Ricky Gervais

Ricky Gervais Called ‘Transphobe’ Over Canadian Trans Waxing Debacle
July 22nd, 2019 11:42 AM
British comedian Ricky Gervais has been called “transphobic” over defending women refusing to wax transwomen in Canada because they are uncomfortable dealing with their clients’ very male genitalia. Gervais defended the spa workers saying that it’s “real feminism” for women to choose who to wax or not, but internet users aren’t having it.

UK Paper: Convict Comics for Hate Speech, Ban Books That Insult Islam
March 3rd, 2019 12:16 PM
Two ghastly pieces published at The Independent, a British newspaper, provided further depressing proof that the journalistic left is no defender of free speech. Alleged stand-up comic Liam Evans came out for hate-speech laws to be enforced against comedians: “As a new comedian working the circuit, I’m appalled at disgusting ‘jokes’ creeping back into the industry -- Comedians, crying ‘free…

Hollywood Slams Prayers, Guns: ‘Vote These NRA Lovers Out'
November 6th, 2017 9:37 AM
Hollywood has its standards: President Trump isn’t allowed to politicize after a terrorist attack, but after a shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas, actors and actresses can shred prayers, the NRA, and the GOP to bits and pieces.

Actress: Trump Jr.’s Socialism Joke Is Based on ‘Extreme Privilege’
November 1st, 2017 11:38 AM
Halloween is when kids dress up in costume and parents share cute pictures of their kids on social media. Leave it to bitter liberal Hollywood to ruin one child’s picture. Donald Trump Jr. tweeted a photo of his daughter, Chloe, with the caption, “I’m going to take half of Chloe’s candy tonight and give it to some kid who sat at home. It’s never to early to teach her about socialism.” Socialist…

Ricky Gervais Strikes Again: Liberal Elite Are ‘Not the Enemy’
June 21st, 2017 3:43 PM
Ricky Gervais has decided to join the roundtable of comedians that tries to say something relevant about the current US government. His latest quip? “What really annoys me is that Trump has convinced his gang that the real enemy is the Hollywood liberal elite.” In an interview with Vulture’s Stacey Wilson Hunt on June 21, the British comedian talked about his new movie, his best known character…

On NPR, Ricky Gervais Tells Trans Lobby to Grow Up on Jenner Jokes
May 3rd, 2016 11:45 AM
In 2013, NPR host Rachel Martin spent eight minutes of taxpayer-subsidized air time on the last Sunday before Christmas promoting the atheist band Bad Religion wrecking Christmas songs and found no time to question if it offended.
NPR devoted almost 12 minutes to promoting atheist actor/writer Ricky Gervais on the morning of May 1. Weekend Edition Sunday anchor Rachel Martin found a piety worth…

Ricky Gervais Opens Golden Globes with Shockingly Vulgar Monologue
January 10th, 2016 10:10 PM
NBC (“the only network with zero nominations") had to know things would be bad when they asked Ricky Gervais to host the 73rd Annual Golden Globe Awards for the fourth time, but did they know it would be THAT awful? Gervais literally started the show with the words, “Shut up, you disgusting, pill-popping, sexual-deviant scum” – and it only went downhill from there.

Jimmy Fallon and Ricky Gervais Joke About Pedophiles
September 27th, 2012 10:44 AM
NewsBusters reported earlier this month that a Gawker editor wrote an article advancing the absurd notion that pedophilia is a "sexual orientation."
On NBC's Late Night Wednesday, host Jimmy Fallon and guest Ricky Gervais actually spent two minutes joking about pedophiles (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary).

Ricky Gervais Says It's 'Child Abuse' Telling Your Child Being Gay Wil
February 20th, 2012 5:55 PM
Appearing on CNN Thursday, comedian Ricky Gervais slammed certain fundamentalist Christians who warn their children that they will go to hell if they become gay. "That to me is child abuse," quipped Gervais on Piers Morgan Tonight.
"It's when I see some of these religious fundamentalists saying that they've told their five-year-old children that if they turn out gay, they will burn in hell.…

Bozell Column: Rewarding Rotten Ricky Gervais
November 26th, 2011 8:17 AM
The culture of Hollywood has just been beautifully defined by two awards-show decisions. The first one was Brett Ratner being dumped as the director of ABC’s Oscars telecast after he said “rehearsals are for fags.” It wasn’t long before Ratner turned himself in for “negotiations” with the gay Anti-Defamation cops about doing P.C. penance.
The second one, just days later, was the Hollywood…

WaPo's 'On Faith' Wonders if Atheists Need a Televangelist of Sorts
July 20th, 2011 4:41 PM
"Does atheism need a pitch man?" is the latest "panel debate" at "On Faith," the Washington Post religion news-and-views blog.
Yes, a discussion question on a religion blog about whether atheists need a Moses to lead them to the Promised Land.
Leave it to the mainstream media!:

The Girls: Episode
January 25th, 2011 2:43 PM
Was Vicki Lawrence funny or being mean making fun of the homeless, and will diagnosing Down Syndrome lead to designer babies? Liberal celebrities need to lighten up. If they can ridicule us, Ricky Gervais can have his way with them.
[Video embedded after page break]

CNN's Piers Morgan Debates Atheist Ricky Gervais, Declares America a
January 22nd, 2011 2:50 PM
It's not often that a CNN anchor declares America a "very Christian nation," but that's what new host Piers Morgan did on Thursday while debating atheist comedian Ricky Gervais. Morgan chided the entertainer for a joke he made while hosting last Sunday's Golden Globes.
Morgan critiqued, "...I know American culture quite well now and they're a very Christian nation here in America." During…
New Movie by the Creator of ‘The Office’ Secretly an Anti-religion
September 29th, 2009 4:07 PM
According to the October 2 issue of Entertainment Weekly, advertising for The Invention of Lying, the new film from comedian Ricky Gervais, carefully conceals the atheistic subject matter of the movie. Writer Adam Markovitz explained that in the film, set in a world where everyone tells the truth, "The people...have no concept of heaven, faith, or God- until Gervais’ character fabricates ‘the man…