Luke Russert

Lefty Journalists Lose Touch with Reality During Kavanaugh Testimony
September 28th, 2018 1:19 AM
With the liberal media unable to vocalize on camera their spin while Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was testifying Thursday afternoon, many took to Twitter to voice their displeasure with the “Angry Kavanaugh,” calling him a “belittled marginalized white man” who, based on his summer of lifting weights, assaulted Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

Liberal Luke Russert Whines Over GOP ‘Stealing’ Supreme Court Seat
April 6th, 2017 3:48 PM
Former MSNBC journalist Luke Russert on Thursday unleashed a series of liberal talking point Tweets about the “unprecedented” effort to override a Democratic filibuster of Neil Gorsuch. Russert, who posed as a supposedly neutral journalist during his tenure at MSNBC, also hit Republicans for “stealing” Merrick Garland’s opening at the Supreme Court.

Luke Russert: ‘Many People Will Literally Die’ Under Health Care Plan
March 13th, 2017 5:48 PM
As if he were after Alan Grayson’s heart, former NBC News correspondent Luke Russert uncorked a disgusting tweet late Monday afternoon, suggesting that “many people will literally die” under the Republican plan to repeal and place ObamaCare.

Luke Russert Departing NBC; Leaves Legacy of Liberal Bias
July 14th, 2016 2:08 PM
TVNewser's Chris Ariens reported on Wednesday that Luke Russert will be leaving NBC News, as of Friday. Ariens quoted from a statement by NBC Washington bureau chief Ken Strickland, who labeled the journalist "our dogged Capitol Hill correspondent." However, Russert made it clear from the very start of his career at the Big Three network that he had a liberal slant. Most recently, he gushed over…

CNN and MSNBC Reward Democratic Stunt With Hours of Free TV Time
June 23rd, 2016 3:54 PM
The point of a publicity stunt is to reap publicity, of course, and the daylong gimmick of House Democrats seizing the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives for a sit-in was generously rewarded with hours of free airtime on CNN and MSNBC — but much less on the Fox News Channel. Looking at cable news coverage from noon to midnight on Wednesday, MSNBC was by far the most excited by the…

Luke Russert Marvels Over 'History' of Democrats' Gun Control Sit-In
June 22nd, 2016 7:30 PM
On Wednesday's MSNBC Live, Luke Russert fawned over Rep. John Lewis, as he and his Democratic colleagues staged a pro-gun control sit-in inside the well of the chamber of the House of Representatives. Russert first asked Lewis, "You are a civil rights icon. Your stories are remarkable — beaten within one inch of your life, it has been said. How important is this moment for you?" Russert later…

NBC News: Republicans Opposed Naming Post Office After Maya Angelou
March 2nd, 2016 6:40 PM
According to an article posted on the NBC News website by Luke Russert, nine GOP members of the U.S. House of Representatives created a controversy by voting against naming a post office in Winston-Salem, N.C., after “award-winning poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou.”
Russert stated: On days when House members don't have much to do, “the body names post offices. Usually these are fairly…

Russert Frets 'Hope and Change' Did Not Work, Invokes George Wallace
December 22nd, 2015 3:56 PM
As MSNBC's Chris Matthews appeared on Tuesday's Andrea Mitchell Reports to promote his special on Donald Trump's life, substitute MSNBC host Luke Russert wondered why the "divisions that had ravaged the country" did not go away after President Barack Obama's election because "everybody thought that we were now coming into a post-racial society, that 'hope and change' was going to carry the day…
MSNBC: ‘Kudos’ to NPR for Teeing Up Obama to Slam GOP as Racist
December 21st, 2015 4:24 PM
Talking to NPR’s Steve Inskeep on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, fill-in anchor Luke Russert congratulated the Morning Edition host for teeing up the President to slam Republican critics as racist in a recent interview. A clip played of Inskeep asking the President: “Do you feel over seven years that you’ve come to understand why it is that some ordinary people in America believe or fear that…
NBC Touts Dem Calls for Gun Control as Shooting Unfolds
December 2nd, 2015 6:09 PM
During NBC’s live breaking news coverage of the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California on Wednesday, correspondent Ron Allen reported from the White House on President Obama’s push for gun control: “We well know that the President is very concerned about this issue of gun violence in the United States....And we have heard from him and his staff that they are still trying to find ways that…
MSNBC: Katrina a ‘Stain’ Bush Presidency ‘Could Never Recover From'
August 28th, 2015 3:08 PM
MSNBC hosts on Friday jumped at the chance to bash former President George W. Bush over his handling of Hurricane Katrina on the 10th anniversary of the storm that ravaged the gulf coast. On NewsNation, host Tamron Hall proclaimed: “Many have said, including writer Douglas Brinkley and others, that this was the stain on his presidency that he could never recover from.”

Luke Russert Laughs at Trump Supporters
August 24th, 2015 1:28 PM
He who laughs last, Luke . . . At first I wasn't sure: it certainly sounded like Luke Russert, off camera, was laughing as a reporter said that some Donald Trump supporters told her they hope he hires smart people to carry out his plans. Listen and judge for yourself 35 seconds into the video clip.
Was I imagining things? Could he have been coughing? But no, when Russert came back on screen, his…
Carville Blasts Media ‘Stupidity’ of Covering Hillary's E-Mail Scandal
August 19th, 2015 8:34 PM
Appearing on MSNBC early Wednesday afternoon, long-time Clinton adviser James Carville came out of the woodwork to condemn not only Republicans but the news media for their “stupidity” of harping on Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal and refuted the notion that there’s “a full-scale Democratic freak-out” underway.

Russert: Schumer Opposing Iran Deal 'Public Act of Being Disloyal'
August 7th, 2015 4:30 PM
Sen. Chuck Schumer (N.Y.), who has all but been anointed the successor to Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (Nevada), exploited the media focus on the GOP presidential debate last night to release a press statement announcing that he would be voting against the Iran nuclear deal when it comes to the Senate floor. This decision, according to MSNBC's Luke Russert, is a "public act of being…