NYT Down to GA to Document Downfall of ‘Fire-Breathing Conservatives'

April 10th, 2017 1:06 PM

The New York Times has already made several pilgrimages down to Georgia to flatter Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff, who may take a House seat for the Democrats in a special election to replace Republican Tom Price, who joined President Trump’s cabinet. Political reporter Jonathan Martin made Monday’s front page with yet another one, this one focusing on GOP disarray: “For the G.O.P., A  House…


CNN Panel Whines: Trump ‘Whiffed’ Statement on North Korea Launch

February 12th, 2017 10:56 AM

News broke late Saturday night that North Korea launched a missile in a show of force during the Japanese Prime Minister’s visit to the United States. During a quickly put together media event PM Shinzo Abe spoke first to condemn the launch and was backed up with a brief statement of support from President Donald Trump. But that wasn’t enough for CNN’s Inside Politics, whose Nia-Malika…

NYT Keeps Anti-Trump Hope Alive; Won Thanks to Whiter, Less Educated

December 21st, 2016 1:17 PM
In their Tuesday New York Times off-lead “news analysis,” reporters Jonathan Martin and Michael Wines tried to keep anti-Trump hope alive in “Trump’s Win, But Little Else, Is Now Settled – A Vast Divide Persists After the Electors Vote.” Bill Clinton, a former president, was posed as preaching truth to power. Another reporter took pains to explain that "Trump had an advantage in the traditional…

Lame NYT Turns Democratic Voting, Disruption Scandals Back on GOP

October 21st, 2016 2:16 PM
Even when the New York Times does run articles (not on the front page) about Democratic scandals, it tried desperately to turn attention to old Republican Party controversies. That was the case with two Friday articles involving possible Democratic vote fraud and electoral disruption.

In Third Debate, NY Times Again Weaponized ‘Fact-Checks’ Against Trump

October 20th, 2016 1:38 PM
The New York Times coverage of the final presidential debate was dominated by what it termed “a remarkable statement that seemed to cast doubt on American democracy” -- Trump’s refusal to state he would accept the results of next month’s presidential election, along with a cutting front-page opinion on how Hillary flustered Trump. There was also another ideologically slanted fact-check of the…

NYT Hypocritically Dismisses Vote Rigging Concerns in Anti-Trump Storm

October 19th, 2016 3:14 PM
On the eve of the final presidential debate, Wednesday’s New York Times went after Donald Trump cover to cover, with attempts to shame the Republican nominee and a cavalier dismissal of his allegations of election rigging as racist and paranoid, though the Times was quite amenable to Democratic conspiracy theories about Bush stealing the 2004 election. Wednesday’s off-lead story by Trip Gabriel…

NYT Maintains Front-Page Trump Assault, Buries GOP HQ Bombing

October 17th, 2016 2:51 PM
The front of Monday’s New York Times continued the paper’s relentless and one-sided assault on Donald Trump’s campaign. First up, “Public Jolted As Campaign Turns Coarser -- Across Nation, Ripples From an Ugly Race” by Patrick Healy and Farah Stockman slanted toward Hillary Clinton while blaming Trump's comments for traumatizing women nationwide. In the lead slot story, “Officials Fight Trump’s…

NYTimes Lobs Racist, Sexist, Anti-Semitic Accusations at Trump

October 15th, 2016 11:21 AM
The New York Times went after the Republican candidate hammer and tong Friday and Saturday on accusations of past sexual misconduct, while continuing to downgrade long-standing, mostly unaired charges made against Bill Clinton, a man who would return to the White House if his wife defeats Trump in November. Reporter Jonathan Martin found Donald Trump flirting with anti-Semitism in “Trump’s…

New York Times Hails 'Devout' Faith of Tim Kaine, Just Like Mike Pence

October 4th, 2016 7:19 AM
The New York Times is again promoting the shabby pretense that a liberal politician who rejects his church’s orthodoxy for Democratic Party orthodoxy can and should be described as “devout” in his faith. Jonathan Martin’s pre-debate story was headlined “With Tim Kaine and Mike Pence, Faith Is Back in the Mix.” Kaine now represents a “different strand of Christianity,” the strand that somehow…

NY Times: Now That Trump Is Up in Ohio, It's 'Fading on Electoral Map'

October 1st, 2016 1:29 PM
On Thursday, in a story which made the front page of Friday's print edition, Jonathan Martin at The New York Times reported that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is "effectively acknowledging how difficult they think it will be to defeat Donald J. Trump" in Ohio.

NY Times Angry at Trump for Playing Race Card on Poor Hillary

September 27th, 2016 12:00 PM
The first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is in the books, and the front page of the New York Times registered an amazingly slanted front-page “news analysis” by Michael Barbaro and Matt Flegenheimer. They sternly rebuked Trump for daring to suggest Hillary Clinton had once been insensitive about race: "No amount of practice, it seemed, could fully prepare her -- or…

CNN Panel: Clinton Knows Her Opponent Better than They Know Themselves

September 25th, 2016 12:17 PM
The Sunday before the first presidential debate of 2016 was filled with analysis and speculation about how the candidates were going to perform. It was the same on CNN’s Inside Politics were their panel touted Hillary Clinton’s ability to debate.  Host John King played a clip of Clinton leaving Senator Bernie Sanders speechless after slamming his questions about her speaking fees as a smear,…

NYT Hits 'Alarming' Trump With Hate-Crime Charge, 'Routine Falsehoods'

September 18th, 2016 5:31 PM
The New York Times on Sunday attacked Republican Donald Trump on several fronts, including instigating hate crimes against Muslims. Reporter Jonathan Martin filed “Anything Goes Campaign an Alarming Precedent.” The teary-eyed text box: “Long-held ideals seem of little concern to Donald Trump.” And Martin’s colleague Eric Lichtblau fingered Trump for a alleged rise in “hate crimes” against…

No Need For Hillary Pressers at NYT; The Rich Ask '100s of Questions'

September 4th, 2016 10:27 AM
Imagine if 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney had spent almost all of his campaigning efforts hobnobbing with rich donors to the virtual exclusion of public appearances. The press would have mercilessly pounded him for fitting the "they only care about the one percent" GOP stereotype. The New York Times has noticed that 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has been…