Ron Klain

OUCH: KJP Gets Waxed by Fox’s Heinrich, Lawrence on the Economy
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre went solo for Thursday’s White House press briefing, so she shouldered all the questions, including the Middle East and the economy. It was on this latter topic where she was put through the gauntlet by Fox News’s Jacqui Heinrich and Fox Business’s Edward Lawrence as they called out the administration’s channeling of Jim Carey in Dumb and Dumber in…

Colbert, Klain Boast Of Biden's 'Give 'Em Hell' SOTU
CBS host of The Late Show, Stephen Colbert may have had the week of the State of the Union address off, but that did not prevent him and former White House chief of staff Ron Klain from gloating over the moment where President Biden gave the false impression Republicans are demanding cuts to Social Security and Medicare on Monday’s show.

On PBS, David Brooks Puts Biden Aide Ron Klain on Santa's 'Nice' List
On Friday, PBS NewsHour anchor Judy Woodruff asked their regular pundits David Brooks and Jonathan Capehart who should be on Santa's Naughty List and Nice List. Brooks suggested a model train set for "long-suffering, neglected" White House chief of staff Ron Klain, since "The White House has had a good year."

The Certitude of Ineptitude
I really am flummoxed by the ineptitude of President Joe Biden and his chief of staff, Ron Klain. Biden has been a Washington politician for half a century, including eight years as vice president and before that a senior senator. Klain is a consummate Washington insider, having worked for Janet Reno, Al Gore, Biden and others. How are they this inept? Last summer, the border got swamped with…

Doocy Pushes Psaki on Calls for Special Counsel to Probe Hunter Biden
Tuesday during a late-afternoon Psaki Show, Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy questioned the White House press secretary over calls for Attorney General Merrick Garland to appoint a special counsel to give full independence from the Biden White House to investigate First Son Hunter Biden and his life of corruption. Predictably, Psaki wanted nothing to do with this.

PRIORITIES: CBS, NBC Worry Putin Will Upstage Biden during SOTU Speech
This is where the leftist media’s priorities lie. On Tuesday evening, while previewing President Joe Biden’s upcoming State of the Union address, both CBS’s Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell and NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt worried that Russian President Vladimir Putin could potentially “upstage” Biden during his speech by launching a “deadly attack” on Ukraine.

Ron Klain Mocked for Hyping Article: '2021 Wasn't All Bad'
White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain was mocked on Twitter for hyping an Al Hunt flack piece called "2021 Wasn't All Bad."

Ron Klain Reminds Us of Elites and Their Elitism
“They said you were high class, but that was just a lie.” – Elvis Presley, “Hound Dog” White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain brought criticism on himself last week when he retweeted a post from Harvard economist Jason Furman. Furman claimed that rising inflation and nationwide supply chain issues that have delayed products from reaching store shelves is a “high-class problem.” Klain’s…

Jacqui Time: FNC’s Heinrich Blasts Psaki on Klain’s ‘Tone Deaf’ Tweets
With Thursday’s White House press briefing continuing to focus on the supply chain crisis amid rapid gains in inflation triggering price increases on basic necessities affecting all Americans, Fox’s Jacqui Heinrich blasted Press Secretary Jen Psaki over Chief of Staff Ron Klain’s “tone deaf” tweets from Wednesday agreeing with a statement that such problems are “high class issues.”

Column: Team Biden Lies About Vaccines Under Trump
Team Biden has a persistent lying problem when it comes to the Trump administration’s supposedly terrible record on vaccines. On NBC, Biden's chief of staff Ron Klain said “We inherited a vaccine system that was moving at a snail's pace and we've had to accelerate. We've had to go buy hundreds of millions of doses of vaccine that hadn't been ordered."
Flashback: HBO's 'Recount' Questioned 2000 Election Results
Despite denouncing those who question the 2020 election results, liberals hailed just such questioning about the 2000 election in the HBO film, Recount.
ABC Presses Biden Chief of Staff for Investigations of Trump, Admin
After the liberal media spent years accusing the Department of Justice under President Trump of just being a tool for a corrupt president to investigate and prosecute political enemies (which it never was), ABC chief anchor George Stephanopoulos was demanding such of the incoming Biden administration. During a Sunday interview with Biden Chief of Staff Ron Klain on This Week, the…

CNN Thrilled By Biden's Chief of Staff Pick: 'Totally Trusted Person'
CNN and the other leftist-aligned networks have a much different opinion of Joe Biden’s Chief of Staff pick then they did of then-President-Elect Trump’s in 2016. Readers may remember that the media grilled Reince Preibus when he was announced. They certainly didn’t…