PATHETIC CNN Offers Chinese Commie ‘Editor’s Note’ for Atrocity Story

November 11th, 2021 10:45 AM on Wednesday published an op-ed on the brutal repression of the Chinese communist government against the Muslim Uyghurs. That’s good, right? Well, keep reading. The liberal media outlet also offered a pathetic “editors note” full of commie propaganda watering down the “allegations of crimes” against China. It was so bad that CNN has scrubbed it from the site and replaced it with a much…

CNN Corrects Story Saying 2% of Musk’s Wealth Could Solve World Hunger

November 1st, 2021 11:59 AM

CNN tried to sell a false headline alleging that a fraction of the world’s richest man’s wealth could solve world hunger. CNN’s story was headlined, “2% of  [Tesla co-founder and CEO] Elon Musk's wealth could solve world hunger, says director of UN food scarcity organization.” The lede paragraph asserted that “A small group of ultra-wealthy individuals could help solve world hunger with just a…


CNN Hypocrites Hyperventilate Over Anti-Biden ‘Let’s Go Brandon’

October 26th, 2021 11:44 AM

CNN’s morning show New Day spent two segments today whining about the anti-Biden “Let’s Go Brandon” joke trend often heard at sports stadiums across the country. Despite delighting in foul outbursts from Democrats about President Trump, CNN pretended to be bothered by expletives, because they were directed at a Democrat president.

Column: Misty Memories for 'Colin Powell Republicans'

October 20th, 2021 5:57 AM

The most annoying part of Colin Powell remembrances was the media Democrats dragging the Republican Party into it. CNN's Chris Cillizza fake-mourned "The Colin Powell Republican no longer exists in the Republican Party.” NPR pretended Powell was a Republican "for the last decade or so," in the midst of endorsing four Democrats in a row for president.

CNN's Cillizza Remembers Colin Focusing on Trump

October 19th, 2021 10:03 PM

Chris Cillizza's remembrance of the recently deceased Colin Powell turned into an obsessive treatise on the subject of Donald Trump.

‘Forget Inflation’! CNN Covers for Biden Admin’s Failed Econ Policies

September 20th, 2021 11:26 AM

“Forget inflation.” CNN continued to pave over the economic ineptitude and failed policies of the Biden administration in its reporting. Instead, it pushed the apparent worries of billionaire David Rubenstein with regard to “American democracy.”

Media Hails Carl Nassib For Being First Openly Gay Player In NFL Game

September 14th, 2021 1:54 PM

Week 1 of the 2021-2022 NFL season concluded with a thrilling duel between the hosting Las Vegas Raiders escaping with a win in overtime over the Baltimore Ravens 33-27. But apparently, the really important storyline was that the first openly gay NFL player participated in a game.

James O’Keefe: Important to Expose Big ‘Tech Oligarchy with the Media’

September 10th, 2021 11:27 AM

James O’Keefe, founder of the guerilla journalism outfit Project Veritas told Candace Owens that Big Tech collusion with Big Media are two of the most important industries to expose.

Facebook for Terrorists But Not Trump? CNN Op-Ed Defends Taliban

August 19th, 2021 1:27 PM

Left-wing author of “Silicon Values: The Future of Free Speech Under Surveillance Capitalism” Jillian C. York condemned former President Donald Trump for fomenting unrest in the past, but expressed wariness over Facebook’s ban of the infamous Taliban.

CNN’s Lament: Biden ‘No Longer Gets Credit Simply for Not Being Trump’

August 19th, 2021 10:28 AM

Afghanistan is descending into chaos, thousands of Americans trapped in the country and women and children terrified of an emboldened Taliban. But CNN has spotted another danger: “Biden no longer gets credit simply for not being Donald Trump.” Yes, that’s an actual sentence from a analysis of the carnage of the last week.  

Hey, Media Shills, Gas Prices Have Risen Every Month Under Biden

August 17th, 2021 8:51 AM

The terrible effects of President Joe Biden’s war on fossil fuels are taking a serious toll on the nation as the left-wing media have consistently attempted to defend him from bad press.

Tucker Carlson SLAMS Media for Failing to Reject Big Tech Censorship

August 13th, 2021 4:59 PM

Fox News host Tucker Carlson said that mainstream news outlets should consider it their “duty” to reject Big Tech censorship before ultimately claiming “that's not going to happen.”


CNN's Cillizza FRETS: Cori Bush Helped GOP on 'Defund the Police'

August 6th, 2021 7:00 PM

CNN's Chris Cillizza is worried that Congresswoman Cori Bush has given a "gift" to the Republicans for the 2022 midterms. And that "gift" is her over-the-top hypocrisy of using expensive private security for herself while at the same time seeking to deny security for other people by defunding the police. 

CNN's Chris Cillizza Irked by Sarah Sanders Saying 'Trump Vaccine'

July 27th, 2021 6:37 AM

If you want to really get under the skin of CNN's Chris Cillizza then just refer to the Covid-19 vaccines as the "Trump vaccine."