2016 Republican Convention

The 2024 GOP Convention Is Still Happening. Here’s What to Expect
July 14th, 2024 10:00 AM
A review of coverage of past GOP conventions shows the establishment press consistently malign Republicans as an extremist, racist, sexist, mean-spirited mob that must be defeated at all costs.

Scarborough: Mika Frets Trump's an Authoritarian—I Worry He's Nuts
April 14th, 2020 9:33 AM
President Trump: would-be dictator, or mental patient? Nice choice that Morning Joe offered us today! Scarborough opened the show by saying he and Mika "really differ" in their reactions to President Trump's statement yesterday that he had "total authority," superseding that of governors, to re-open the economy. Mika described the statement as "another step in his march toward authoritarianism."…

CNN Edits Trump Clip to Appear He Broke LGBTQ Promise
January 23rd, 2019 6:34 PM
Reacting to word that the U.S. Supreme Court has approved the Trump administration's ban on new transgender military recruits, CNN correspondent Jessica Dean ran a piece which deceptively edited a clip of Donald Trump from the 2016 campaign to make it appear he had made a general promise to support "LGBTQ" rights which he is now allegedly breaking.

Harvard Publishes 'Fake News' Guide Linking to Discredited Database
March 13th, 2017 4:20 PM
Demonstrating that the left will risk the reputation and credibility of virtually any of its cherished institutions in the name of defending the biased establishment press against its center-right competitors, the Harvard Library has published "Fake News, Misinformation, and Propaganda," a "research Guide" purporting to offer "a brief introduction to the spread of misinformation of all kinds and…

MSNBC Moans 'Dark' Trump Echoed Anti-Semitism; ‘It's Hard to Hear’
January 20th, 2017 1:38 PM
On MSNBC following President Donald Trump’s Inaugural Address, hosts and pundits expressed grave concern at a speech that was “dark” and “militant” with anti-Semitic overtones with the use of the phrase “America First.” Co-host Rachel Maddow seemed emotional, speaking softly about how “it was militant and it was dark, the crime, the gangs, the drugs, this American carnage, disrepair, decay” and a…

NY Times Won't Admit It When 'Reality' Contradicts Its 'Fact-Check'
January 6th, 2017 8:38 PM
In a Thursday item about urban gentrification at its "Upshot" blog which also appeared in its Friday print edition, Emily Badger at the New York Times took a gratuitous shot at Donald Trump over a mid-2016 statement which was true at the time — and, contrary to her insistence that it's now false, is still true.
Badger, as currently seen at the Times, has written that "Mr. Trump claimed during…

Must Read: The Top Ten Most-Read NewsBusters Blogs from 2016
December 30th, 2016 3:33 PM
With 2017 rapidly approaching, I decided that, as NewsBusters managing editor, it would be worthwhile to take a look back at the top ten most-read blogs from 2016. Once again, tens of millions of people flocked to NewsBusters for the best and worst media bias in newspapers, television news, social media -- and liberal outbursts from celebrities.

Here We Go: Check Out the Worst Chris Matthews Moments from 2016
December 30th, 2016 11:17 AM
Along with the unpredictable ladies from The View, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews can almost be guaranteed to make daily appearances on the pages of NewsBusters. Whether it’s making inappropriate statements or coming up with asinine names for conservatives, Matthews has provided decades of entertainment for those on the right.

‘Daily Show’ Correspondent Describes RNC as ‘Racist WrestleMania'
August 31st, 2016 10:34 PM
The current episode of Chelsea is titled “It Felt Like Racist WrestleMania” and that is exactly how her guest Hasan Minhaj described attending the Republican National Convention. He went in "white face" make-up as his alter-ego “Chad Smith” just for grins – and because all Republicans are scary racists in his fragile little liberal world. Can you imagine a Republican pulling such a stunt and the…

CNN Guest Likens Trump Campaign, GOP To Israel Before Rabin Murder
August 15th, 2016 4:24 PM
Haaretz's Chemi Shalev bemoaned the state of the GOP on CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS on Sunday, and compared Donald Trump's remarks on "Second Amendment people" to the political climate in Israel in 1995 before the murder of major political figure: "It reminded me of the months preceding our late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's assassination." Shalev later added that if "somebody...tried to hurt or…

Jorge Ramos' Transition From Advocacy to Partisanship Now Complete
August 11th, 2016 1:52 PM
We recently detailed our concerns over how Univision/Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos might have crossed a line by writing an implicit endorsement of Hillary Clinton. His most recent column, however, has erased all doubt and crossed the final line between advocacy journalism and outright partisanship.

Slideshow: The Media's Most Outrageous Convention Moments!
August 6th, 2016 12:05 PM
Recapping the media's most outrageously biased moments during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland and the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

Univisión y Telemundo exaltan a Khan e ignoran a víctimas de crímenes
August 3rd, 2016 1:57 PM
Las principales cadenas de televisión en español de Estados Unidos -- Univisión y Telemundo --, prácticamente pasaron por alto los discursos en la Convención Nacional Republicana por parte de los padres de víctimas de crímenes violentos cometidos por personas que viven ilegalmente en el país, dedicando menos de un minuto al tema.

Bozell & Graham Column: Media Convention Tilt Unmissable -- Again
August 2nd, 2016 9:19 PM
It’s an ironclad principle. Media coverage of the quadrennial Republican and Democratic conventions is a laboratory exercise to demonstrate how shamelessly partisan our political reporters truly are. It is a metaphysical truth: the networks engage in a partisan double standard. They've done it for decades.