Phil Robertson

Seth Meyers Preaches for Single-Payer Socialism: 'Makes Basic Sense'
February 9th, 2019 12:18 PM
NBC Late Night host Seth Meyers devoted one of his "A Closer Look" sermons to touting "Medicare For All" and mocking President Trump and Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson for opposing socialism. Meyers warned "Scare mongering about socialism might have worked a few years ago, but it's lost its punch now that Republicans have used it over, and over, and over again."

Duck Dynasty Reaches its 'Final Chapter'
November 17th, 2016 10:01 AM
The reign of Duck Dynasty is over. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the A&E reality TV show about the Louisiana duck-hunting family will end its last season on April 12, after 5 years and 130 episodes.

Deadspin: ‘Unapologetic Bigot’ Prays for Ted Cruz to Win Presidency
April 10th, 2016 7:56 PM
Because someone using the 1st Amendment to pay tribute to God and the U.S. military, while openly advocating for a true Christian to ascend to the White House, is apparently terrifying, Deadspin lost their collective excrement mind and launched into what amounts to a hissy fit in response to Phil Robertson giving the invocation at a NASCAR race in Texas.
ABC Asks if Duck Dynasty Patriarch Likes Adopted Black Grandchild
January 21st, 2016 4:03 PM
In an interview with Duck Dynasty stars Jep and Jessica Robertson on Thursday’s Good Morning America, correspondent Jesse Palmer suggested that family patriarch Phil Robertson might be unhappy about the couple recently adopting an African American baby: “I have to ask you, obviously your father got in some hot water back in 2013. He made some inflammatory racial remarks. What's his reaction been…
ABC Omits Latest Rant from Iran’s Supreme Leader in Nuke Deal Coverage
September 9th, 2015 9:37 PM
On Wednesday night, ABC was the lone network to omit from their coverage of the Iran deal rally that Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei offered a new rant hours earlier in which he promised the country will not cooperate with the U.S. on any other issue beyond the deal in addition to predicting that Israel would not exist in 25 years.

Predictable: Libs Sneer at Phil Robertson’s ISIL Views
September 3rd, 2014 1:59 PM
Although Phil Robertson had already dodged a bullet Tuesday morning by giving a clever answer to ABC reporter Ryan Owens, who asked Phil Robertson if “he was a homophobe,” Robertson still wasn’t out of hot water. The famous patriarch of A&E’s “Duck Dynasty” and outspoken Christian conservative is a frequent media target. Predictably, media lefties made it clear who they think the real enemy…
ABC to Phil Robertson: 'Would You Consider Yourself a Homophobe
September 2nd, 2014 12:13 PM
Although Phil Robertson appeared on Tuesday's Good Morning America to promote his new book, reporter Ryan Owens couldn't resist portraying the reality show personality as an anti-gay bigot. Owens reminded viewers of the Duck Dynasty star's interview with GQ where he called homosexuality a sin. Owens pressed, "Would you consider yourself a homophobe?" [See video below. MP3 audio here.] …

Phil Robertson Urges People to Vote 'This Ungodly Bunch Out of Washing
June 23rd, 2014 11:20 AM
Christian Toto at Big Hollywood reported that Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson spoke at a “Rock the South” festival in Cullman, Alabama that also featured Lynyrd Skynrd and The Charlie Daniels Band.
Robertson’s company recently sold its one-millionth duck call, and Robertson and his son Alan told the crowd they were thankful. Robertson founded the company out of his love for duck hunting,…

Josh Marshall: 'Crazy Guy' Ben Carson May Belong on List of Bigoted Ri
May 30th, 2014 10:43 PM
Talking Points Memo editor and publisher Josh Marshall contended Thursday that there's been a "relatively consistent pattern" of conservatives lionizing those who "hat[e] or insult...some historically or currently discriminated against group." Some of these newly minted right-wing heroes, Marshall argued, lead with their bigotry; others gain fame for "being kind of nuts" and their bigotry…

Phil Robertson Slams Removing God and Ten Commandments 'From Our Psych
May 30th, 2014 10:41 AM
On Thursday's Hannity, Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson appeared to discuss his speech at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. The host suggested Robertson is a “preacher at heart.” The A&E star explained that he views everything through a faith lens and finds himself dealing more with “spiritual warfare.”
The man behind the duck call described his life's…

Christian Twins Lose HGTV Pilot Because Their Faith Is Too Controversi
May 9th, 2014 5:18 PM
Twins David and Jason Benham were working on a pilot for a series to be called Flip It Forward in which they would assist families in building dream homes and fixing up run-down houses when the Home & Garden Television cable channel abruptly canceled the project when the producers learned that the brothers have a history of preaching against homosexuality, abortion and divorce.
As you…

CNN's Phillips Revisits 'Duck Dynasty' Uproar, But Lauds Family: 'Doin
March 27th, 2014 3:00 PM
[Update, April 7, 10:55 am: the original blog entry inaccurately corrected Phillips for claiming that her husbands, correspondent John Roberts, has the last name "Robertson." In reality, Roberts' legal last name is indeed Robertson. The text below has been corrected to reflect that fact.]
CNN'S Kyra Phillips zeroed on the controversy surrounding Phil Robertson's remarks about homosexuality on…
Duck Dynasty Returns with Stellar Yet Slightly Lower Ratings;
January 17th, 2014 4:13 PM
Duck Dynasty returned to A&E last night with brand new episodes, the first since the row last month about Phil Robertson's comments regarding sin and homosexuality. The reality show, entering its fifth season, had strong numbers, but they were lower than the season 4 debut. That number was all MSNBC needed to seize on to see a moral victory for the gay-rights groups that had pressured A…

MSNBC Tries to Scare Viewers over ‘Duck Dynasty’ Line of Guns
January 3rd, 2014 1:30 PM
Ever since Phil Robertson of “Duck Dynasty” gave an interview with GQ Magazine discussing his views on gay marriage, the folks at MSNBC have been on a tirade against the reality TV star with contributors to the “Lean Forward” network going so far as to say Robertson’s comments are “part of majority white supremacist culture.”
MSNBC’s latest attempt to vilify the “Duck Dynasty” family came…