NYT Gleefully Pits Pope Vs. ‘Vicious,’ ‘Ultraconservative' Catholics

April 10th, 2018 7:32 PM
Stirring the political controversy in the Vatican, New York Times Rome bureau chief Jason Horowitz once again gleefully pitted Pope Francis against “ultraconservative” Catholics in Tuesday’s “Pope Puts Caring for Migrants and Opposing Abortion on Equal Footing.” Horowitz used the Pope's newest apostolic exhortation to sharpen the conflict, crediting Francis with "citing vicious examples of…

NPR Journalist and Catholic College Grad Botches Description of Easter

April 1st, 2018 9:34 AM
NPR reporter Vanessa Romo embarrassed the taxpayer-funded network on Good Friday. In a breaking-news article online on the controversy over a journalist's claim that Pope Francis denied the existence of Hell,  Romo described Easter as "the day celebrating the idea that Jesus did not die and go to hell or purgatory or anywhere at all, but rather arose into heaven." Good grief.

NYT Uses Pope, Storm to Plug Climate Change

September 12th, 2017 4:54 PM
In the wake of Hurricane Irma, the New York Times advanced the “climate change” agenda from every angle in Tuesday’s edition. First up, the paper featured more odd respect for religion from its colorful left-wing reporter Jason Horowitz, in “Pope, in the Air, Puts Foot Down on Climate Change Denial and DACA Reversal.” The text box: “The pontiff says pro-life believers must defend the unity of the…

NYT Fires ‘Warning Shot for Hard-Line,’ ‘Ultraconservative’ Catholics

August 3rd, 2017 5:20 PM
Jason Horowitz, the New York Times’ most showily left-wing political reporter, made common cause with a piece making the rounds of Catholic intellectual circles singling out “ultraconservative” Trump-supporting conservatives as dangerous, in “From the Vatican, a Warning Shot for Hard-Line Catholics in the U.S.”

The Secular Media's Double Standard on 'Zero Tolerance' of Abuse

July 26th, 2017 12:57 PM
The media sported their real colors again as Cardinal George Pell was summoned to court in Melbourne, Australia, without knowing what the charges are or who the accusers are. But The New York Times fulminated anyway about how this will "test the credibility" of Pope Francis in dealing with sex-abuse allegations against the Catholic Church. To say that the pope's credibility is on the line is to…

NYT Finds Real Charlie Gard Tragedies: Trump, Pope, U.S. Individualism

July 6th, 2017 6:54 AM
In Wednesday’s New York Times, Dan Bilefsky and Sewell Chan reported from London on the tragic medical and legal controversy around the infant Charlie Gard: “Baby’s Illness Grows Tragic on Global Stage.” The text box declared the science settled, and the opinion of world leaders that the baby’s life should be fought for a mere nuisance that promises to make things worse: “Support from the pope…

NYT’s Krugman Goes Even Lower With Nazi Reference to Trump

November 22nd, 2016 1:48 PM
“When they go low...” well, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman goes even lower. On Friday the once-respected economist, who ia no stranger to classless rants, filed a blog post with the offensive title “The Sorrow and the Pity,” a ham-handed swipe of the incoming Trump administration as akin to the Nazi occupation of France. (The Sorrow and the Pity is a 1969 documentary about how the Vichy…

AFP Plays Up 'Rightwing' Polish Catholics' 'Hate Speech' Against Pope

July 29th, 2016 6:18 PM
Maja Czarnecka hyped in a Monday item for AFP that unnamed "experts" predict that Pope Francis "will have a hard time winning over hearts and minds" in Poland due to the legacy of Pope John Paul II. Czarnecka played up that "howls of criticism -- and even hate speech -- went up in ethnically homogenous, conservative Poland when the Catholic faithful saw Francis washing the feet of three Muslim…

Comedy Central's Noah Mocks 'Motherf**ker' Pope, Catholic Church

June 28th, 2016 12:54 PM
Left-wing comedian Trevor Noah still found a way to blast Pope Francis on Monday's Daily Show as he gave mild praise to the pontiff over his recent remarks: "The Pope says the Church and all Christians should apologize to gay people...My question is, how?..it's not like Hallmark makes 'Sorry, I oppressed you for centuries' cards." Noah later dropped an obscenity: "It almost seems like the higher…

CBS Cast Fawns Over Pope's LGBT Message Fitting Their Agenda

June 27th, 2016 11:20 AM
The Pope is at it again, this time issuing an apology to the LGBT community over the Catholic Church’s messaging over the nature of homosexuality and other LGBT related issues. During the segment discussing the Pope’s statement on CBS This Morning, co-hosts Gayle King, Norah O’Donnell, and Charlie Rose fawned and praised the Pope’s bending to the liberal tradition of raising up Christian figures…

Slate Writer: Eventually, Vatican Will Accept Same-Sex Marriage

April 15th, 2016 9:29 PM
Media coverage of Pope Francis’s Amoris Laetitia typically noted that it reaffirmed the Catholic Church’s opposition to gay marriage. Slate’s William Saletan acknowledges the literal truth of that reporting, but suggested in an April 8 article that the document contains seeds that will sprout into Vatican acceptance of same-sex unions, though he admits that process “might take centuries.”…

Bernie: You Think I'm Radical? 'Read What the Pope Is Writing'

April 8th, 2016 9:26 AM
What does it say about Bernie Sanders--and the Pope--that when it comes to economics, Sanders sees Pope Francis as more "radical" than he is? Appearing on today's Morning Joe, Sanders discussed the news that he has been invited to visit the Vatican. Sanders mentioned that [other than on social issues] he is a "big, big fan of the Pope." Said Sanders: "people think Bernie Sanders is radical. Uh-…

NYT Sunday Amnesty Overload Featuring Rubio's Granddad and Jorge Ramos

March 7th, 2016 4:36 PM
If you didn’t know the New York Times was in the tank for amnesty, Sunday’s stories would prove it. Reporter Jeremy Peters laid on a family guilt trip by strongly hinting that Sen. Marco Rubio was a hypocrite on immigration because of how his grandfather got to America: “Rubio’s Policies Might Shut the Door to People Like His Grandfather.” Turning to the New York Times Magazine, there was the 9,…

WashPost Uses Gay Advocate/Priest to Nudge Pope to 'Reform' Church

February 7th, 2016 8:17 AM
When The Washington Post took up publicizing a priest coming out of the closet as gay – in Chicago – it strangely put it on the front of the Metro section on Monday. You can be sure someone wanted that on the front of the whole paper. The headline was a quote: “I’m gay and I’m a priest, period.” The subhead was “Catholic clergy grapple with whether to come out in the Pope Francis era. The Post…