Ellen Page

‘Juno’ Creator's Objective 'Is to be a Traitor to (Pro-Life) Culture'
The pro-abortion movement loves to throw around the word “choice” to describe themselves and their mission, but that falls flat when you consider the only choice they support is abortion. It’s pro-lifers who are on the front lines helping women with two choices (keeping the baby and adoption) while the so-called “pro-choicers” only support one (abortion).

CensorTrack with TR: Peterson, Rubin Silenced Over ‘Ellen Page’ Tweets
This week, we talked about how Big Tech censored Jordan Peterson and David Rubin for using the given name of a “transgender” person.

Elliot Page’s Character Transitioning in Netflix’s Umbrella Academy
Last year actress Ellen Page came out as transgender on Twitter, stating, "I am trans, my pronouns are he/they, and my name is Elliot." Still not sure how someone's pronouns can be both he and they.

Stunning & Brave: ‘Juno’ Star Turned Trans Man Graces Time Cover
Trans people are all the rage at the moment and popular magazines are clearing inclusivity hurdles by getting their "First Ever!" trans cover stars. On the same day that Good Morning America did a feature on Sports Illustrated's first ever black & Asian American trans swimsuit model, Time featured its own trans cover star.

Actor Ellen Page Comes Out As Queer Trans Person 'Elliot Page'
In non-corona or election-related news, actress Ellen Page has officially come out as a queer trans person. Somehow, this still isn’t the most bizarre thing Page has ever said.

Eye Roll: Liberal Celebs Page, Perry Run Defense for Jussie Smollett
Kudos to Chris Pratt

Trumped Up Rage: President and MAGA-Hatters to Blame for EVERYTHING
Phony racially-motivated attacks and Democrats being caught in blackface were just some of the controversies that liberal journalists and celerities actually blamed on Donald Trump and his Wall-endorsing, red hat-wearing, supporters this past month.

Chris Pratt Schools Ellen Page: 'Hate Has No Place' in His Church

Actress: World Is Going to End by 2030, Media Barely Talking About It!
Openly gay actress and liberal activist Ellen Page appeared on The Late Show Thursday and went on an bizarre rant against everything from media coverage of global warming to the alleged hate crime against actor Jussie Smollett. She predicted the world was going to end in the next eleven years, yet no one was talking about it, and emotionally ripped into the Vice President for causing the…
NewsBusted: Piers Morgan Leaves CNN, Jimmy Fallon Flacks for Obamas at

New Sundance Film ‘The East’ Focuses on Anarchist, Eco-Terrorist G
Ellen Page Slams FNC While Praising Canadian Health Care, Jokes 'We Ar