Mary Jo Kopechne

Alt-History Drama Invents Ted Kennedy Affair With Mary Jo Kopechne
November 29th, 2019 10:47 PM
It’s no secret at this point that For All Mankind is bending history to its liberal desires. Whether it’s portraying NASA and its astronauts as sexist or elevating Ted Kennedy to feminist president, the sky's the limit for the Apple TV series. However, this time may be the most shameful alteration of the show so far. It’s clear now that nothing is above leftist revision.

Moon Over Chappaquiddick? How Press Let Landing Overshadow Kennedy
July 16th, 2019 7:20 PM
For Fast Company’s run-up to the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, the magazine's Charles Fishman dove into the contemporaneous coverage from July 1969, focusing on how the print media reporting on “liberal lion” Sen. Ted Kennedy driving off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island that killed his passenger was overshadowed by the moon landing the next day.

50 Years Later, ABC 'Uncovers' 'Little-Known Story of Kopechne'
May 8th, 2019 8:05 AM
Almost 10 years after the death of Democrat Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy of Massachusetts, and 50 years after the death of Mary Jo Kopechne -- and two years after a major Hollywood film on the incident -- the media are starting to finally reveal the truth about what happened at Chappaquiddick.

NY Times Op-Ed: 'Chappaquiddick' Engages in 'Character Assassination'
April 8th, 2018 9:09 PM
In a Friday New York Times op-ed, Neal Gabler, merely described as "writing a biography of Edward Kennedy" to feign neutrality, expressed alarm that "the despicable Kennedy" seen in Chappaquiddick "will eradicate the honorable if flawed real one." Anyone who knows the history, dramatically retold in the movie I saw, can only hope that the actually despicable Massachusetts senator accurately…

Boston Globe: Ted Kennedy 'Flawed,' But With 'Endless Accomplishments'
April 6th, 2018 10:26 AM
The Boston Globe's Ty Burr reviewed Chappaquiddick Tuesday, admonishing readers that the movie "might even be accurate." Burr claims that "I'll never know" what really happened the night Ted Kennedy drove off Chappaquiddick Island's Dike Road bridge and left Mary Jo Kopechne to die in his submerged car, "and neither will you." Besides, he insists, though Ted was "flawed but human," he had "…

Of Course: WashPost Compares Ted Kennedy’s Dead Woman to…Trump Era
March 21st, 2018 8:45 AM
When it was announced that Hollywood was finally making a film showcasing Ted Kennedy’s appalling behavior at Chappaquiddick in 1969, actions that left Mary Jo Kopechne dead, it seemed obvious who liberal journalists would turn the discussion towards: Donald Trump. That’s what The Washington Post did on Wednesday, talking to Chappaquiddick producer Mark Ciardi.

'Chappaquiddick' Film Critic: Mary Jo Was a ‘Victim’ of the Kennedys
February 28th, 2018 12:59 PM
Tuesday evening, in reviewing the upcoming movie Chappaquiddick, longtime film critic Roger Friedman called Mary Jo Kopechne, who died in July 1969 as a passenger in a car driven by Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy which "went into the water and turned upside down," the "First #MeToo victim of Kennedy Family Money, Power and Corruption." He also speculated: "The Kennedys ... may try to kill this…
The MRC@25: The Worst Media Bias of
September 17th, 2012 8:00 AM
For the past two weeks, NewsBusters has been showcasing the most egregious bias the Media Research Center has uncovered over the years — four quotes for each of the 25 years of the MRC, 100 quotes total — all leading up to our big 25th Anniversary Gala September 27.
If you’ve missed a previous blog, recounting the worst of 1988 through 2002, they are here. Today, the worst bias of 2003: The…
40 Years Since Chappaquiddick; Ted Kennedy 'Would Have Brought Comfort
July 18th, 2009 10:03 AM
Earlier this week, ABC, CBS and NBC all noted the tenth anniversary of the death of John F. Kennedy, Jr. That Kennedy was an “icon” according to CBS’s Harry Smith, and “the Prince of Camelot” to ABC’s Chris Cuomo, a former cousin-in-law. Today marks the 40th anniversary of the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, killed July 18, 1969 after leaving a party with Senator Edward Kennedy. That night, Kennedy…
Herbert: Kennedy 'Had to Fight Back After Chappaquiddick
May 24th, 2008 6:32 AM
My circle of friends lost a fine man, a husband and father of several children, to brain cancer not long ago. He fought with courage and optimism, and received fine treatment, but the disease simply proved too strong. I sympathize with the plight facing Ted Kennedy, his family and loved ones. I'd add that in the course of the current coverage, I've learned of Kennedy's admirable history of…
'A Well-Publicized Automobile Accident in Massachusetts Nearly 39 Year
January 13th, 2008 7:58 PM
Could a description of Mary Jo Kopechne's death in a car accident possibly not mention Ted Kennedy till five paragraphs later?Yes.That's how the Times Leader, the Wilkes Barre, PA-based newspaper reported the passing away at age 89 of Mary Kopechne's mother Gwen, a local resident.Here's the opening paragraph [emphasis added]:A mother who lost her daughter in a well-publicized automobile accident…