Frank Luntz

Election 2024: Not So Random Thoughts
Last week, America took an IQ test -- and passed. “President Biden, when he came into office, said that he would be the most progressive president since FDR, and I think on domestic issues ... he has kept his word.” -- Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Nov. 10, 2024. Indeed, Sen. Sanders, that is why Vice President Kamala Harris, who said she would have done “nothing” differently, lost the election…

CNN: U.S. Is 'Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Islamophobic, Anti-Semitic'
As part of a larger CNN Tonight panel discussion on the Colorado Springs gay nightclub shooting, former NYPD detective Tom Verni declared the United States to be a “racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic country.” Neither host Alisyn Camerota nor any of Verni’s co-panelists bothered to raise objections to this broad denunciation of over 300 million people.

Lemon: GOP—Shut Up About Voter Fraud, Dems—Keep Talking Suppression
On CNN This Morning, co-host Don Lemon was fine with Frank Luntz's suggestion that Republicans should stop talking about voter fraud. But Lemon pushed back on Luntz's suggestion that Democrats should stop talking about vote suppression.

Frank Luntz Slaps Biden for ‘Orwellian’ Zero Inflation Claim
Pollster Frank Luntz wrecked the Biden administration for claiming that inflation is at “zero” when most Americans are struggling with grocery and gas prices, among other prices.

'Looks Like Jimmy Carter': ABC Panel Torches Biden Over Inflation
As economic conditions continue to deteriorate under President Joe Biden’s watch, his cheerleaders on ABC have started to turn on him (at least temporarily). This was definitely the case on Sunday morning’s This Week.

NY Times Editor: Trump Voters Lie That BLM Is a Violent Marxist Group
New York Times Patrick Healy, a former political reporter now the paper’s deputy Opinion editor, issued a strange piece as part of a special section: “How Conservatives Think About George Floyd’s Death and BLM.” Healy found another reason to lecture conservatives about how wrong they are about Black Lives Matter and the rioting and looting that accompanied anti-police protests in the…

FREDO FAIL: Chris Cuomo Criticizes Trump Econ Using Pre-Trump Era Data
CNN’s Chris Cuomo doesn’t appear to have done his due diligence. He committed a very bad gaffe last night by using pre-Trump era economic data to bash President Donald Trump’s economy.

Associated Press Corrects ‘Dishonest Piece’ on Fox ‘MediaBuzz’ Graphic

Mika Brzezinski Defends Dems Not Clapping for 'Great Dictator' Trump

Luntz Slams CBS: You ‘Focus' Where Congress Disagrees for 'Soundbites'

Nets Hype ‘Contentious’ Trump Cabinet Fights, Racism Claim

Gayle King Baffled at Being Told Hillary Was a Bad Candidate