Atlanta Journal/Constitution

Lead ABC, CBS, NBC Shows Ignore Possible BOMBSHELL in Trump-GA Case
On Tuesday, the flagship morning news shows on ABC, CBS, and NBC refused to acknowledge a Monday night bombshell revelation via one of the 18 co-defendants of former President Trump in his Fulton County, Georgia case that the county’s district attorney office should be barred from prosecuting them due to an inappropriate romantic relationship between lead D.A. Fani Willis and a man brought on…

Scarborough Concerned Trump Charged In Heavily Dem Fulton County
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough expresses concern that the Georgia indictment of Donald Trump was brought in heavily Democrat Fulton County. He wonders how people would react if a prosecutor in a heavily-Republican county indicted a Democrat president or ex-president. Greg Bluestein of the liberal Atlanta Journal-Constitution defends the bringing of the case in Fulton county, on the…

Big 3 Evening Nets Ignore Soros Pouring $1M to Boost Abrams for 2 Days
Leftist billionaire George Soros just poured another $1 million into trying to make failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams the next governor of the state. But instead of reporting on the Soros-Abrams connection, the Big Three evening news networks completely ignored the story on their Wednesday and Thursday broadcasts.

Liberal Outlets Hype Non-Peer Reviewed Study to Whine About Alcohol
Liberal outlets are trying to scare readers again about alcohol consumption. They are pushing a study that hasn’t been peer-reviewed to claim any alcohol consumption will damage the brain.

Cancel Culture Comes For Dr. Seuss
After a weekend of politicians criticizing cancel culture at CPAC, liberals just had to go out and prove every one of them right. Barely a day after CPAC ended, we’re now forced to discuss whether we should cancel Dr. Seuss books. Imagine someone in the world finding “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish” offensive.
Thumb on the Scale: Liberal Media Ignore Ossoff’s Ties to Red China
With the Georgia Senate run-offs about two weeks away, the liberal media have continued to put their thumbs on the scale of the electorate in much the same fashion they did by hiding from voters negative stories about the Biden ticket. In Georgia, one example has been the refusal of the networks and newspapers to cover Democrat Jon Ossoff’s cozy business dealings with the Chinese Communist…

Atlanta Journal Constitution Demands Disclaimer on 'Richard Jewell'

Behar Defends Reporter As the Victim in Eastwood's Richard Jewell Film

‘Richard Jewell’ Film Paints Press as ‘Reckless, Corrupt, Immoral’

Hollywood Threatens Georgia Over ‘Dangerous’ Heartbeat Abortion Bill

Even WashPost Concedes Broward Elections Head Is Incompetent at Best

Press Falsely Treats Trump's Rescission Proposal As 'Cuts'

AJC Cartoon Depicts Terrorists Bowing to Bloody NRA After TX Shooting

GA Congressional Race: Debate Moderator Fact Checks Ossoff
Imagine if a candidate during a debate makes a statement so outright erroneous that the debate moderator takes time to fact check him with the truth. A very notable moment you might say. Well, not according to a couple of liberal newspapers, including a local one, who again acted as information cloaking devices by not mentioning the debate moderator correction. This was the case in the June 8…