NY Times Purrs on Sunday Under Tranquil Biden: ‘Church Over Covfefe'

February 25th, 2021 8:04 AM

Reporter Katie Rogers’ “White House Memo” in Tuesday’s New York Times, “Washington Basks in a New Event: A Weekend of Tranquility,” revealed the cozy relationship between the press and the new Democratic administration (Biden's bagel run and videogames!) and its unhealthy ongoing obsession with (and contempt of) former president Donald Trump: "President Biden did not do anything this…

The NY Times Celebrates (Some) Women, Just Not This One

August 19th, 2020 7:09 PM

Donald Trump registered quite the achievement: He managed to make the avowedly feminist New York Times criticize renowned suffragist Susan B. Anthony in “With Eye on Election, Trump Plans to Pardon Women’s Suffrage Icon,” after the president announced he would mark the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment, giving women the right to vote, by pardoning Anthony, who was arrested and…

Who's 'Nasty'? NYT News Pages Smear Trump as Sexist, Racist to Kamala

August 14th, 2020 6:40 PM

The New York Times will strenuously defend Joe Biden’s VP pick Kamala Harris from those racists and sexists who would dare criticize her, as shown in Thursday’s “White House Memo” by Katie Rogers: “Kamala Harris Crystallizes Trump’s View of Women: They’re ‘Nasty’ or Housewives -- As Ms. Harris joined the Democratic ticket, the president wasted no time calling her “nasty” and praising…

NYT Fake News: ‘President Says Job Report Makes ‘Great Day’ For Floyd’

June 7th, 2020 8:38 PM

New York Times White House correspondent Katie Rogers churned out some fake news in Saturday’s print edition with “President Says Job Report Makes ‘a Great Day’ for Floyd.” The problem? Trump didn’t say that at all – Trump was praising America for making gains toward “equal justice under the law.” In the wake of a shockingly positive jobs report, Rogers tried hard to inflame the phony…

WHO Do They Think They Are? NYT Still Shills for China-Corrupted Group

May 3rd, 2020 6:56 PM
The New York Times may have slightly changed its tune on reporting how Communist China is indeed covering up and taking advantage of the coronavirus pandemic, but the paper is still reliably shilling for the World Health Organization’s China-corrupted response to the coronavirus crisis, as demonstrated previously and in several recent pieces. A rather hysterical piece debating whether President…

NY Times Levels Silly Financial-Tie Coronavirus Conspiracy at Trump

April 8th, 2020 9:28 AM
A new anti-Trump angle on the coronavirus crisis made the front page of Tuesday’s New York Times, raising the silly charge of a financial conflict of interest, questioning Trump’s “motives” for pushing the drug. Excitable Times reporter Ken Vogel: "If hydroxychloroquine becomes an accepted coronavirus treatment, several companies stand to profit, some with shareholders & execs connected to…

On 'Chinese Virus,' NY Times Sucks Up to China Over 'Racist' Trump

March 19th, 2020 2:47 PM
Thursday’s New York Times again showed the paper’s warped priorities during the global health emergency: “Trump Calls It the ‘Chinese Virus.' Critics Say That’s Racist and Provocative.” (Normal people say it's factually accurate.) Katie Rogers, Lara Jakes, and Ana Swanson focused on the truly vital aspects, while sucking up to the Chinese authorities who covered up the deadly outbreak: "President…

NYT's Partisan Virus: Trump Too Harsh Days Ago, Not Harsh Enough Now

March 17th, 2020 5:25 PM
The New York Times will fault President Trump on the coronavirus no matter what he does or does not do, as starkly evident in Tuesday’s lead story by Katie Rogers and Emily Cochrane criticizing him for taking insufficient measures: “Short of Mandate for Limits That Other Nations Enacted.” Yet days earlier, the Times faulted Trump for excessive, unilateral measures to mitigate the spread under…

NYT Used 'Wuhan Virus,' Accuses Conservatives of Racism for Doing Same

March 14th, 2020 3:10 PM
Demonstrating that the paper’s priorities remained in perfect order, New York Times reporter Katie Rogers nailed the real coronavirus crisis: “Politicians’ Use of ‘Wuhan Virus’ Starts a Debate Health Experts Wanted to Avoid -- Despite the recommendations of health officials, some conservatives are using the term to describe Covid-19, prompting a blame game over who is politicizing the coronavirus…

NYT: Trump ‘Keeping Supporters Angry Enough to Vote’ With 'Grievances'

February 29th, 2020 3:30 PM
The New York Times caught up to last month’s huge Trump rally in New Jersey, reporter Katie Rogers devoting a full-page National section lead story to denigrating Trump supporters: “Stoking Grievances, and Collecting Data." Rogers wrote: "But Teddy Goff, the Obama campaign’s former digital director, said the Trump campaign had taken traditional digital tactics in a new direction by spreading…

NYT Blames ‘Zealous’ Trumpers for DC Social Hostility, Skips Lefty Mob

February 18th, 2020 5:17 PM
New York Times reporter Katie Rogers used the wedding of White House immigration advisor Stephen Miller to Katie Waldman, press secretary to VP Mike Pence, to show Trump staff as purposefully isolating themselves from D.C. society in Tuesday’s “Pairing Off in Trump’s Political Bunker.” Rogers ignores the left-wing groups and outraged individual lefties mobbing Trump staff (including Miller…

NYT Hits ‘Right-Wing’ Use of ‘Treason,’ But Krugman Uses It on Trump

October 2nd, 2019 4:38 PM
New York Times reporter Katie Rogers rebuked President Trump for his use of the word “treason” to attack his political enemies on Twitter in “As Impeachment Inquiry Advances, President’s Language Takes a Dark Turn.” Rogers was critical of Trump’s overheated Twitter account, where he has been attacking Democrats, including House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, who’s leading the…

NY Times Mocks Trump Summit of 'Right-Wing Social Media Trolls'

July 13th, 2019 3:30 PM
The New York Times demonstrated its loathing for conservative social media activists, while skipping over some of its own inconvenient blind spots. The headline over reporter Kevin Roose's pre-meeting table-setter, “Trump Woos Social Media Influencers,” belied the story’s hostility, but the online headline accurately captured the tone: “Trump Rolls Out the Red Carpet for Right-Wing Social Media…

New York Times: Trump 'Darth Vader-like Figure' on Environment

July 9th, 2019 2:28 PM
New York Times political reporter Katie Rogers teamed with environmental reporter Coral Davenport for Trump mockery on Tuesday’s front page: “In Speech, Trump Portrays U.S. As a Leader on the Environment.” That benign headline hid deep bias. The current online headline reflected the story’s actual tone by quoting a Trump critic: “Trump Saw Opportunity in Speech on Environment. Critics Saw a ‘“…