Wash Post Sobs About ‘Kentucky’s Lone Trans Athlete’

August 26th, 2022 2:55 PM

13 year-old Fischer Wells is banned from playing on a Lexington school girls field hockey team because he’s really a boy.

Twitter Blue Checks Seize Over Kentucky's New Pro-Life Laws

August 2nd, 2022 1:32 PM

Kentucky’s Attorney General Daniel Cameron’s request to enforce a trigger law banning almost all abortions was granted Monday night. Naturally pro-death Twitter blue checks soiled themselves and made sure Twitter knew it. 


Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron

Kentucky AG Joins Chorus of Voices in Fight Against Woke ESG Standards

May 27th, 2022 2:34 PM

The attorney general of Kentucky joined a growing chorus of voices exposing environmental, social and governance standards as politically motivated, anti-free market, anti-family and plain old woke nonsense.

Justice Is Not Justice': Noah Adds Fuel to Breonna Taylor Fire

September 25th, 2020 3:09 PM

Celebs clearly weren’t happy with the recent ruling on the Breonna Taylor shooting from March 13. Predictably, neither was Black Lives Matter, though it doesn’t seem to take much to get those riots started. For his part, Daily Show host Trevor Noah added fuel to the proverbial and literal fire by adding his own two cents to the ruling.

Breonna Taylor

Pathetic: NYT, Deadspin Defend BLM Protest at Kentucky Derby

September 8th, 2020 10:00 AM

Mark off one more sport exploited by Black Lives Matter protesters: horse racing. Just like basketball, baseball, football and soccer, the Kentucky Derby had to be overshadowed by social justice protests. Louisville is where Breonna Taylor lived and died, and the Black Lives Matter disrupters were out in force to protest and turn the actual sporting event into a sideshow.


Shocking! MSNBC Admits Many Mailed Ballots Are Not Counted

August 18th, 2020 11:06 AM

After all the media fearmongering about the need for a predominantly mail-in voting system for this year's general election, MSNBC on Monday afternoon finally discovered the danger that a significant number of voters might be disenfranchised under such a system. Correspondent Shaquille Brewster filed a full report on the subject.

NYT’s Peters: ‘Overwhelmingly White’ Protests Based on Misinformation

April 21st, 2020 4:57 PM
New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters is still waging attacks on conservatives in the time of coronavirus. He devoted nearly 1,800 words to “A Culture War Is Simmering in Quarantine” to deride conservative protests over oppressive state restrictions, while framing (unlabeled) liberal politicians and activists as founts of sweet reason: "The people at these protests have been overwhelmingly white…

Not Done: Sandmann to File New Suits Against Five More Liberal Outlets

March 2nd, 2020 12:47 PM
Following a January 7 settlement with CNN, a February 24 court filing revealed that Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann and his legal team intend to keep up the fight against the liberal media that tried to ruin his life in January 2019 after he was harangued by Native American activist Nathan Phillips.

MSNBC on Dem Win in Kentucky: ‘Everything Worked Out Perfectly!’

November 6th, 2019 5:11 PM
MSNBC on Wednesday offered a mix of gloating and relief as journalists recapped Tuesday’s elections in Kentucky and Virginia. Correspondent Vaughn Hillyard seemed transported as he described the Democratic gubernatorial win in red Kentucky. Meanwhile, anchor Andrea Mitchell breezily explained that Ralph Northam, who got in trouble with a blackface scandal, has “moved past” the controversy. 

Covington Kids Sue ‘Egregious High-Profile Individuals’ For Defamation

August 2nd, 2019 6:42 PM
The twisted tale of the students from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky who encountered Native American activist Nathan Phillips back on January 19 took another turn on Thursday, when lawyers for the teenagers involved in the incident filed a defamation lawsuit in Kenton County Circuit Court against 12 of the “most egregious high-profile individuals.” The filing came just a few days…

NY Times Still Nursing a Grudge Over ‘Harsh...Pugnacious' Gov. Bevin

June 3rd, 2019 10:21 AM
What did Kentucky’s Republican governor Matt Bevin ever do to the New York Times? The lead National Section story in Sunday’s edition, “Kentuckians Face Conundrum in Governor’s Race,” by Campbell Robertson, tried to manufacture hope that Bevin’s bad personality (in the paper’s estimation) might be a stumbling block in his re-election race in November: "But what many seem to love about Trump --…

Busy Phillips and ACLU Team Up to Glorify Abortion

May 24th, 2019 4:23 PM
In a desperate attempt to revive her relevancy following the cancelation of her E! late-night show, actress Busy Phillips joins the Hollywood bandwagon to protest recent pro-life bills. According to an announcement by the ACLU, Phillips and the ACLU have teamed up “to fight against the passage of restrictive abortion bans in states around the country.” This comes two weeks after Phillips used her…

Mis-Covering the Covington Kids: The Eight Worst Media Reactions

January 30th, 2019 10:49 AM
It used to be that journalists didn’t need fire safety seminars to know they could get burned publishing stories that lacked facts or context. But when the original, deceptively edited video of Nathan Phillips and the Covington kids emerged, the press swaddled itself in oily rags, grabbed a Zippo and went full “Johnny Human Torch.”

ABC Omits Good Guy With Gun from Kroger Shooting Story

October 26th, 2018 2:41 PM
On Wednesday evening, as the broadcast network evening newscasts reported on a shooting attack on a Kroger in  the Louisville, Kentucky, area, ABC stood out in not mentioning an armed citizen who shot at the gunman and might have prevented more shootings.