Julio Rosas

Tucker Mocks CNN’s Use of ‘Border Fence’ to Stop ‘Peaceful’ Protesters
With a chyron that read “walls for me, but not for thee,” Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson ripped CNN on Monday for their reliance on a “border fence” to protect their Atlanta, Georgia headquarters safe from the destruction of the “mostly peaceful” protesters. He was also joined by Fox News contributor Tammy Bruce, who hinted that CNN should have built a wall to keep Chris “Fredo” Cuomo in…

MSNBC's CHOP Chronicler Keeps Gushing... After They Chewed Him Out!
As demonstrations continue to occupy part of the Capitol Hill district of downtown Seattle, MSNBC's Vaughn Hillyard and Stephanie Ruhle defended the occupiers from accusations of anarchy and mayhem on Monday by citing their "very peaceful" nature and their dedication to community.
Cuomo Claims ‘Too Many’ Trump Supporters Want Blacks ‘Put Down’
Despite his false claims to the contrary, CNN host Chris Cuomo hates President Trump and loathed his supporters. He flashed that disdain again on Thursday when he suggested that the President was sending more racist “dog whistles” to his fans when he talked about “dominating” the streets. He even seemed to suggest Trump’s supporters wanted to see blacks killed, or “put down” in the words of…

Friends of Antifa: NBC Scoffs at Claims 'Left-Wing' Mobs Causing Riots
NewsBusters and this author have repeatedly pointed out how MSNBC and NBC have been a reliable safe harbor for the left-wing domestic terrorist group known as Antifa. And they back at it again, with Sunday Today anchor Willie Geist and White House correspondent Kelly O’Donnell scoffed at claims from the White House and the Department of Justice that Antifa was partially to blame for…

Kimmel Mocks Pence With Misleading Clip Accusing VP of PPE 'Stunt'
Even when the Trump administration is visiting hospitals, the media finds a way to spin it as controversial. ABC late night host Jimmy Kimmel continued his petty crusade against Mike Pence, Thursday, by mocking the vice president for delivering boxes of personal protective equipment to a nursing home in Alexandria, Virginia, this week. But the talk show host misled viewers by purposefully…

WashPost Tries to Use Satire to Make Readers Hate Mitch (They Failed)
Washington Post columnist Alexandra Petri has frequently used humor in her items (usually placed in Saturday’s print edition), so it was no surprise when her latest item tried to concoct a post-apocalyptic view of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) as a fanatic, heartless, ruthless scourge still confirming federal court judges despite the fact that “a great serpent swallowed the…

Stelter's HBO Straw Man: Toxic 'Right-Wing' Liars vs. Heroic Old Media
Anyone who heard Brian Stelter was producing a documentary on "fake news" for HBO titled After Truth can imagine what they would receive. Anyone watching it finds nothing in it that’s very surprising. Stelter’s employers (current and past) at CNN and The New York Times are the Verifiers of Fact, fighting against a shameless “right-wing” army of misinformation profiteers.

Huffy Journalists Now Claim 'Wuhan Virus' Is Racist Term
American journalists, so desperate to blame President Trump for the coronavirus, are now trying to cover for communist China’s government by insisting any mention of COVID-19’s origin be left out of the discussion. Left-wing journalists took to Twitter to bash Republicans as “racist” for calling the coronavirus the “Wuhan” or “Chinese” virus, even though there’s a laundry list of other viral…

Chris Wallace: Swalwell Is 'Just Insane' Talking of More Impeachments
In recent months, liberal media outlets have enjoyed Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace criticizing President Trump and his team over impeachment. But they won't like his latest take on the Fox News podcast Fox News Rundown, that that Rep. Eric Swalwell's Wednesday comment on CNN that President Trump could be impeached a second time is "just insane."

Richmond Second Amendment Rally Stays Peaceful Despite Lefty Claims
It seems as though loudmouth pro-gun control celebs refuse to understand that a gathering of law-abiding gun owners might be one of the more civil and safe events to be at.

CNN: McConnell Like a Judge Making 'All-White Jury' for a KKK Trial
Every time the attempt to remove President Trump from office seems that it couldn’t get any more ridiculous, along comes CNN and that network’s guests to make the process appear even more bizarre. One such incident happened on Thursday, when a former GOP official -- Richard Painter, who was the White House’s top ethics lawyer under former President George W. Bush -- compared the upcoming…

CNN’s Stelter Demands 'Outrage and Backlash' for Dancing Sean Spicer
With former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer set to cut a rug on the new season of Dancing With the Stars, cue the Trump Derangement Syndrome from the liberal media. CNN media janitor Brian Stelter perfectly encapsulated the media’s over the top reaction during a Thursday afternoon appearance on Right Now with Brianna Keilar, where he called for “outrage and backlash” to the story.

CNN Found It Controversial Trump Wants to Brand Antifa as Terrorists
With Antifa still assaulting and harassing peaceful “right-wing” marchers, police, and journalists in the streets of Portland, Oregon on Saturday, CNN Newsroom host Ana Cabrera and the network found it controversial that President Trump would want to accurately brand the extreme far-left group as the domestic terrorists that they were. She would tee up New Mexico Congresswoman Debra Haaland to…

ABC, NBC Cover for Antifa TERRORISM, Say They’re ‘Counter-Protesters'
The domestic terrorist organization known as Antifa carried out attacks at a “right-wing” rally in Portland, Oregon on Saturday by targeting peaceful rally goers, police, and members of the press. As the liberal media have done in the past, ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Sunday Today, carried water for the extreme left-wing terrorists by downplaying their actions and by suggesting they’…