Column: Trashing Trump In Prime Time

June 17th, 2020 6:12 AM

John Bolton recorded an interview promoting his new book for a prime time special on ABC, just like James Comey received a prime time special on ABC for an anti-Trump book. Now try to remember any Obama insider in a prime time special for a "tell all" book on Obama. Instead, ABC had a prime time special promoting Michelle Obama's book. 


Brad Pitt Panders: This Speech Is '45 Seconds More' Than John Bolton

February 9th, 2020 9:07 PM
The first half hour of the 92nd Academy Awards started off very woke on Sunday night on ABC, from the opening musical number being sung by a self-declared "queer, black artist" to Steve Martin and Chris Rock going on a riff about all the white nominees.

MSNBC Aims Massive Fire Hose of Venom at GOP Amid Celebrating Leak

January 31st, 2020 3:54 PM
Before Friday’s session of the Senate impeachment trial, MSNBC’s hatred was in full display for those who wouldn’t be voting and thinking the way they’ve demanded, lobbing one firebomb after another while simultaneously decrying the lack of bipartisanship and civility.

'View' Hosts Call on God to Save America From Trump Being Acquitted

January 31st, 2020 2:56 PM
The View hosts implored God to save America from President Trump, on Friday, after finding out there wasn’t enough votes from Republicans to allow witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial. Co-host Sunny Hostin seethed that the GOP was now a party of “extremists” who dismantle democracy and the Constitution for power. Friday co-host Ana Navarro tried to find the silver lining and begged John…

Sour-Grapes Scarborough 'Fine' with Trump Acquittal

January 31st, 2020 9:35 AM
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough claims to be "fine" with President Trump's impending acquittal. Scarborough says that despite the coming vote to prevent John Bolton's testimony, "the truth will be shouted from the mountaintops" and "will only make the Republicans look worse."

Chuck Todd Offers John Bolton ‘Full Hour’ of Meet the Press

January 29th, 2020 12:44 PM
While discussing the possibility of former National Security Advisor John Bolton testifying in the Senate impeachment trial, during MSNBC’s special coverage Wednesday morning, anchor Chuck Todd eagerly offered the ex Trump aide the “full hour” of Sunday’s Meet the Press to air accusations against the President.

CNN's Avlon: Bolton Testimony 'Equivalent of Nixon Smoking Gun Tape'

January 29th, 2020 10:47 AM
On New Day, CNN "senior political analyst" John Avlon offers the preposterous proposition that John Bolton's prospective testimony at the impeachment trial would be "the equivalent of Nixon's smoking gun tape." 

Chris Matthews Compares Republicans to North Korean Soldiers

January 28th, 2020 3:55 PM
While anchoring MSNBC's pre-impeachment trial coverage on Monday, Chris Matthews continued his ignoble history with analogies as he resurrected his comparison of Republicans to North Korean soldiers. This time, it came in the aftermath of revelations about former National Security Advisor John Bolton's memoir.

New York Times Hypes Watergate-Level ‘Smoking Gun’ in Bolton Book

January 28th, 2020 10:34 AM
New York Times Peter Baker’s lead-story “news analysis” on Tuesday suggested revelations from an unpublished memoir by Donald Trump’s former national security advisor, John Bolton, could be a Watergate-like “smoking gun” -- or at least would in normal political times.  Baker eagerly and perhaps prematurely made his “smoking gun” case: “John Bolton’s Account Upends Trump’s Denials, but Will It…

Nets All But Ignore Second Day of Trump Defense, Gush for Bolton Book

January 27th, 2020 9:58 PM
Monday was day two for President Trump’s defense in the Senate impeachment trial and it was the first full day for his legal team to layout their fact-based arguments for acquittal. Yet, the evening newscasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC chose not to air their arguments, as they did with House Democrats. Instead, they chose to disregard the defense in favor of pouncing on reported allegations made in the…

Take Cover! Desperate Nets Hype Bolton ‘Bombshell’

January 27th, 2020 12:54 PM
In an effort to aid Democrats in prolonging the Senate impeachment trial, on Monday, all three networks seized on a supposed “bombshell” – though unverified – claim in former National Security Advisor John Bolton’s upcoming memoir. All the sensational coverage clearly designed to turn up the pressure on Republican senators to call witnesses.

Joy Reid Imagines Trump Hit Soleimani to 'Please' Bolton

January 12th, 2020 10:14 PM
Given MSNBC's penchant for propagating wild theories, perhaps the network should rename itself "Conspiracies 'R Us." Rachel Maddow, MSNBC's leading host, damaged her ratings and her reputation, such as it was, by going all-in on wild Trump-Russia conspiracy theories, only to see them debunked. Last week on Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski floated the off-the-wall notion that President Trump has "dirt…

Poppy Harlow Slips Snide Merrick Garland Shot Into Impeachment Talk

December 31st, 2019 10:16 AM
During a CNN New Day discussion of the pending Senate impeachment trial on New Year's Eve, substitute host Poppy Harlow managed to work in a snide Merrick Garland shot at Mitch McConnell.

Media Suddenly Like John Bolton After He Criticizes Trump

December 23rd, 2019 3:17 PM
Liberal cable hosts have found an unlikely new cudgel with which to attack President Trump: former National Security Adviser John Bolton, who recently panned the President’s North Korea policy as having “failed.” TV journalists on Monday treated this critique from Bolton as lucid and credible — yet these same networks back in 2018 described Bolton as a “dangerous” advocate for “war with North…