Dem Senators Demand Pre-Access to OpenAI Model

July 26th, 2024 6:26 PM

A group of Democrat and Independent senators are pressuring the company that makes ChatGPT to promise the government pre-deployment access to any future model.


STUDY: X Is Giving Congressional Dems a BOOST Before the 2024 Election

July 15th, 2024 9:08 AM

Elon Musk has made strides to turn X (formerly Twitter) into a free speech platform but there are still remnants of the Old Twitter censorship regime and they are interfering in the 2024 election. It now appears that X is actively boosting content posted by Democrat congressional members’ accounts, while simultaneously de-amplifying their GOP counterparts in the middle of an election year.

EXCLUSIVE: Lee RIPS Salt Lake Tribune for Whining Over Chevron Ruling

July 11th, 2024 12:15 PM

The Salt Lake Tribune is throwing a fit over the U.S. Supreme Court stripping the ungodly regulatory power of unelected bureaucrats while picking a fight with Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) for daring to support the move. 


PBS Avoids Networks' Pro-Biden Optimism, Reveal Democratic Agonizing

July 11th, 2024 9:39 AM

On Tuesday’s edition of the PBS News Hour, White House reporter Lisa Desjardins sounded unconvinced that President Biden had settled the waters among his Democratic caucus after his awful debate performance, pessimism that stood in contrast to the national news networks, whose White House reporters have hastily leapt back on board the Biden train after a day or so of relative calm on…

GROSS: Politico, NYT Exploit Inhofe's Death to Attack Climate Views

July 9th, 2024 2:30 PM

The eco-fanatics at Politico and The New York Times exploited a Republican Senator’s death to grave-stomp over his climate change skepticism. 

Twitter Files: The Campaign to Smear #Walkaway as Russian Assets

June 7th, 2024 7:47 PM

The latest Twitter Files expose how a social media movement promoting an exodus from the Democratic party was falsely labeled as Russian propaganda and censored.


Nets Defends Fauci From GOP in ‘Emotional’, ‘Fiery’, ‘Testy’ Hearing

June 4th, 2024 6:26 PM

ABC, CBS, and NBC were not only exhausting airtime fawning over and spinning for Hunter Biden as his first criminal trial got underway, but also rallying around Dr. Tony Fauci on Monday night and Tuesday morning over the “contentious”, “heated” and “hostile” House hearing he endured on the COVID-19 pandemic response that left him “defiant” yet “emotional” over “the threats” posed by critics.…


WATCH: Dr. Epstein UNMASKS Severity of Google’s Election Interference

May 31st, 2024 5:50 PM

Google researcher Dr. Robert Epstein gave the Texas State Senate a crash course in the nefarious election interference that Big Tech has been using to manipulate U.S. politics for years.

NY Times Can't Handle Fetterman's Right Shift: 'Caustic...Hostile'

May 30th, 2024 12:56 PM

On the front page of Sunday’s New York Times, congressional correspondent Annie Karni sympathized with recent criticism of Pennsylvania’s freshmen Sen. John Fetterman, once mocked in Republican circles for his Senate floor fashion sense but now reviled by the left for his support of Israel and other iconoclastic positions, in “Fetterman, Flashing a Sharper Edge, Keeps Picking Fights…

SMH: Regime Media Lie Their Pants Off on Katie Britt’s Pro-Life Bill

May 14th, 2024 4:27 PM

Last Thursday, Senator Katie Britt (R-AL) teamed up with fellow Republican Senators Kevin Cramer (ND) and Marco Rubio (FL) to unveil the More Opportunities for Moms to Succeed (MOMS) Act aimed at giving pregnant women a federally-backed “clearinghouse” of resources — called — for “expecting and postpartum moms, as well as those with young children”, and create grants for…

NPR Hearing: Our NewsBusters Download for the Congressional Record

May 11th, 2024 6:26 PM

An opening statement to Congress is usually longer to read than the give minutes that witnesses are granted. So if you want to see the whole statement on National Public Radio bias that I offered the House for the Wednesday hearing, it's included here. 

Election Interference! CNN Leaks Private Meeting to Smear Scott Perry

May 9th, 2024 9:41 AM

With Republicans holding a razor-thin House majority and President Biden struggling to build momentum against former President Trump, there’s no limit to how far the liberal media will go into interfere in the presidential election. Such an odious example came up on Wednesday as eagerly published an account using audio from a private House Oversight Committee meeting to falsely paint…


Here Are the Best & Worst Parts of the NPR Hearing with MRC’s Graham

May 8th, 2024 5:45 PM

On Wednesday, the Media Research Center’s NewsBusters executive editor Tim Graham testified before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations during a hearing on the decades-long liberal boondoggle that is National Public Radio (NPR). Not surprisingly, he came armed with examples of their virulent bias and hate for conservatives.

In Defense of Speaker Mike Johnson

April 25th, 2024 1:57 PM

 Author Herman Wouk captured well how to understand heroism. “Heroes are not supermen; they are good men who embody — by the cast of destiny — the virtue of their whole people in a great hour,” observed Wouk. We have today an American hero in the name of House Speaker Mike Johnson. Anyone with eyes open knows the world today is a very dangerous place.