Washington Post: If You’re Pro Life, You Might Be a Nazi

August 28th, 2019 1:46 PM

Next time some talking head complains that the right trades in hate speech, open the latest Washington Post to any page at random for a bit of perspective. Where else could you learn, for example, of the sinister link between the pro-life movement and white nationalists?

The shocking information comes from Marissa Brostoff. She, like Jill Filipovic and other rabid pro-abort feminists devoid of moral imagination, can’t imagine that pro-lifers really care about life. To Brostoff, opposing abortion is a cover for many backwoods Americans to get their racism on.

Brostoff picked some of the more radical and gaffe-prone weirdos of the conservative movement as evidence of her claim, like Iowa Republican Congressman Steve King. She wrote, “King and his white nationalist allies have become increasingly comfortable admitting, state crackdowns on reproductive and immigrant rights are inextricably linked.”

How else could we explain the “grotesque hypocrisy” of the “Republican Party’s hard-line antiabortion politics.” Brostoff makes the argument that, in a moral sense, Republicans “claim to support life” is not compatible with “revelations about the imprisonment of migrant children in concentration camps” (remember, an exclusively Republican sin.) But in the racist sense, oh, it all comes together.

She quotes writer Mona Eltahawy, who claimed that today’s white nationalists “are obsessed with falling birthrates, and by extension they are obsessed with the recruitment — and total control — of women’s wombs.” Essentially Republicans like King are worried about the influx of new migrants and the decline of white babies, and that is where laws like Georgia’s ‘Heartbeat Bill” find their inspiration.

Brostoff added that this has always been the case but only in the shadows of the mainstream pro-life movement. It was so secret, even we weren't aware, but the “connection between immigration and reproduction was never lost on the movement’s white nationalist fringe.” But because white racists are roaming around in the daylight apparently, the racist backbone of the movement has had a “sudden reappearance in the national spotlight.”

Brostoff was so desperate to make this connection that she falsely attributed “white replacement” rhetoric to pro-life conservative J. D. Vance, author of “Hillbilly Elegy,” and father to a biracial son. “Our people aren’t having enough children to replace themselves. That should bother us,” Vance told an audience at the National Conservatism Conference in July. Brostoff claimed that this was referring to white people exclusively, when the reality is he was speaking of American people in general. 

Brostoff was forced to remove this false smear in the updated piece.

Then Brostoff gave some historical context about how the Nazis were obsessed with birth rates and the concept of “worthy life,” laying out parallels between that and our pro-life “fascist regime.” You know, we love white babies, and don’t want brown babies clearly because of our interest in border security, duh. And then she smeared pro-lifers as trying to “invert the historical relationship between eugenics and reproductive rights” to pass that blame onto those who “favor reproductive rights.”

Though it’s pretty clear that tactic has been employed right here. Again, what about the origins of Planned Parenthood under eugenicist Margaret Sanger, whose ideas have allowed for millions of underborn children to be exterminated including 25% of the African American population, and compulsory sterilization laws that sterilized 60,000 people she considered to be “feeble-minded” “idiots?” Well Brostoff admits that “relationship” with Sanger is problematic but it’s “only part of the story.” Oh really? But the contrived connection of pro-lifers to Nazis is evidence? Sure.

And to prove that we’re the real racists, Brostoff mentioned that pro-lifers’ claim that abortion is worse than the Holocaust is deeply anti-semitic. Well it’s 60 million deaths vs 6 million but she calls that comparison “a sinister tactic in the antiabortion arsenal that simultaneously links these unrelated phenomena and plays down the horrors of the Shoah.”

So we hate the Jewish people, too? Brostoff must have us confused with the Congressional Progressive Caucus.