OH PLEASE: NY Times Wonders If Obama Can Forgive USA for Voting Trump?

August 20th, 2020 6:35 PM

The third night of the virtual Democratic National Convention was highlighted by a scathing speech by former president Barack Obama attacking his successor Donald Trump. White House correspondent Peter Baker’s lead story used Obama’s speech to both praise the former president and denigrate the current one, under the headline “Obama Sees Chance to Save a Legacy Under Siege." Baker commiserated…


Frantic Bill Maher: Why Can’t a ‘Covert Action’ ‘Steal’ Trump Taxes?

November 19th, 2019 5:20 PM
Following the conclusion of Friday’s edition of Real Time, the “Overtime” discussion focused on the conviction of former Trump associate Roger Stone and the President’s desire to have the Supreme Court block the release of his tax returns. One of the guests, New York Times columnist Frank Bruni, expressed disappointment that despite people in Trump’s inner circle facing prison sentences,…

CNN Pines for Gun Control, 'Sick' of 'Thoughts and Prayers'

September 2nd, 2019 8:31 PM
On Monday morning, in the aftermath of a mass shooting spree in Texas from the weekend, CNN personalities were again pushing for more gun laws, including "universal background checks." CNN's three-hour New Day morning show discussed the issue in four segments, and only had guests with left-leaning views on the issue of gun control. Not only did liberal Republican contributor Ana Navarro slam the…

That Aged Badly, NY Times: ‘No, Democrats Don’t Want ‘Open Borders’’

July 22nd, 2019 7:35 PM
One interesting omission from The New York Times is a vital 2020 issue that the Times isn’t fact-checking Donald Trump on anymore: His accusations that Democrats favor “open borders.” Perhaps that’s because even some of the paper’s liberal columnists are worried that too many Democratic candidates, by pushing for the abolition of ICE and decriminalization of illegal border crossings, are in favor…

CNN New Day Badgers Mia Love to Call Trump Tweets 'Racist'

July 15th, 2019 10:20 AM
After President Trump got backlash over the weekend for tweeting that four Democrat Congresswoman should “go back” and “fix” their broken countries, CNN’s two hour morning show, New Day picked up the media outrage, Monday. Co-hosts John Berman and Alisyn Camerota repeatedly dared Republicans in Congress to call in to the show and call Trump a racist. Even after some Republicans did come out to…

CNN: 'Unpatriotic' Trump Could Have Been 'Fast Friends' With Pol Pot

May 28th, 2019 3:23 PM

President Donald Trump made a recent trip to Japan over the Memorial Day weekend to discuss trade with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. While he was there, he went to Twitter and made some controversial remarks regarding former Vice President Joe Biden. On Tuesday’s CNN New Day, both hosts and guests were livid at Trump’s remarks. Host Alisyn Camerota said that this is something that they “gloss…


NYT's Bruni: Dummy Trump Needs Slide Show to Understand Mueller Report

April 17th, 2019 8:41 PM
New York Times columnist Frank Bruni claimed on CNN's New Day on Wednesday that President Donald Trump lacks the smarts to understand the full Mueller report. "I'm imagining someone doing a slideshow, you know, with little captions, here's what the report says. He may not. He doesn't have that sort of discipline or span of attention."

NYT's Bruni Ties Trump Family to College Admissions Scandal

March 13th, 2019 7:41 AM
On CNN, NYT columnist and CNN contributor Frank Bruni suggests that a legal donation to Harvard made by Jared Kushner's father is not "morally different" from the crimes committed in the college admissions scandal. And so it was that this morning, CNN, with a big assist from New York Times columnist and CNN contributor Frank Bruni, found a way to tie the Trump family to the admissions scandal. 

NYT Columnist: State of the Union Was Full of ‘Blood-Soaked’ ‘Lies’

February 6th, 2019 10:00 AM
In a live edition of The Daily Show, host Trevor Noah brought on New York Times columnist Frank Bruni to freak out over the “blood-soaked and lawless” State of the Union. Just like Brian Williams on MSNBC, Bruni fumed over the President daring to bring up abortion: “[Trump was] baiting the Democrats with descriptions of abortion laws that were highly exaggerated.” 

Bozell & Graham Column: The Myth of the Media as 'Trump's Accomplice'

January 15th, 2019 10:57 PM
The most absurd and improbable New York Times headline was published on Sunday, over a magnum opus by columnist Frank Bruni. “Will the Media Be Trump’s Accomplice Again in 2020?” You read that correctly. The real collusion in the 2016 election was between Donald Trump and his enablers in the press.  

NYT's Bruni Warns Press: Don’t Let Trump Fool Us Again in 2020

January 13th, 2019 5:00 PM
On the front of the New York Times Sunday Review, Frank Bruni warned his media colleagues not to fall for the old fairness ploy when it came to helping the Democrats defeat Donald Trump in 2020: “Will the Media Be Trump’s Accomplice Again” -- We have a second chance in 2020. Let’s not blow it.” Bruni more or less argued (as his colleague Jim Rutenberg had done in August 2016 on the front page)…

NYT's Bruni: Negative Coverage Is 'The Only Honest Way' to Cover Trump

January 7th, 2019 5:03 PM
During Sunday’s Reliable Sources, host Brian Stelter and his panel discussed a book by former New York Times Executive Editor Jill Abramson that argues that the paper has become too anti-Trump. New York Times columnist Frank Bruni did his best to justify the paper’s coverage of the President, describing the negative coverage as “the only honest way to cover this President.”

MSNBC and CNN Love Good Republican Loser McSally, Hate Rick Scott

November 13th, 2018 7:48 AM
MSNBC's Morning Joe and CNN's New Day heap praise on Republican Martha McSally for quickly and "gracefully" conceding to Dem Kyrsten Sinema in their Senate race in Arizona. In contrast, the two shows castigated Republican Rick Scott for fighting it out in Florida. Neither network calls on Dems Gillum, Nelson or Abrams to emulate McSally's example. 

What Happened? Despite the Hype, Beto Couldn’t Turn Texas Blue

November 6th, 2018 10:30 PM
The hype started way back in February when the New York Times’s Michael Tackett fantasized about Democratic candidate Beto O’Rourke’s campaign embodying “a sense of the possible.” The “Turning Texas Blue” dream continued with Late Show host Stephen Colbert, in March, proclaiming: “Texas might be feeling the Beto-mentum, because so far this year, O’Rourke out-raised Ted Cruz by $1.5 million.” The…