Reza Aslan

Cult Messiah Rants About Global Warming Flood on CNN's 'Believer'
March 13th, 2017 1:20 PM
Last week on CNN's "Believer" host Reza Aslan dined on filet of human brain. This week he had to endure the wild rantings of self-described messiah JeZus who, sounding a lot like an updated Charles Manson, claimed that global warming would cause a worldwide flood which is why his Hawaiian-based cult is building an ark. Oh, and unlike the Jesus of a couple thousand years ago, JeZus is also a…

CNN's Aslan Tries to Blame Trump for Threats Against Jewish Centers
March 13th, 2017 11:30 AM
Appearing as a guest on Sunday's CNN Newsroom to promote the latest episode of his series Believer, CNN host Reza Aslan tried to tie recent bomb threats against Jewish community centers to "rhetoric that's coming out of the White House." It was not mentioned that many of the threats are believed by law enforcement to have originated overseas, or that the one man who has been charged for a small…

Cooper Lets CNN's Reza Aslan Rip GOP's 'Muslim Bashing,' 'Xenophobia'
September 22nd, 2015 1:51 PM
Anderson Cooper gave liberal author Reza Aslan a platform to bash Republicans on the Monday edition of his CNN program. Aslan asserted that Dr. Ben Carson's "I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation" remark is just the latest example that "xenophobia [and] anti-Muslim bashing...[is] how you get votes." He also stated that "the only thing I'm surprised about is that the..…

Muslim Religious Scholar: Jesus ‘As Close to Marxism As it Gets’
September 10th, 2014 9:00 PM
Muslim author and religious “scholar” Reza Aslan has developed quite the reputation for making inflammatory statements about Christianity. This time, in an interview with HuffPost Live, Aslan claimed in no uncertain terms that Jesus Christ was a Marxist.

CNN Uses Maher Tweet To Revisit 'Islam is A Violent Religion' Debate
September 9th, 2014 6:21 PM
Don Lemon returned to the question of whether Islam is an inherently violent religion on Monday's CNN Tonight, as he interviewed Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison and author Reza Aslan. Lemon turned to his two Muslim guests for their take on a recent Tweet by atheist HBO host Bill Maher: "ISIS, one of thousands of Islamic militant groups beheads another. But by all means let's keep pretending all…

Shocker: Bill Maher Smacks Down Liberal Attacks on Israel
August 4th, 2014 12:55 PM
Bill Maher is known for his pathological, frothing attacks on all things conservative. However, on the August 1 edition of Real Time With Bill Maher, the HBO host took a controversial stance for a liberal: he defended Israel. When his Iranian-American guest Reza Aslan argued that “Amnesty International...have found no evidence whatsoever of any kind of human shield being used,” Maher…

WashPost Again Hails Muslim Author's Jesus the 'Zealot' Book
December 28th, 2013 9:35 AM
Saturday’s Washington Post once again promoted the Muslim author Reza Aslan’s history-mangling Jesus book “Zealot,” this time by reproducing a top-ten “most intriguing religion books” list from Religion News Service. Not every selection was a liberal journalist's pick to click, but these books were laid out with large, color images of the covers.
John Murawski of RNS praised Aslan's work for…
Reza Aslan: Megyn Kelly Thinks Christ Is White, But He Looks Like Me
December 13th, 2013 6:43 AM
The Washington Post's habit of promoting Muslim author Reza Aslan and his lame book about how Jesus was a political messiah resurfaced on Thursday. On the Post's "WorldViews" blog, Max Fisher interviewed Aslan on the occasion of Megyn Kelly's statement on her Fox show that "Jesus was a white man, too. It's like we have, he's a historical figure. That's a verifiable fact, as is Santa."

For WashPost, Muslim Author Reza Aslan Sneers Limbaugh and Palin Would
December 1st, 2013 9:13 AM
The Washington Post's "On Faith" section is a forum for trashing conservatives again. After seeing their reaction to the latest critique of "trickle-down" capitalism by Pope Francis, leftist Muslim author Reza Aslan argued Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh would probably call Jesus a Marxist.
In a piece also published inside the Saturday Washington Post, the man who mangled the "historical Jesus…

CNN Belief Blog Attacks O'Reilly's Jesus Book 'Flubs,' But Came to Mus
October 8th, 2013 1:18 PM
CNN's routine marketing lie is that they're the centrist network that doesn't take sides. In July, CNN's Belief Blog promoted Muslim creative-writing professor Reza Aslan's book about Jesus. CNN contributor Stephen Prothero wrote a Fox News-"correcting" article titled "What Reza Aslan actually says about Jesus" and they published Aslan's own piece on "Why I Write About Jesus."
But when it…

WashPost Promotes 'Five Myths About Jesus' by Muslim Author-Fibber Re
September 29th, 2013 2:03 PM
The Washington Post said happy Sunday to Christians with an article titled “Five Myths About Jesus” by Muslim author Reza Aslan. First question: How likely is the Post to run a feature by Aslan or anyone else titled “Five Myths About Muhammad”? Or “Five Uncomfortable Truths About Muhammad”?
The second question is: Couldn’t the Post have published the article “Five Myths on Reza Aslan’s…

WashPost Reporter Slams 'Astonishingly Absurd' Fox Questions to Muslim
August 11th, 2013 8:24 AM
Friday’s Washington Post carried a large article with color photographs of Jesus-bashing author Reza Aslan called “The Book of Reza.” Post reporter Manuel Roig-Franzia mocked “the astonishingly absurd questions lobbed at him” by Fox News religion correspondent Lauren Green, asking why a Muslim would write about Jesus.
Aslan told the Post he held Fox in low esteem (like almost every leftist…

Guardian Reviewer Skewers Aslan's 'Zealot': It's Largely 'Vociferous A
August 8th, 2013 5:29 PM
The Guardian is unapologetically left-of-center editorially, but being a British publication, its geographical and cultural separation from the journalistic elite on this side of the pond helps inoculate it from venerating the sacred cows and cozying up to the favored pundits of the liberal media here in the States.
A prime example of that is Stuart Kelly's review of UC Riverside professor…

Argument of Reza Aslan's 'Zealot' So Absurd, Even Liberal Scholar Prot
August 5th, 2013 3:09 PM
In Sunday's edition, the Washington Post perhaps unintentionally did conservative critics of Reza Aslan a favor by printing liberal religion scholar Stephen Prothero's review of the UC Riverside creative writing professor's new book, Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth.
"Aslan is more a storyteller here than a historian" who doesn't bring "much new here other than [his] slick…