
Another Teacher Guilty of Sleeping With Student
A 24-year-old special ed teacher and dance coach, Ann Bacon, from Minnesota, has been charged with sexual misconduct after admitting to having sexual relations with a student.

PBS Marks Fringe Liberal Win: Old MN Flag 'Cluttered, Genocidal Mess'
Taxpayer-funded PBS once again pushed a fringe issue into the forefront of the news. This time it was a purely symbolic one. Saturday’s PBS News Weekend, devoted a full five minutes to Minnesota’s move to replace its state flag, staggeringly described by PBS as “what one critic called a cluttered, genocidal mess,” with a less offensive design. Well, that escalated…

Univision Cheers Licenses For Illegals In Minnesota
Time and time again, Univision proves itself to be an immigration advocacy PAC with a broadcast license. And, as immigration advocacy organizations do, they cheer anything that erodes the distinctions between legal and illegal immigration.

To Diversify Their Audience, NPR Hosts Race Hustling Monday
NPR has a Strategic Plan to expand their "Black and Hispanic audiences on all platforms." This helps explain why they offered black leftists an open-ended publicity platform on Monday's morning and evening "news" programs. Minnesota's Attorney General Keith Ellison was given a softball interview about his book prosecuting the cops in the George Floyd case, with zero focus on the current crime…

PBS Rips GOP for 'Restricting' LGBTQ Rights, Dems 'Safeguard' Rights
Tax-funded PBS NewsHour made clear where it stood on “LGBTQ” issues over two separate segments on two consecutive nights. Host Amna Nawaz introduced the Wednesday evening segment faulting the Republican governor of Tennessee for rejecting federal money for “HIV prevention": "In Tennessee, a fight has been brewing over another public health issue, HIV. It comes as several Republican-…

ANOTHER Pregnancy Center Attacked, DOJ & FBI Remain Silent
It’s unlikely the FBI or DOJ will do anything about this violent attack.

Trans Woman With Trans Partner & 2 Trans Kids Advocates for Trans
What could be better than a Trans mommy/daddy having two trans kiddos? Pretty much anything else.

Minnesota Gov. Enshrines Unrestricted Abortion Into Law
If you have the sudden urge to kill a child, head over to Minnesota because it just got THAT much easier.

'Queer Power': First Trans Queer ‘Woman’ Elected For MN House
Congratulations to the state of Minnesota for electing transgender Leigh Finke to help with the “rise of Queer Political Power.”
Minneapolis Neighborhood Pays Extra for Cops
Wealthy people can afford police protection in Minneapolis.
Obama: Don't forget George Floyd
May 26 is the feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ, an important day for Christians. May 25, however, has far more theological significance to lefties. It’s the anniversary of the death of George Floyd, their most sacred martyr to the BLM cause.

Of Course: Antifa-Crusader Cuomo Outraged by Anti-Riot Bills
It should come as no surprise that frequent defender of left-wing rioters Chris Cuomo would object to laws punishing rioters. As Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots spread across the country last year and continue still, the CNN host raged against Republican leaders taking measures to curb them.

CRAZY! Chris Cuomo: White People Take ‘Comfort’ in Racism
During the transition between Cuomo Prime Time and CNN Tonight on Wednesday night, host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo brazenly claimed that white people are devoid of empathy and lack the ability to “see humanity” in black people—specifically, in George Floyd. The identity-obsessed anchor…

REPORT: 28 States Take on Big Tech; 20 Battle Online Censorship
Congress has remained locked in a stalemate over how to tackle Big Tech tyranny. Meanwhile, state governments have stepped up and decided to take matters into their own hands where the federal government has failed. The partisan gridlock in Congress grew more apparent as Republicans and Democrats clashed with Big Tech executives — and with each other — in a March 25 hearing. Twenty-eight…