
CNN Panel Melts When Conservative Invokes Obama’s Cult of Personality

April 3rd, 2024 7:25 PM

Wednesday’s CNN This Morning twice devolved into hysterical bewilderment among the three liberals on-set when conservative strategist and former Tim Scott 2024 adviser Matt Gorman responded to the left’s pearl clutching around fervent support for Donald Trump by reminding them of the cult of personality that surrounded Barack Obama.


Nets Celebrate Biden Fundraiser, ABC SLAMS Trump’s Support for NYPD

March 29th, 2024 3:21 PM

On Friday, ABC, CBS, and NBC displayed proverbial thrills up their legs as they celebrated President Biden’s “high-powered”, “splashy”, “star-studded”, and “unprecedented” Radio City Music Hall fundraiser featuring “heavy hitters” from Hollywood and Democratic party politics (former Presidents Clinton and Obama) with tickets going for half a million dollars. In contrast, the three downplayed…


ABC World News Tonight SQUEES Over Biden-Obama-Clinton Fundraiser

March 28th, 2024 11:39 PM

There are many reasons that underlie why we often refer to the corporate news media as “Regime Media”. Chief among them, their willingness to propagate Democrat talking points and obsequiously report things in a light most favorable to whatever Democrat is in power. ABC World News Tonight’s coverage of the much-ballyhooed three-president fundraiser in New York City certainly…


NBC Cheers Biden’s ‘Star-Studded’ NYC Fundraiser With Colbert, Obama

March 28th, 2024 3:33 PM

With NBC having axed former RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel as a contributor, Today returned Thursday to doing what the network does best: being fanboys and girls for their liberals. This time, they cheered President Biden’s upcoming attempt “to re-energize his re-election campaign with a star-studded campaign event” at Radio City Music Hall with former Presidents Clinton and Obama, CBS…

41 Times Google Has Interfered in US Elections Since 2008

March 18th, 2024 9:26 AM

MRC Free Speech America researchers found that Google has been interfering with U.S. elections since 2008, favoring liberal candidates and silencing others. Examples include Google's involvement in the 2008 primary between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, attempts to prevent a "Trump situation" in 2020, and suppressing GOP fundraising among many others. Google's interference has already…

REWIND: Riding to Obama’s Rescue, After Wright’s Radicalism Exposed

March 17th, 2024 10:16 AM

Sixteen years ago this weekend, Illinois Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign was in real trouble, after ABC exposed the radicalism of Obama’s longtime pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Liberal journalists, however, adored Obama, so over the next several days the media elite became the candidate’s personal rapid-response team.


Reid Defends Schumer, Claims Netanyahu Is 'An Adjunct' Of The GOP

March 15th, 2024 1:44 PM

MSNBC’s Joy Reid welcomed The Daily Beast columnist David Rothkopf to the Thursday edition of The ReidOut for a profoundly unserious discussion on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called for new Israeli elections under the guise that Netanyahu is no longer fit to lead the country. While, Netanyahu has never…


FLASHBACK: The 20 Most INSANE Quotes From Hollywood’s Elite

March 10th, 2024 12:00 PM

Tonight is Hollywood’s biggest night, the 96th Academy Awards,  so it’s a good time to dig out the absolute worst quotes we’ve collected over the years from the “stars,” as they championed their favorite liberal politicians and badmouthed conservatives.

NYT Blames GOP for SOTU Speech Discord -- But Dems Started It vs. Bush

March 9th, 2024 9:52 AM

An interactive slide show posted to the New York Times site on Wednesday, the day before President Biden’s State of the Union address, “How the State of the Union Became a Picture of Disunion,” relayed a fake history of partisan scrapping at recent State of the Union addresses suggesting Republicans were almost wholly responsible. But Baker completely skipped over the start of the…


Bishop SCOLDS ‘Faceless, Nameless Bureaucrats’ Censoring Americans

March 4th, 2024 5:20 PM

Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC) promised to fight for Americans’ right to free speech against government censorship, even when this censorship is outsourced to private companies.

FLASHBACK: The Media’s Skewed Coverage of Past Super Tuesday Primaries

March 3rd, 2024 10:35 AM

To political junkies, Tuesday is “Super Tuesday,” when 16 states (plus American Samoa) hold primaries or caucuses to choose their 2024 presidential nominees. Here’s a quick re-cap of how the media elite have spun the last four Super Tuesday primaries.


CNN Blames Reagan, Bush, And Trump For 'Why Iran Hates America'

February 27th, 2024 1:24 PM

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria hosted a Sunday special documentary entitled Why Iran Hates America where he ultimately homed in on three Republican presidents: Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump. There is a fine line between explaining Iran’s position and uncritically regurgitating it and Zakaria failed to appreciate the difference as he omitted key information and contradicted…

FLASHBACK: The Liberal Media Hate-Storm After Justice Scalia’s Passing

February 18th, 2024 10:30 AM

Eight years ago this week, as the nation mourned the loss of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, left-wing pundits unleashed an appalling storm of hateful comments about the longtime conservative jurist, slashing him as “regressive,” “cruel” and “reprehensible.”

Column: PolitiFact Celebrates Fact-Checking Donald Trump 1,000 Times

February 14th, 2024 5:48 AM

Never call PolitiFact an “independent fact-checker.” They are every bit as liberal and biased as their fans in the liberal media. Recently, they announced they had published their 1000th “fact check” of Donald Trump.