Sanjay Gupta

CNN Considers Bringing Back Masks: 'We're At An Inflection Point'
It may be August of 2023, but the media still can’t quit COVID alarmism. The latest COVID freak out came on Wednesday’s CNN This Morning as the assembled cast wondered whether it was time to bring back masks.

Supercut: Media Devastated by Joyful Maskless Airline Passengers
This week, the applause of airline passengers celebrating their first masked flights in years was met with sullen glares and stern warnings from TV news’s greatest health experts. The Biden Administration’s mask mandate was struck down Monday by Federal Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, much to the chagrin of the mask-loving media. Legal and medical experts alike were immediately shoved in front…

CNN, Tapper Finally Discover 'Misleading' COVID Hospitalization Number
For nearly two years, conservatives and Republicans were vilified as conspiracy theorists for raising questions about COVID hospitalization numbers when it came to who was there because of COVID and who just happened to be infected. On Monday, CNN and anchor Jake Tapper finally arrived at the scene to ask the obvious questions after CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky admitted to Fox News that…

Joe Rogan Presses Sanjay Gupta on CNN Lying About 'Horse Dewormer'
Dr. Sanjay Gupta suffered some uncomfortable moments on Joe Rogan's podcast when confronted with evidence of CNN lying about Rogan's Covid medication.

UPDATE: 2021 Fredo Gets SCHOOLED By 2020 Fredo on Wuhan Lab Theory
As NewsBusters documented last night, CNN Prime Time host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo has been trying to play dumb with COVID by suggesting GOP focus on the Wuhan Institute of Virology last year was racist. And he was at it again Wednesday night, claiming theories about the lab were “a newer notion,” and that “the government had not been open to the lab theory.” But inconveniently for Fredo,…

CNN Lets Guest Slam Fox, Limbaugh Over Wuhan Theory CNN Also Pushed
On Tuesday's New Day, CNN's war on Fox News continued by bringing on liberal professor Kathleen Hall Jamieson and promoting her new study that conservative media like Fox and the Rush Limbaugh program were spreading unproven conspiracy theories about COVID-19. But wait, that's weird -- one of these so-called conspiracy theories about the origins of the virus in Wuhan was recently…

CNN's Gupta Questions WHO Credibility on Wuhan Lab Leak
CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta seems to have questioned the credibility of the World Health Organization due to the possibility that the COVID-19 virus might have leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China.

CNN Touts COVID Lab Theory It Previously Slammed Fox Over
On Friday's New Day, CNN went even further than it recently did in admitting that theories about the COVID-19 virus originating in a lab in China have credibility.

Clowns: CNN, MSNBC, Mask Shame 'Infectious' Cruz Rebuffing Reporter
Despite an increasing number of the population being vaccinated every day, the hacks at CNN and MSNBC still haven’t given up mask-shaming. Both networks hosted huffy segments feigning outrage at Senator Ted Cruz for doing something White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki does everyday at the press podium.

REWIND: CNN, MSNBC Spent 50 Mins Analyzing Trump’s West Point Visit
On Friday morning, President Joe Biden repeatedly fell up the steps of Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base and almost immediately, comparisons ensued as conservatives and Republicans recalled the liberal media’s wall-to-wall coverage of then-President Trump holding of a water glass and walking slowly down a ramp at the June 13, 2020 West Point commencement. A NewsBusters analysis has found…

Biden Toadies at CNN Rave Over President's COVID Plan
Of all the tonal shifts you'll see from the liberal media now that Joe Biden is president, the abrupt change from "everything is awful" to "everything is awesome" will be most stark on CNN. That could be seen on Thursday as Anderson Cooper and his guests raved over Biden's COVID plan. It's "factual," "very honest, "very evidence-based."

Colbert, CNN Doc Agree: Trump’s COVID 'Plan’ Was to Kill ‘Millions’
CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta appeared on The Late Show Tuesday to trash the Trump administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, with less than a week until the election. Gupta even agreed with Stephen Colbert that the president’s “plan” was to let millions of Americans die from the virus.

CNN Attacks Fox's Siegel for... Agreeing with CNN in March
In light of the President’s coronavirus diagnosis, the leftist media have been rehashing a years-long quest into unearthing President Trump’s medical records in an attempt to deem him unfit to be President. Now that the President has announced he will undergo an on-camera medical evaluation, CNN has chosen to attack a tiresome target: Fox News. Weekly afternoon CNN Newsroom host…

Evil: Here Were CNN’s WORST Moments After Trump’s COVID Diagnosis
Throughout Friday’s early hours, CNNers repeatedly expressed best wishes to President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump after having tested positive for the coronavirus. But behind those best wishes, CNN not only levied their usual, poisonous rhetoric, but plenty of subliminal levels of apocalyptic brainstorming, gloating, and calls for a return to global lockdowns.