Maher Warns About SCOTUS Nominee's Faith ‘On the Court'
Bill Maher claimed that Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett was a “f---in’ nut.” Now he’s produced the evidence: speaking in tongues.
Broadway for Biden Holds ‘A Concert for the Soul of the Nation’
Broadway is out to use its influence to obtain more votes for Biden, using all the talent, panache, and deceit it can muster.

Michelle O Podcast to Discuss Topics Like Our ‘Reckoning With Race'
The Obama media empire continues to gain new ground. In addition to carving out a piece of the Netflix pie, acquiring a hosting gig on PBS Kids, and selling millions and millions of books about her life, Michelle Obama is now getting her very own podcast via the music streaming platform Spotify.

ABC News Parent Company Disney Pledging $5M to Social Justice Groups
Need any more proof that the structure ABC News operates under is radically left-wing? The Walt Disney Company is pledging $5 million in “support of nonprofit organizations that advance social justice, beginning with a $2 million donation to the NAACP, amid ongoing protests of the death of George Floyd,” Deadline reported June 3. “The company said its goal is to ‘further their…

New Cartoon Pushes Non-Binary Character, Celebrates ‘Diverse’ Gender

SJWs Turn on Netflix for ‘Irresponsible' Explanation of Pansexuality

IMDb Succumbs to Unreal Bullying from Trans Activist

‘Twilight’ Director to Helm Lesbian Patriarchy-Fighting Viking Flick

Michael Chiklis to Produce and Star in Series on Border Crime

‘Hail Satan?’ Documentary Premieres on Good Friday

Alec Baldwin Contemplates Ending ‘Mediocre’ SNL Trump Impression

'Unplanned' Doubles Predicted Sales, Earns A+ Audience Score

‘Will & Grace’ Star Slams Mike Pence, Jussie Smollett At GLAAD Awards