More and more, major news outlets are relying on “fact checkers” to, allegedly, ensure that the news is factual, sources are reliable, and statements are accurate.

In theory, this is admirable. In practice, it has proven to be simply another opportunity for the media to push their leftist agenda.

Fact checking groups — such as PolitiFact — routinely cast judgments while failing to disclose their own left-wing bias. Their allies in the media try to cast these groups as neutral third parties when, in fact, they are card-carrying members of the liberal echo chamber.

It’s no wonder that the public has so little faith in the fact-checkers. A 2016 Rasmussen poll found that an astonishing 62% of American voters think the fact-check-ers are biased.

The Media Research Center is flipping the script on these faux-fact-checkers. It’s time to turn the tables and give the public the real facts.

Sigh: PolitiFact Rules Hannity Is 'Basically Correct,' Yet 'HALF TRUE'

Deeply Distorted Deeply Distorted
The "Truth-o-Meter" at PolitiFact (and their subset PunditFact) is very strange machine. On January 11, PunditFact ruled it "HALF TRUE" when Sean Hannity proclaimed on his show on January 10 that "17,000 individuals with criminal records were apprehended trying to cross the border" in 2018. Hannity repeated that number on January 17. But they also admitted it was "basically correct." 
Tim Graham
January 18th, 2019 10:43 PM

NY Times 'Fact Check' Strenuously Objects to Factual Trump Statements

Half Baked Half Baked
The New York Times joined the rest of the liberal media in leaping on Trump's immigration address as "fact checkers." On Wednesday, a Times collective singled out eight claims from Trump....and only one rather flaccid mention of the Democrat response.
Tim Graham
January 10th, 2019 7:37 AM

AP Iran-Deal 'Fact Check' Sets Out to Correct Trump and....AP?

Deeply Distorted Deeply Distorted
AP's latest "Fact Check" only underlines how much "context" is brought to the "fact" table, and how that "context" is loaded up to the service of a liberal narrative. Omri Ceren shamed an AP “Fact Check” on Christmas: “AP publishes fact-check saying Trump is ‘recycling familiar fictions’ by tweeting money was quid pro quo for hostages.” But wait: Ceren noted that in an August 18, 2016 briefing at…
Tim Graham
December 27th, 2018 1:22 PM

Daily Caller: Badly Botches Fact Check on GOP Losses

Fully Fake Fully Fake
Peter Hasson at the Daily Caller made the Drudge Report on Thursday underlining how, "a left-leaning fact-checking website given preferential treatment by Facebook and Google, botched its fact-check of a viral meme that was mocked within political circles for spreading false information." Politico reporter Jake Sherman called the meme "insane fake news."
Tim Graham
December 7th, 2018 7:19 AM Springs to Swalwell's Defense on Gaffetastic 'Nukes' Tweet

Deeply Distorted Deeply Distorted
Young liberal congressman Eric Swalwell of California is an cable TV regular and has been hailed for his social-media prowess. He's even touted by some as 2020 presidential timber. That image took a hit on November 16, when Swalwell responded to gun-rights activists on Twitter saying you will never take my guns with "It will be a short war, my friend. The government has nukes. Too many of them,…
Tim Graham
November 24th, 2018 1:58 PM

WashPost Skips the Pinocchios as Liberal Gillibrand Mangles Job Data

Half Baked Half Baked
The Washington Post Fact Checker is constantly slinging its Pinocchios at Donald Trump, calling him out for lying here, there, and everywhere. But when a liberal Democrat presidential aspirant like Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand messes up, curiously, somehow the Pinocchios get stuck and won't come out of the box. On November 15, Fact Checker Glenn Kessler wrote a piece titled "Gillibrand's cascade of…
Tim Graham
November 21st, 2018 8:49 PM Cries 'False' When Sinema's Tagged as Abortion Extremist

Deeply Distorted Deeply Distorted keeps attacking conservative website articles as "False" when the facts favor the conservatives. On November 9, these "fact checkers" tagged as "False" for a headline that said "Arizona Senate Candidate Kyrsten Sinema Voted to Allow Abortions Up to Birth."
Tim Graham
November 11th, 2018 11:34 PM

Crystal Bull: WashPost 'Fact Checker' Claims Predictions Are 'False'

Deeply Distorted Deeply Distorted
Washington Post "Fact Checker" Glenn Kessler broke out the swagger on Wednesday, beginning his latest article: "President Trump wrote an opinion article for USA Today on Oct. 10 regarding proposals to expand Medicare to all Americans — known as Medicare-for-All — in which almost every sentence contained a misleading statement or a falsehood." But some of these are predictions, not facts. Does…
Tim Graham
October 12th, 2018 11:39 PM

Fact Checkers Nitpick Cruz Calling Out O'Rourke Smearing Cops

Deeply Distorted Deeply Distorted
In the aftermath of Friday's debate between Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz and Democratic challenger Beto O'Rourke, fact checkers at both and the Dallas Morning News nitpicked one of Cruz's criticisms of the Texas Democrat, as they struggled to find fault with him calling out O'Rourke smearing police officers as implementing a "modern-day Jim Crow" system.
Brad Wilmouth
September 24th, 2018 1:03 PM

Why Are Fact Checkers Singling Out California's GOP Underdog?

Deeply Distorted Deeply Distorted
Republican John Cox is the dictionary definition of an underdog in the California governor's race against liberal Democrat Gavin Newsom. On average, he's down 29 points in the polls. So why are the "fact checkers" focusing on him? Bill Zeiser, editor of the Real Clear Politics Fact Check Review, noted both PolitiFact and The Washington Post are trying to pick apart Cox's claims. 
Tim Graham
September 15th, 2018 2:36 PM

PolitiFact Says 'Mostly False' That 'No War' Sinema Insulted Troops

Deeply Distorted Deeply Distorted
It's the fall campaign season, so it's not surprising that PolitiFact is going to start providing the liberal spin to evaluate Republican campaign ads. On Monday, they threw a "Mostly False" rating at Rep. Martha McSally in the U.S. Senate race. Yes, Rep. Kyrsten Sinema wore a pink tutu to "No War" protests, but "we found no evidence of her disparaging troops."
Tim Graham
September 12th, 2018 9:34 PM

WashPost Cries 'Mostly False' on Hunter's Claim of Pro-HRC Prosecutors

Deeply Distorted Deeply Distorted
The very political act of “fact checking” emerged again in a Washington Post Fact Checker article on Rep. Duncan Hunter (R.-Calif.), indicted for abusing his campaign kitty. The Post’s watchdog was Salvador Rizzo, and he ruled Hunter was “mostly false” (“3 Pinocchios”) for arguing his prosecution is partisan...based on two of his prosecutors went to a 2015 fundraisers for Hillary Clinton. That…
Tim Graham
August 30th, 2018 12:32 PM

PolitiFact Throws 'False' Flag at True Quote on Flag/Pledge Bill Vote

Deeply Distorted Deeply Distorted
We noted PolitiFact gave ultraliberal Sen. Kamala Harris a "Mostly True" on July 25 when her facts on apartment rentals weren't factual. By contrast, on July 20, PolitiFact declared it "Mostly False" when a Republican challenger tweeted that ultraliberal Sen. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin "opposed displaying the flag and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance or singing the National Anthem in our…
Tim Graham
July 29th, 2018 7:24 AM

Mostly True? PolitiFact Taffy-Pulls the Rental Facts for Kamala Harris

Deeply Distorted Deeply Distorted
PolitiFact's kid-gloves treatment of prominent Democrats is on display again. Twitchy noted ultraliberal Sen. Kamala Harris drew a rare evaluation, but of course, the ruling was "Mostly True." PolitiFact has only evaluated Harris nine times -- five Mostly True, two True, and two Half True (and one of those was Democrat-on-Democrat warfare).
Tim Graham
July 28th, 2018 9:12 AM