" or by anti-Semitism as he fretted over President Donald Trump speaking on the subject.

CNN Media Panel: Our Fake News Stories Are Why You Should Trust Us

December 10th, 2017 5:06 PM
In one of the most asinine discussions about the liberal media’s credibility problem, CNN host Brian Stelter took to Reliable Sources on Sunday to defend his outlet and the rest of the media for the latest swarm of fake news stories plaguing the country. And offering no apology to the public for muddying the discourse, Stelter defended their precious anonymous sources while his guests claimed…

Journalists Whine About Guns After Terrorist Uses Truck to Kill 8

November 1st, 2017 10:41 AM
The morning after a deadly terror attack in lower Manhattan, journalists in the left-wing media couldn’t get their heads around a deadly attack that didn’t involve guns. Eight people were killed and several others injured in New York City Tuesday afternoon, after an Islamic radical motivated by ISIS mowed down pedestrians in a bike path. Liberal journalists took to Twitter, and some even used…

Salon's Top '25 Conservatives' Are Nearly All Anti-Trump Liberals

October 16th, 2017 11:58 AM
Over the weekend, liberal online magazine Salon put out a highly mockable list of their top “25 Conservatives Actually Worth Following on Twitter.” The story made a splash on social media, because it seemed Salon’s only criteria for being a “worthy conservative” is that you had to be an outspoken “Never-Trumper” and a frequent, fierce critic of the right. 

MSNBC Republican: 'You're a Bad Parent If You Have a Gun in the House'

October 4th, 2017 10:33 AM
On Tuesday's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, frequent MSNBC Republican guest David Frum lamented over the trend towards loosening gun laws -- even after high-profile mass shootings -- and then predicted that it would be necessary to convince gun owners that "you're a bad parent if you have a gun in the house" to get the public to support more gun restrictions.  

Rob Reiner Says ‘People Discount CNN’ As ‘Fake News’ Because of Russia

September 19th, 2017 4:19 PM
Russia gets a lot of attention in the media. Not because it’s super-important, but because the media can’t wait to validate their obsession with it, and in the meantime, it’s a handy club to beat Donald Trump with.