Grey's Anatomy

Grey’s Anatomy Actor: Media Spin Shootings to Favor White ‘Oppressors'
February 23rd, 2018 2:56 PM
Actor and activist Jesse Williams appeared briefly on The View, February 23, where he compared the media’s coverage of the Parkland shooter to the Black Lives Matter movement. The liberal Grey’s Anatomy star claimed that the media always spun shootings in favor of the white “oppressor class” while it demonized black kids shot by police.

Grey’s Anatomy Flashback: Hillary Clinton, Cokie Roberts 'The Greats'
February 2nd, 2018 12:40 AM
In the February 1 episode of ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy, Dr. Miranda Bailey goes into a competing hospital, convinced she is having a heart attack. This episode is heavy with flashbacks as past memories are triggered by this experience.
Hollywood's Secular Clerics
January 29th, 2018 3:46 PM
Swell, our beloved Hollywood stars are busy crafting their politicized speeches for the Academy Awards program. I'll bet you can't wait. Oscar-nominated English actor Daniel Kaluuya, in an interview with W magazine, opined that racism is more pronounced in America than in Britain. So happy to learn this and can't wait for his upcoming lecture.

Doc Lectures White Cops on 'Lethal' Bias on ABC’s ‘Grey’s Anatomy’
January 26th, 2018 1:33 AM
The January 25 episode of ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy titled “Personal Jesus” provides an opportunity for a biracial character to lecture white cops on a prejudicial bias and how it affects their job judgment. The liberal writers also cleverly (in their minds) work a real-life event into the mix by naming a 12-year-old boy after a victim who made headlines.

'Grey's Anatomy' Informs Viewers It's Dumb to Put a Gun in Your Vagina
November 2nd, 2017 11:55 PM
What did I just watch? I mean, I know I just watched the November 2 episode of Grey's Anatomy, "Come on Down to My Boat, Baby" but, in the larger sense, what did I just watch? It is truly amazing to me that this show is still on the air and, after this episode, I'm convinced that the only ratings it has are the people who watch it out of pure schadenfreude, those who watch it just to see what…

ABC's Despicable Decision to Cancel ‘Last Man Standing’
May 13th, 2017 10:06 AM
On Thursday, ABC cancelled the Tim Allen sitcom Last Man Standing, which had been running on the network for six seasons. During the 2012 election, ABC censored a joke on the show calling then-president Barack Obama a communist. And now ABC has cancelled Last Man Standing allegedly because of a dispute by the show’s distributor 20th Century Fox.

Mother Makes Ultimate Sacrifice for Unborn Child on ‘Grey’s Anatomy'
April 28th, 2017 12:56 AM
In a society where preborn children are treated as disposable property, and disregarded in the name of cold, sterile, euphemisms such as “reproductive rights” and “choice,” it’s rare to find a mother who actually does the opposite of putting herself above her child.
‘Grey’s Anatomy,’ ‘Scandal’ Producer Doubles Down on Progressivism
April 17th, 2017 2:33 PM
As most readers may know by now, one of the biggest Trump-haters in Hollywood is television producer Shonda Rhimes, a fanatical progressive who has created the highly successful prime time soap operas Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal for ABC. Rhimes is now admitting she is in a “trauma” as a result of her candidate in Hillary Clinton, losing the 2016 presidential election.

ABC's 'The Catch' Falls Victim to Shonda Rhimes's Abortion Agenda
April 14th, 2017 2:45 AM
It’s no secret that writer and show creator Shonda Rhimes, who is responsible for hits such as Scandal, Grey’s Anatomy, How to Get Away with Murder (by becoming an abortionist?) and The Catch, is a strong pro-abortion advocate. Not only does she make zero effort to hide her view on the controversial topic or try to appear bias-free, she now has gone so far as to join the board of abortion-giant…

Here's the Most Outrageously Liberal Quotes in Primetime TV, Part II
January 7th, 2017 12:10 PM
In my previous installment chronicling 2016's most outrageous instances of liberal bias in scripted primetime television, I talked about how some entertainment programming from the broadcast networks often featured some of the most in-your-face political lectures Hollywood puts out.

'Grey's Anatomy' Pushes Abortion on Dying Cancer Patient
October 29th, 2016 2:22 AM
In Thursday’s episode of ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy, titled "Roar," a brave, determined pregnant cancer patient took a pro-life stance rather than be bullied into an abortion by the doctors at Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital.

Nets Hail Racial Tirade at BET Awards as ‘Impassioned Call to Action'
June 27th, 2016 1:19 PM
On Monday, all three network morning shows gushed over the left-wing activism on display during Sunday night’s BET Awards. In particular, the hosts and correspondents on NBC, ABC, and CBS were enthralled by Grey’s Anatomy actor Jesse Williams launching into a racially-charged screed against “this invention called whiteness [that] uses and abuses” African Americans.

Brady’s Anatomy: ABC’s Grey’s Teams Up with Anti-Gun Lobbyists for PSA
April 22nd, 2016 1:30 AM
Last night’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy, “Trigger Happy,” went all in on anti-gun messaging. The episode opens with the shocking announcement that the emergency room must prepare to receive an 8-year-old patient with a gunshot wound to the abdomen. Speculation begins immediately with hospital staff wondering if the child was hurt in a drive by, or some other crime, but the audience quickly learns…
ABC’s Kimmel Covers New Hillary E-Mail Scandal News as WNT Stays Mute
January 21st, 2016 4:13 PM
In the latest sign that the liberal media has next to no interest in covering the new Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal news that broke on Tuesday, ABC’s World News Tonight has remained silent on the story (along with its fellow newscasts on CBS and NBC) concerning above top secret material being contained in her emails, but ABC’s late night comedy host, Jimmy Kimmel, offered a string of jokes on…