Reince Priebus

MSNBC’s Reid Loses It When Bush Chief of Staff Criticizes Obama
April 28th, 2017 12:22 PM
Even though Barack Obama left the presidency 99 days ago, MSNBC showed late Thursday night why any criticism of him remains unacceptable. On Thursday’s 11th Hour, fill-in host Joy Reid went ballistic when former George W. Bush chief of staff Andy Card suggested that Obama came into office without a distinct set of beliefs to support his decision-making.

Bannon Doubles Down on Media as the ‘Opposition’; It Will ‘Get Worse'
February 23rd, 2017 5:10 PM
Among the highlights for the first day of CPAC 2017, White House chief strategist Steve Bannon and chief of staff Reince Priebus doubled down on their attacks against the media as the former referred to them as “the opposition party” having been “dead wrong” about the election to the point that life will “get worse every day” as the administration implements their agenda.

CBS Lets Dem Claim Millions Barred from Voting, But Tougher on GOPer
February 20th, 2017 5:54 PM
Add CBS host John Dickerson to the list of journalists who have apparently not felt the need to press Maryland Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings when he claims that millions of Americans have been "denied their right to vote" because of alleged "voter suppression" perpetrated by Republicans. Reminiscent of ABC's George Stephanopoulos from last week's This Week, on yesterday's Face the Nation,…

ABC, CBS: Violent Trump Backers Support 'Dictatorship in This Country'
February 19th, 2017 2:02 PM
The liberal media took Senator John McCain’s warning of a dictator Donald Trump during Sunday’s Meet the Press on NBC and ran with it as the biggest story of the day, seeming to use it as a vindication of their smears since day one. “Is that over the top? Or is there a concern,” ABC’s Jon Karl inquired to Senator Rand Paul on This Week. While on CBS’s Face the Nation, moderator John Dickerson…

NYT’s Rutenberg Says TV News Must Stop Going Easy on Trump
December 12th, 2016 10:17 PM
After television news (and his own newspaper) spent the last eight years praising Barack Obama and defending him against GOP attacks, there’s a Republican about to take office and suddenly it’s high time for journalists to get tough on politicians. That’s the gist of New York Times media reporter Jim Rutenberg’s latest Mediator column “TV News Must Pull No Punches For Trump." Rutenberg praised…

Reince Priebus Nails Chuck Todd on Whether RNC Hacked by Russia
December 11th, 2016 2:59 PM
One of the big changes of the new Trump era is that when the mainstream media attempts to promote fake news, there will be consequences. And one of the consequences is that the purveyors of such fake news will be humiliated on national television as happened on both Saturday and Sunday over whether Russia hacked the Republican National Committee as was claimed in a Friday New York Times fake news…

On CBS, Priebus Refuses to Accept Dickerson's Spin on Illegal Voting
December 5th, 2016 12:20 PM
A very smug John Dickerson asserted on Sunday's Face The Nation that Donald Trump was just flat out wrong in his assertion that millions of people voted illegally in California. In fact, Dickerson tried but failed to get incoming White House Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus to agree with him that Trump is somehow lying about this matter. Nice try, John, but Priebus wasn't biting. After Reince took…

Disgusting: Colbert Makes Vulgar Sex Joke About Romney-Trump Dinner
December 1st, 2016 3:07 PM
CBS’s Late Show host Stephen Colbert took another turn into the gutter on Wednesday night to the glee of his liberal audience as he joked that Mitt Romney consuming frog legs while having dinner the evening prior with President-elect Donald Trump “taste[d] a little bit like Trump's balls” and so began a brief rift joking Romney had performed oral sex on Trump.

ABC, NBC Hound 'Ultimate Insider' Priebus on 'Hostile' Bannon
November 14th, 2016 4:46 PM
On Monday, ABC's GMA and NBC's Today pressed Reince Priebus over his future role as chief of staff to Donald Trump. NBC's Matt Lauer hyped that "to some, you're an odd choice for chief of staff, because they've...heard Donald Trump say....we're going counter to the establishment. You are the establishment. You're the ultimate insider."

Stephanopoulos Frets: ‘Rise in Racist Acts’ Since Trump Win
November 11th, 2016 11:17 AM
With left-wing anti-Trump protesters rioting in cities across the country, on Friday’s Good Morning America, co-host George Stephanopoulos laid responsibility for quelling the unrest at the feet of the Republican President-Elect and worried that his victory was inciting the violence.

CBS's Dickerson to RNC Chair: Are GOPers 'Puppets' of Koch Brothers?
August 2nd, 2016 11:05 AM
As RNC chairman Reince Priebus appeared as a guest on Sunday's Face the Nation, CBS host John Dickerson -- using a comment from GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump about not wanting to be a "puppet" for Republican donors -- asked the RNC chairman if Republicans like Mike Pence, Scott Walker and Paul Ryan are "puppets" for the conservative Koch brothers.

NBC's Todd Frets Two-Parent Family Plank in GOP Platform
July 19th, 2016 5:00 PM
As Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus appeared as a guest on Sunday's Meet the Press, host Chuck Todd pressed him on the GOP platform, at one point fretting about the plank that makes a statement in favor of each child having both a father and a mother to raise them. The NBC host worried that the plank was "implying that somehow children of same-sex couples are more likely to…

ABC's Stephanopoulos Claims No Proof PP Sold Fetal Body Parts
July 17th, 2016 8:38 PM
As Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus appeared as a guest on Sunday's This Week show on ABC, host George Stephanopoulos pressed the RNC chairman on whether Indiana Governor Mike Pence, as Donald Trump's running mate, would hurt the party with his pro-life views, and, after Priebus recalled the videos of Planned Parenthood selling aborted fetal tissue, the ABC host was in denial…

CBS’s Rose Holds Up Daily News GOP Obituary to RNC Chair
May 4th, 2016 11:08 AM
During an interview with Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus on Wednesday’s CBS This Morning, co-host Charlie Rose gleefully held up a copy of the Daily News and read the mock obituary on the cover of the left-wing tabloid: “ says, ‘Republican Party 1854-2016; Dearly beloved, we're gathered here today to mourn the GOP. A once great political party killed by epidemic of…