Dana Loesch

Nets Spike GOP Worker Viciously Beaten for Wearing Rubio/DeSantis Gear
A canvasser for Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) was reportedly assaulted and seriously injured late Sunday night while going door to door for Rubio’s reelection campaign, according to a statement put out by Rubio’s campaign. On Monday, all three evening newscasts ignored the vicious politically motivated attack on an innocent Republican volunteer.

Dana Loesch BLASTS The View After They Attack Her as GOP 'Moral Rot'
Wednesday was day two of ABC’s The View obsessing over the salacious claims made by the left-wing Daily Beast against Georgia Senate nominee Herschel Walker (R) that he paid for a woman’s abortion back in 2009. But today, the cackling coven was hyperventilating about conservative radio host Dana Loesch and how she rejected liberal attempts to suppress Republican turnout/support for…

Twitter Users Unite, SLAM Twitter ‘Private Information' Policy Change
Users, including numerous conservatives are hammering Twitter for unleashing a new policy that could destroy videos or images that expose the left to mockery or criticism.

Lefty Journos ERUPT After Washington Post Refuses to Slime Dana Loesch
One of the fake news heavyweights, The Washington Post, wrote a profile on former NRA spokesperson and current conservative radio host Dana Loesch and, remarkably, it didn’t make her sound like "a first class monster." For the left, that’s something to get steamed over.

Matthew McConaughey as TX Governor Would Be Bad for Gun Rights
Apparently Matthew McConaughey would be a popular contender against Governor Abbot (R-TX) in the upcoming gubernatorial race, but people who have a soft spot for the “nice guy” need to realize that McConaughey might not be so good for the freedom Texas prides itself on.

Fox Highlights Virginia Democrats Targeting Gun Rights

Dana Loesch Blasts MSNBC Hosts Over Claim She Is ‘Inciting Violence'

Tanks for Kids? Arming Stray Cats? Colbert Mocks NRA and Dana Loesch

CNN, Tapper Receive Cronkite Award for Disgraceful Parkland Town Hall

NY Times Blasts ‘Incendiary’ NRATV, Touts 'Terrorist' Label

NYT Lawyer’s ‘Villains’ Include Dana Loesch, 'Propaganda Circus' NRA

Twitter Ignores User Who Wanted Murder of Dana Loesch’s Children

CNN Stealth-Edits June 12 Report on 'Iconic' Photo Six Days Later

Comedy Central 'Twins' Mock 'Draculess' Dana Loesch, Fox News Stars
Comedy Central’s lame replacement for the Colbert Report, The Opposition with Jordan Klepper, is even worse than Colbert at disguising their liberal agitprop as hiding behind a mask of idiotic conservatism. On Tuesday night, Klepper brought on his cast mates Josh Sharp and Aaron Jackson, pitched on screen as "Authors of F**k the Poor: A Conservative Guide to Comedy.”