Joe Arpaio

Sacha Baron Cohen Questions Sheriff Joe on Trump's Golden Showers
August 6th, 2018 12:40 AM
Showtime’s Who Is America continues to document Sacha Baron Cohen’s appalling targeting of conservative figures disguised as entertainment. Of course, the result is not entertaining in the slightest which explains why hardly anybody watches it. The latest episode follows the downward spiral by lumping in Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the golden shower tapes.

Late Night Likens Trump to Dracula, Hitler; Invokes 'White Supremacy'
September 6th, 2017 10:24 PM
Reacting to the Trump administration's rescinding of DACA and President Donald Trump's reaction to Hurricane Harvey, several late night comedians on Tuesday smeared President Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, making references to evil characters like Dracula, Adolf Hitler and Freddy Krueger. James Corden also invoked "white supremacy" in reference to…

Rubin Slams GOP as 'Party of Charlottesville,' 'Deserves Extinction'
September 4th, 2017 10:50 PM
On Monday, Jennifer Rubin was at it again as the allegedly right-leaning Washington Post columnist and regular MSNBC guest was trashing fellow conservatives both on MSNBC and on her "Right Turn" blog at In a Monday morning blog post -- titled "Ending DACA Would Be Trump's Most Evil Act" -- Rubin excoriated the Republican party as the party of "white grievance" and as the "…

Arrebato contra Arpaio en Telemundo
September 4th, 2017 10:26 AM
El perdón del presidente Trump al ex sheriff del condado de Maricopa Joe Arpaio es ahora el tema de un aviso publicitario de Telemundo, en el cual la cadena hermana en español de NBC trata con desprecio abierto tanto al presidente Trump como al veterano policía de 85 años de edad.

NBC Spends More Time Slamming Trump Than Reporting His TX Assurances
August 28th, 2017 9:21 PM
In addition to hosting the Finnish President Sauli Niinisto on Monday, President Trump spoke numerous times about the rescue and recovery efforts underway in the State of Texas following the devastation of Hurricane Harvey. But during NBC Nightly News, the network didn’t really want to bother with all of that, so they chose to focus on hammering him for his controversial pardon of former Arizona…

CNN's Ana Navarro Loses It After GOP Senator Calls Her a 'Liberal'
August 28th, 2017 11:11 AM
Monday morning’s New Day ended the 8am hour with a fiery back-and-forth exchange between host Chris Cuomo, CNN analyst Ana Navarro and Republican Senator from Arizona, Steve Montenegro, over President Trump’s pardoning of Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio this past weekend. The CNN host actually began by suggesting Trump “used” Hurricane Harvey as a “convenient” “cover” for his pardoning of the…

Jorge Ramos Irked By Race Card Pushback on CNN's State of the Union
August 27th, 2017 8:04 PM
When Univision anchor Jorge Ramos agreed to be a guest on Sunday's State Of The Union on CNN, I don't think he expected the race card pushback he would receive at the hands of Arizona State Senator Steve Montenegro. During the debate over President Donald Trump's pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Ramos pulled out his stock set of liberal clichés to recite which were effortlessly mocked and swatted…

NYT Hits Trump’s Pardon of Arpaio; Supported Obama’s Mercy for Manning
August 27th, 2017 3:51 PM
President Trump’s pardon of controversial Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio, scourge of illegal immigrants and a promoter of the “birther” conspiracy theory about Barack Obama, made the front of Sunday’s New York Times. Legal reporter Adam Liptak began the chorus of disapproval with “President Pardon of Arpaio Follows the Law, Yet Challenges It.” Yet the same paper treated another controversial…

MSNBC: 'Molotov Cocktail' Trump Hopes 'Sick' Rally Causes 'Riot'
August 22nd, 2017 10:46 PM
On Tuesday's All In, recurring MSNBC guest and Slate columnist Michelle Goldberg asserted that President Donald Trump is going to Phoenix "in the hopes of starting a riot" as she declared that his motivations for holding rhe rally were "sick." Host Chris Hayes then likened President Trump to a "Molotov cocktail" visiting the city.

Matthews Does Hulk Impression, Hints Trump Rally Could Be Violent
August 22nd, 2017 8:28 PM
MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews left viewers on Tuesday night with a rather disturbing image of Matthews grunting and stretching while giving his best Incredible Hulk impression ahead of a Phoenix Trump rally that he insinuated could turn violent. The Atlantic’s Rosie Gray was noting the difference between Trump with a Teleprompter versus without when Matthews interjected that the latter is…

Sheriff "anti-inmigrante" Arpaio tiene "campos de concentración"
May 11th, 2016 7:04 PM
El programa matutino de Telemundo, Un Nuevo Día, denunció con acidez el fallo de un tribunal federal de apelaciones que sostuvo la autoridad del sheriff Joe Arpaio para hacer cumplir la ley del estado de Arizona, por la cual es un delito grave que los inmigrantes que entraron ilegalmente al país utilicen identidades robadas para obtener trabajo.

Telemundo: ‘Anti-Immigrant’ Sheriff Arpaio Has ‘Concentration Camps’
May 4th, 2016 7:45 AM
A federal appeals court ruling upholding Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s authority to enforce Arizona state law that makes it a felony for unauthorized immigrants to use stolen identities to obtain work has been bitterly denounced by the hosts of Telemundo’s morning show, Un Nuevo Día.

Arpaio Thanks Jorge Ramos for Not Asking ‘Whether I’m a Racist'
September 14th, 2015 10:17 PM
In an interview that stood in marked contrast with his recent explosive encounter with presidential candidate Donald Trump, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos featured Maricopa Sheriff Joe Arpaio on his weekly public affairs show, Al Punto, and credited the immigration law enforcement champion for his openness and responsiveness to all his questions.

Arpaio agradece a Jorge Ramos por no preguntar si ‘soy un racista'
September 14th, 2015 8:50 PM
En una entrevista que contrastó con el explosivo encuentro entre Ramos y el precandidato presidencial Donald Trump, el conductor de Univisión entrevistó al alguacil Joe Arpaio para su programa semanal de actualidad política, Al Punto, y reconoció a Arpaio por su transparencia y prontitud para responder todas sus preguntas.