Infomercial, Not Comedy: Samantha Bee Pushes to Exploit Pandemic to Enact Socialism

May 15th, 2020 8:17 AM

On Wednesday's Full Frontal on TBS, liberal comedienne Samantha Bee spent much of her show advocating for maximum exploitation of the pandemic to advance liberal causes on issues like welfare and abortion. Is this a comedy show, or a commercial for socialism?

Leftists like former Labor Secretary Robert Reich and historian Doris Kearns Goodwin contributed their voices to talking up liberal economic policies. The show even threw in the latest tired smear of President Trump as a fascist.

Early on, Bee spoke in favor of the federal government increasing food stamp benefits, and derided Republicans as not "giving a s***" about the poor:

SAMANTHA BEE: Now, while Democrats are trying to raise benefits by 15 percent, Republicans are attempting to block that change. … For Republicans, giving hungry families an extra hundred bucks during a worldwide pandemic is too much of an ask -- both because they deeply, passionately don't give a s*** about poor people, and because Steve Mnuchin needs it to fashion sheets for his bed.

She then did a pre-recorded segment in which she sent a robot with a television screen onto the streets so she could interview people face to face while staying at home. As she spoke with Doctor Caesar Djaverherian of Carbon Health about opportunities to increase telemedicine, she again brought up one of her favorite subjects, abortion, and talked up helping women have abortions at home. 

In the next segment, contributor Mike Rubens was seen speaking with several liberal personalities and activists. As Goodwin spoke favorably of liberal policies that were enacted in the U.S. around the time of World War II, Rubens also hinted that President Trump is a "fascist" like Hitler:

DORIS KEARNS GOODWIN, PRESIDENTIAL HISTORIAN: We've been through really tough times before, and we did emerge better as a result of them. 

MIKE RUBENS: For example, the Great Depression led to once radical reforms.

DORIS KEARNS GOODWIN: You get eventually Social Security, you get a safety net, and you get a minimum wage and collective bargaining. 

MIKE RUBENS: World War II brought the G.I. Bill, more women in the workforce, and the final defeat of fascism. (shows clip of Donald Trump) Okay, temporary defeat.

When Reich was brought on, he was praised by Rubens not only for pushing liberal economic policies but also for declaring that he wishes to see President Trump prosecuted after he leaves office:

MIKE RUBENS: First, how about a better social safety net? Here's Robert Reich, author of The System: Who Rigged It, How to Fix It. 

ROBERT B. REICH: We are the most unequal in terms of income and wealth of any advanced country. We have socialism for the rich and the harshest form of capitalism you can imagine for everybody else. 

RUBENS: What specific changes would you like to see emerge after the pandemic?

REICH: Well, if I'm going to put on my silver lining hat. 

RUBENS: Please do. 

ROBERT REICH: We should cancel student debt  -- we could have a universal health care system  -- we could have universal basic income not keeping people comfortable but making sure they don't go hungry.

RUBENS: Universal health care  -- debt forgiveness  -- I love the vision.  Now to Trump. 

REICH: If I am still allowed to have my silver lining hat on, Donald Trump is not only out of a job but he is prosecuted for violating the law. In fact, there's a race among public prosecutors to see who is going to get him in prison first. 

RUBENS: Robert Reich, I love your imagination.

Below is a transcript of the abortion portion of the Wednesday, May 13, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee on TBS:

SAMANTHA BEE: Telemedicine is a very good idea. When used correctly, it helps everyone. Tell me how telemedicine can be used with respect to abortion. 

DOCTOR CAESAR DJAVERHERIAN, CARBON HEALTH: There's a large body of evidence that abortions of less than 10 weeks can be safely cared for via telemedicine and medication administration. In Europe, it's already available, but in the U.S. there are barriers that seem to be man-made. 

BEE: And do you foresee a future in which those barriers will be broken down?

DJAVERHERIAN: Absolutely. We hope that one of the positive things coming out of coronavirus is adding ways for patients to access care. I mean, imagine if you were living in a small town where the local doctor is someone maybe you go to church with, and you have a concern that you want to remain private.

BEE: Right, I don't want to show this herp to Doctor Kevin  -- I'm going to drive two towns over.