Jonathan Martin
NY Times Defends 'Scapegoat' Communist China, Cuba on Disease Response
April 20th, 2020 3:52 PM
The New York Times is quick to attack Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, but readily defends Communist countries' ways of handling contagious diseases, as on the front of Sunday’s New York Times, “G.O.P. Aiming To Make China The Scapegoat – Bid to Shift Blame Off Trump for Response.” (A guilty party cannot be a “scapegoat,” and China is undeniably guilty.) The same edition…
NYT: 'Far-Right' Conservatives Protest Corona as Blacks Suffer
April 19th, 2020 7:00 PM
New states’ rights fans at The New York Times? Reporters Trip Gabriel and Jonathan Martin praised Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer after her gross bureaucratic overreach in fighting the spread of the coronavirus led to protests. The online headline to the story that led Sunday’s National section: “Gretchen Whitmer Isn’t Backing Down -- Right-wing protesters, Republican lawmakers and President…
NYT Wishful Thinking: Coronavirus Could Harm Trump Reelection Chances
March 12th, 2020 8:56 PM
As much as newspapers insist they merely "report," they write up a lot of wishful thinking about how the Republicans are sure to lose in the fall. Such was the case with New York Times reporters Maggie Haberman and Jonathan Martin aerobically rubbing a crystal ball on Thursday in "Trump’s Re-election Chances Suddenly Look Shakier."
NY Times Calls on Anita Hill Once Again to Bash Joe Biden on Page One
April 27th, 2019 1:50 PM
Former senator and vice president Joe Biden is officially running for president, and once again went to Anita Hill in its front-page story Friday, “Biden’s ‘Regret’ For Hill’s Pain Fails to Soothe.” Hill is seen by the press as a victim of both Clarence Thomas and the all-white, all-male Senate Judiciary Committee. She made regular appearances in the paper during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, and…
Embarrassing New York Times Defends Biden’s Hands-on Reputation
April 2nd, 2019 6:43 PM
Tuesday’s New York Times kept track of new allegations of inappropriate behavior with women by potential Democratic candidate Joe Biden with “Second Woman Says Biden Made Her Uncomfortable,” by Sydney Ember and Jonathan Martin. Yet half the story was composed of strenuous denials and unrelated minor gaffes by right-leaning entities, in what seemed a ham-handed attempt to distract from or…
NYT Laments on Front Page: Democrats Just Too Tough on Themselves
February 5th, 2019 5:23 PM
The front page of Monday’s New York Times featured national political correspondent Jonathan Martin’s “news analysis” on the Democratic meltdown in Virginia, now involving both Gov. Ralph Northam and Lt. Gov Justin Fairfax: "Trump Behaves One Way on Race. Democrats Demand Better From Their Own.” Martin rather desperately tried to change the subject from damaging stories about a racist Democratic…
CNN Panel Admits Political ‘Timing’ Is What’s Forcing Northam Out
February 3rd, 2019 10:47 AM
The Democratic Party kicked off Black History Month with a trip back to its racist roots with the controversy surrounding Virginia Governor Ralph Northam and a photo appearing to show him in either blackface or a KKK hood. He claims it wasn’t him although he did admit to wearing blackface in the past. As Democratic politicians and liberal media folks called on him to resign, a panel of…
NY Times Cries Foul, Racism Vs. GOP in Midwest, But Dems Did It Too
December 11th, 2018 3:52 PM
“Midwest Power Grab May Fuel G.O.P. Backlash,” blared the New York Times front page. Lambasting Republicans for post-election legislative maneuvering has been a drumbeat recently at the Times, providing momentum for Democrats to finish in 2020 what they started in the House in 2018. Elsewhere reporter Emily Badger cried racism in the first sentence of “Urban-Rural Divide At Center of Fight In…
NYT Finds GOP 'Baffled' Post-2018, But 2010 Tidal Wave Met By Warnings
December 3rd, 2018 3:27 PM
Hypersensitive to any sign of Republican weakness, real or exaggerated, the New York Times used front-page space Monday to push political reporter Jonathan Martin’s “House G.O.P. Brushes Off Losses, Leaving Some Members Baffled.” The Democrats certainly had a good election in the 2018 midterms, gaining around 41 House seats (but losing two in the Senate) against a Republican president. But…
NYT Packed With Accusations of Trump's ‘Dark, Anti-Immigrant Message'
November 3rd, 2018 3:07 PM
With elections fast approaching, Friday’s New York Times was packed with accusations of President Trump as a racist and hostile to immigrants, most intensely in the lead story by Michael Shear and Julie Hirschfeld Davis. The headline deck: “Trump Invoking ‘Crisis’ at Border As Voting Nears – Message For Midterms – A Presidential Theme Is Built Around a Fear of Immigrants.” Illegal immigrants,…
NYT Spins Warren's 'Native' Claim, Rips Trump's 'Racial Taunt
October 16th, 2018 2:27 PM
After a bizarre, early-presidential ploy by presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren involving a DNA test, the online headline over the New York Times story spun mightily on her behalf: “Elizabeth Warren’s DNA Results Put Trump on Defensive, but Also Raise Questions,” by Jonathan Martin. Martin tried to link Trump’s anti-Warren “Pocahontas” jibe to the tawdry “birther” issue, though in this case…
GOP Is Doomed, Part 28: Kavanaugh Has Left House Majority ‘In Tatters'
September 30th, 2018 7:40 PM
The Sunday New York Times front-page “news analysis” was positively gleeful over the apparent certainty that the last-minute assault accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh would cost the Republican Party control of the House in November: “For Nominee, G.O.P. Takes A Big Gamble – Risking House Seats to Retain Senate Control.” It sounds like the GOP may as well pack it in right…
NYT Page One Warns: Defending Kavanaugh Could 'Haunt the GOP'
September 24th, 2018 5:30 PM
Monday’s front page showed the New York Times will play every conceivable angle to push the Democrats over the top in the November elections. The latest line of attack: the Brett Kavanaugh nomination, and especially the long-delayed sexual assault accusation leveled against him. Reporter Jonathan Martin’s “G.O.P., Aiding Pick for Court, Risks Backlash -- Boon Becomes Possible Liability in…
NY Times Can’t Wait for November: ‘Fall Holds Peril for G.O.P.’
August 11th, 2018 9:20 AM
Hope springs eternal for Democrats in the pages of the New York Times. Thursday’s lead story by Alexander Burns and Jonathan Martin provided Democratic predictions for winning the House in the November elections: “Clarity in Election Fog: Fall Holds Peril for G.O.P.” The reporters made hay over GOP struggles, and again exploited criminal charges faced by Rep. Chris Collins to make a pro-…