Fourth of July
NY Times: American Flag Has Been Hijacked By Red Staters
New York Times columnist Margaret Renkl may be based in Nashville, but she’s as contemptuous of Trumpers and Red Staters as any of the paper’s Manhattan-based writers, as shown in her latest self-important trashing of an American holiday: “The American Flag Belongs to Me, Too, and This Year I’m Taking It Back.” She reminisced how in her younger days, “We were all proud to be Americans…
For Independence Day: Five Patriotic Movie or TV Scenes You'll Love
Hollywood produces a lot of liberal, anti-American films. But, occasionally, filmmakers get things right, offering movies and TV shows that showcase the best about our country. In honor of Independence Day, we at NewsBusters compiled five of the most patriotic movie or TV scenes. Movies such as "Red Dawn" and "Rocky IV" captured a time when Hollywood actually portrayed the U.S. as a force for…
'Suckerberg' Gets Mocked by Crazy Lefties for American Flag Stunt
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg went full on smelly-patriot mode in his latest Facebook post and Hollywood, of course, is not happy about it. He may just be trying to appease the few conservatives who still like him, but instead he found himself being mocked by celebs and journalists from both sides of the aisle.

Bummer: Nat Geo Bemoans ‘Hidden Toll of July Fourth Fireworks’
The woke scolds at National Geographic who want to play the race card unsurprisingly also want to take the joy out of celebrating the Fourth of July with fireworks.
Raymond Arroyo Owns the Libs And Wants Us to Party for July 4
This weekend we will celebrate the birthday of the greatest country in the whole world. Patriot and absolute baller Raymond Arroyo encouraged Americans to heed the wishes of the Founding Fathers by wholeheartedly celebrating freedom while hosting the July 1 episode of The Ingraham Angle. Arroyo coupled his message of patriotism with a thorough deconstruction of the left’s agenda of…

CBS’s Brennan Fears Trump ‘Overemphasized America’s Military Might’

Dickey Move: Daily Beast Editor Slams Trump’s ‘Rabid Nationalism’

NY Times: Hey ‘Tiny Patriots,’ America Is 'Just OK'

‘God Bless You’: Jon Voight Responds To Alyssa Milano’s Vicious Tweet