Dan Zak

Want the Opposite of a Joyous July 4 DC Patriot? See WashPost Reporter
July 7th, 2019 10:03 AM
In Saturday's Washington Post, it was time for another one of those features exploring the strange world of the Trump Fans, in this case, the people who happily squeezed onto the Mall in Washington for the president's July 4 rally. The Post turned to writer Dan Zak, who sounds like a perpetual snark machine. He quoted Einstein that nationalism is like measles....so the crowd were like a horde of…

WashPost Slams Ginni Thomas: 'Nakedly Partisan, Erroneous Propaganda'
January 1st, 2019 1:18 PM
On New Year's Eve, The Washington Post published a 2,800-word piece objecting to conservative advocacy by Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. The headline splashed on the front of the Style section: "The voice beside the robe: Ginni Thomas is the say-anything conservative counterpart to her Supreme Court spouse." The Post would like her to shut up.

WashPost Writer Celebrates 'Mad Hot Summer' of Leftist Incivility
July 3rd, 2018 3:09 PM
Washington Post feature writer Dan Zak revels in left-wing activism, like his massive opus in the paper (and then a book) on four blood-tossing anti-nuclear protesters. As the temperatures peak, it’s time for Zak to freak . It's "The start of a mad hot American summer in the nation’s capital. A president violating norm after norm. Immigrant children wailing for their mothers. A Supreme Court seat…

WashPost Suggests 'SNL' Can 'Destroy' Spicer, Get Trump to Resign
February 8th, 2017 9:14 PM
The Washington Post is joining the liberal chorus of wishful thinkers that Melissa McCarthy’s Sean Spicer impression might damage Spicer and Donald Trump. Post reporter Elahe Izadi – who pitches herself as a stand-up comedian on the side – set out to promote anonymously-sourced stories of Trump unrest over the skit, and find leftist comedians who wished and hoped the NBC comedy show could…

As Light As Risotto: WashPost Prints Puff Piece on Podesta's Emails
October 21st, 2016 2:14 PM
On Friday morning, Fox host Brit Hume tweeted about the John Podesta emails hacked by WikiLeaks: “I never imagined you could do a puff piece about Podesta's emails, but @washingtonpost has done it.” The Post turned to left-wing Style writer Dan Zak to take a light approach. Above a picture of Podesta, the tease was “In the insider’s inbox: Political zingers, recipes, honey-do lists, and UFOs.”…

WashPost Kicks Dirt on Grave: Nancy Reagan 'Just Said No on HIV/AIDS'
March 14th, 2016 11:35 AM
The Washington Post “Fact Checker” should really be turned on his own newspaper. Post writer Dan Zak penned a nasty-gram trashing the recently deceased Nancy Reagan, with this headline on the front of the Style section. “How Nancy Reagan just said no on HIV/AIDS.” Then there was the online headline: “On drugs, Nancy Reagan just said no. On AIDS, she said nothing.”
Zak implied that somehow Mrs.…

Dan Zak the Hack Pats Hillary's Flack On the Back
November 6th, 2015 8:17 AM
The liberal bias of Washington Post Style section writer Dan Zak emerged again at the top of Style on Wednesday. Less that two weeks ago, the Post’s Amber Phillips offered a more balanced and informative take on Sidney Blumenthal, Hillary’s controversial private adviser. Zak could only cite him as a man of “ruthless intelligence” who’s a magnet for “Benghazi inquisitors” and “Hillary nuts.”

WashPost Reporter Compares 'Dictatorial' Trump to North Korean Despots
August 19th, 2015 11:30 AM
Washington Post “reporter” Dan Zak is slinging mud at Donald Trump on the front of Wednesday’s Style section. He’s a bully and he’s “infantile,” and then....Zak went on an extended rant comparing Trump to North Korean communist despots Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un. Zak began talking about Trump in the "Spite House" this way:
"Donald John Trump (R-Spite) is like Vito Corleone crossed with an 8-…

WashPost Writer: Twitter Is 'A Billion Babies With a Billion Rattles'
July 30th, 2015 4:16 PM
On Thursday, Washington Post writer Dan Zak (@MrDanZak) unloaded on Twitter in general as a blabby mess. Zak was praising a satirical-Nixon account at @dick_nixon operated by a New York playwright, and dropped this bomb:
"Most of Twitter, especially around a big event, is nonstop nonsense, the equivalent of a billion babies with a billion rattles."

Did WashPost's Zak Tweet Thinly-Veiled Disdain for Defamed UVa. Frat?
April 6th, 2015 9:46 PM
"Social group whose primary activities include lewdness & intemperance, & whose recruits suffer humiliation & sadism, sues for defamation." That was a tweet from Washington Post "newspaperman" Dan Zak at 7:39 p.m. Monday evening.

Liberating 'Girls'? WashPost Gauzily Champions Janet Mock's Trans-Crus
February 14th, 2014 1:54 PM
The Washington Post is glorifying the man who calls himself “Janet Mock” on the front of the Friday Style section, but it’s a bit puzzling. They noted the recent kerfuffle over Piers Morgan’s CNN show describing Mock as “a boy until 18" as “a ticking time bomb that later exploded on Twitter.”
But wait, Post reporter Dan Zak first wrote, “She had three goals when she was growing up as Charles…

Today's Liberal In Trouble: WashPost Writer Dan Zak Pens Positive Prof
December 12th, 2013 8:28 AM
Liberals are going to be mad at Dan Zak today. The Washington Post Style section writer who nastily dismissed the Biden-Ryan debate last year as “a man debating a boy” sounded like he went head over heels for Megyn Kelly in a Thursday profile. The Post headline even oozed: “The Essential Megyn Kelly: Her new prime-time show is a swift hit. Buoyed by intelligence and intensity, is she poised to…

WashPost Hails Leftist 'Peace' Vandals, Placing Them on the Side of 'M
May 8th, 2013 7:13 AM
The Washington Post and reporter Dan Zak returned to bowing before the radical-left “Prophets of Oak Ridge” as their trial began Tuesday. The protesters broke into a nuclear-weapons production facility last July and hammered a wall and vandalized it with human blood. The headline at the top of Wednesday’s Style section was “Protest and protocol vie in anti-nuclear activists’ Tenn. trial.”…

Smug WashPost TV Reviewer: Raddatz Favored Biden, Ryan Was Juvenile An
October 12th, 2012 7:42 AM
Washington Post writer Dan Zak penned a "TV Review" of the debates in the A section which bragged "only Vice President Biden acted as though he could sit at the desk in the Oval Office and have his feet touch the ground." In the paper, he began " A pro debated a novice," but on Twitter, Zak previewed he would write "A man debated a boy Thursday night." He also insulted Ryan on Twitter as a…