
Nets Join Dems in Painting Gun Rights Advocates as Violent Terrorists

January 17th, 2020 1:05 PM

On Thursday and Friday, all three broadcast networks eagerly joined Virginia Democrats in attempting to smear gun rights advocates in the commonwealth as violent, racist terrorists who were plotting “a rerun of the deadly Charlottesville protests.” Reporters seized on Governor Ralph Northam declaring a “state of emergency” ahead of a pro-Second Amendment rally at the statehouse in Richmond.…


CNN Fears Gun Rights Supporters Could Cause Violence in Richmond

January 15th, 2020 6:57 PM
Wednesday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom ended with host Brooke Baldwin and correspondent Jason Carroll serving as chief fear mongerers on behalf of “Governor Blackface” Ralph Northam (D-VA), parroting fears that Monday’s Lobby Day in support of the Second Amendment could bring violence a la Charlottesville. Baldwin also repeatedly fixated on the event and the possibility of violence falling on Martin…

Virginia’s Second Amendment Attack

December 26th, 2019 11:11 AM
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam apologized for his medical school blackface stunt, but he will have much more to apologize for if he signs into law a bill that attacks Virginia citizens' Second Amendment rights. The measure is Senate Bill 16, which would ban “assault” firearms and certain firearm magazines. Since Democrats have seized control of Virginia's General Assembly, they are likely to…

Virginia Dem Sues CBS Over Interviews With Sexual Assault Accusers

September 13th, 2019 6:30 PM

Earlier this year, Virginia was rocked by scandals involving the top two Democratic officials in the state. First was Governor Ralph Northam, who was criticized for appearing in blackface in an old yearbook, and soon after, Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax faced accusations of sexual assault. While the controversies have not resulted in either Democrat stepping down, Fairfax brought the…


ABC, CBS Tout VA Black Caucus Boycotting Trump, Ignore Racist Gov.

July 30th, 2019 8:59 PM
At an event in Jamestown, Virginia Tuesday, President Trump celebrated the contributions African-Americans have to American society: “African Americans have built, strengthened, inspired, uplifted, protected, defended, and sustained our nation.” But ABC’s World News Tonight and CBS Evening News instead chose to hype the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus who boycotted the event with Democratic…

MSNBC Tries to Help Scandal-Plagued Northam Push Gun Control

June 4th, 2019 5:21 PM
In an effort to exploit Friday’s tragic shooting at a Virginia Beach municipal building that killed 12 people, Virginia Democratic Governor Ralph Northam called on the state legislature to pass new gun restrictions. On Tuesday, MSNBC naturally brought him on for an interview to help push the issue, though anchor Kasie Hunt admitted it would be a challenge given his recent scandals.

Sacha Baron Cohen Made Comedy Show to ‘Express Rage,’ ‘Anger’

May 23rd, 2019 6:30 PM
How dark are things in Trump’s America? So bad that left-wing comedian Sacha Baron Cohen told Variety, “[W]e are past that point” where politics is no longer funny and “there is a danger” to not taking things seriously. “I think you need people to remain repulsed,” he said, urging them to keep up “their passion, and bring it to the voting booth.”

CNN: Pro-Lifers Are Now ‘On the Defensive’ Like Ralph Northam!

May 21st, 2019 4:07 PM

Tuesday afternoon on CNN, Inside Politics and CNN Right Now compared conservatives and Republicans nationwide seeking to advance pro-life legislation to the scandal-ridden Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (D) after he made his comments endorsing infanticide. Their rationale? Well, in both cases, those two sides found themselves “on the defensive.” Yes, really.


Camerota Falsely Claims Left Doesn't Want Extreme, Late-Term Abortions

May 17th, 2019 5:45 PM
During an interview on Friday’s New Day with Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, CNN co-host Alisyn Camerota falsely claimed that Democrats support extreme, late-term abortions so close to a woman’s due date, including comments by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (D) that have been seen by many as promoting infanticide.

AP 'Fact Check': Trump 'Maliciously False' on After-Birth Abortions

May 14th, 2019 1:34 PM
The "fact checkers" at Associated Press were the latest to fulminate against President Trump mocking Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam about executing babies born alive after an abortion attempt. The tweet was mockable: "The reality behind President Trump's false accusation that abortion doctors execute babies." Apparently, abortion doctors just kill....germs? Cellular clumps? 

Cuomo Accuses Santorum of 'Lying' on Abortion, Violating His Faith

May 7th, 2019 9:22 PM
On Monday's Cuomo Prime Time, as Chris Cuomo moderated a debate between left and right on new state laws that challenge Roe v. Wade, the CNN anchor blatantly advocated the liberal point of view as he fretted that such laws take America "backwards," and even accused former Republican Senator Rick Santorum of violating his Catholic faith by "lying" about the issue.

Media: Northam/Trump After-Birth Abortion Description is ‘Incendiary'

April 29th, 2019 3:52 PM
Do you “Easter Worshippers” ever get the feeling there’s a single left-wing PR shop out there writing talking points for Democrats and, I dunno, every liberal media outlet? I mean, you expect lefties to get huffy when you repeat their actual positions back to them in plain English, as  President Trump did that to them about abortion at an April 27 Green Bay, Wis. rally. But what are the chances…

Mitchell 'Fact-Checks' Trump's 'False Claims About Late-Term Abortion'

April 29th, 2019 2:35 PM
MSNBC pushed hard for the extreme practice of late term abortion Monday, after serving up the same radical agenda just two weeks ago. On Andrea Mitchell Reports the host fretted to pro-abortion Democrat and Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney over President Trump’s “false claims” about Democrats wanting to let babies who survived abortions, die.Mitchell even quoted a pro-abortion activist group…

NY Times Can't Figure Out Why Va. Scandals Faded: It Starts With (D)

April 3rd, 2019 10:17 PM
New York Times reporter Campbell Robertson was puzzled, wondering how the February scandals of Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, accused of posing either in a Klan hood or blackface, and Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, accused by two women of sexual assault, somehow faded into the ether. Actually there’s no mystery: It’s because the politicians are Democrats, and Republicans threaten to take over the…