America with Jorge Ramos

DNC Chief Touts Latino 'Blue Wall' For 2020
February 13th, 2019 4:59 PM
Univision’s weekly political affairs show Al Punto recently featured a familiar guest, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Pérez, as well as the rollout of some familiar tropes - just in time for the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

Ramos Triples Down On The Border
January 30th, 2019 1:20 PM
Univision anchor Jorge Ramos continues to triple down on in his ongoing war of words against proposed border security initiatives. His latest column picks up where his New York Times piece left off.

Jorge Ramos Doesn't Even Bother To Hide The Bias Anymore
January 29th, 2019 7:00 PM
Univision senior anchor Jorge Ramos doesn’t even bother to contain his biases anymore, as shown on a recent segment of Univision’s Sunday political affairs show Al Punto. Watch as Ramos asks an immigration advocate whether a wall would work, and then agrees sotto voce with the advocate’s answer:

Jorge Ramos Ramps Up Anti-Wall Campaign
January 29th, 2019 3:53 PM
The New York Times recently saw fit to print an op-ed by Univision’s senior news anchor, Jorge Ramos, titled “Trump Is the Wall”. In doing so, the Times not only enables Ramos’ endless anti-Trump jihad, but provides an ample platform from which to further disseminate a series of assumptions and half-truths that further solidify Ramos’ status as the most biased national news anchor, regardless of…

Los 5 peores momentos de Jorge Ramos del 2018
December 31st, 2018 11:16 AM
A nadie sorprende a estas alturas que Jorge Ramos es el presentador de noticias más liberal en los Estados Unidos, independiente de cadena, formato, o plataforma. Desde nuestros archivos les compartimos sus 5 peores momentos del 2018:

Jorge Ramos's Worst 5 Moments Of 2018
December 31st, 2018 11:08 AM
By now it is no mystery that Univision's senior anchor is also the nation's most outspokenly liberal anchor, across all networks and platforms. We've scoured through our archives in search of his five worst moments of 2018.

Jorge Ramos Proclaims 2018 'Year When Everything Started To Change'
December 29th, 2018 5:16 PM
Univision senior anchor Jorge Ramos’ Facebook Watch show confirms all our worst suspicions about the editorial direction of the show. Its year-end episode, in particular, represents a tripling down on Ramos’ activist impulses, and openly cheerleads for liberal activists of all stripes.

Jorge Ramos omite amenaza sindical de entrevista con Lin-Manuel
December 28th, 2018 2:14 PM
En días recientes, el veterano presentador de Univisión Jorge Ramos le hizo una entrevista al célebre dramaturgo Lin-Manuel Miranda en la que abordaron muchos temas sin realmente decir nada y menos sobre una importante noticia respecto a la presentación de la obra Hamilton en Puerto Rico.

Jorge Ramos Omits Union Threat From Lin-Manuel Miranda Interview
December 27th, 2018 8:49 PM
Univision senior anchor Jorge Ramos and noted playwright Lin-Manuel Miranda recently had an interview in which they managed to talk about a lot of different things, while saying nothing and leaving out some major news regarding Hamilton's upcoming run in Puerto Rico.

Jorge Ramos Renews Call For Journalistic Jihad Against Trump
December 23rd, 2018 8:00 AM
Veteran Univision anchor Jorge Ramos continues to sell his brand of hyperpartisan advocacy disguised as journalism with evangelistic zeal wherever an award show or graduation will have him, and continues his personal jihad against President Donald Trump.

Jorge Ramos Calls for 18 Hispanic Senators. Republicans Too?
November 30th, 2018 10:35 AM
Univision news anchor Jorge Ramos proves, once again, that racialism for its own sake is critical to his worldview, as past statements belie his most recent call for more Hispanic representation in the United States Congress. The call is there, but is it real? What does Ramos really mean?

Jorge Ramos denuncia hispanos 'totalmente identificados' con EE.UU.
November 21st, 2018 1:51 PM
En una entrevista reciente con el medio español El Intermedio, el presentador senior de Univisión Jorge Ramos habló con completa candidez al revelar su desdén por el segmento numeroso de latinos estadounidenses que votan por republicanos, incluyendo por Donald Trump.

Univision Anchor Lambasts Latino Republican Voters
November 15th, 2018 6:42 PM
In a recent interview with the Spanish media outlet El Intermedio, Univision's senior news anchor, Jorge Ramos, was completely upfront in revealing his disdain for the sizeable segment of U.S. Latinos who vote for Republicans, including for Donald Trump.

At Univision, Some Bombmakers Are More Equal Than Others
October 31st, 2018 4:40 PM
Univision may have broken the irony meter with this particular booking: Congressman Luis Gutiérrez on Sunday political talker Al Punto, in order to discuss the recent attempted mail bombings and make distinctions between types of nationalism. Given Gutiérrez’ history, perhaps it would’ve been best that he sit this one out.