While Defending Biden's Faith, CNN's Cuomo Sneers at Christians Against Abortion

August 7th, 2020 3:12 PM

After President Trump claimed Joe Biden was “against God” during a speech to his supporters yesterday, the media pounced. Over and over again journalists on the big three networks and cable news insisted Biden was a “devout Catholic.”

This is the same media who feigned righteous anger at Trump standing in front of a church, yet demand you chuck the Bible out the window when it comes to Democrats’ antithetical beliefs on abortion and marriage.

Thursday night, self-proclaimed Catholic host Chris Cuomo opened his show by bashing Trump as a fake Christian before going on to defend Biden's religiosity, with former Michigan governor and Hillary Clinton ally Jennifer Granholm (D).

Cuomo scoffed Trump was "delusional" for "thinking he [was] religious," compared to Biden: "This man wants to talk about 'hurting God' when he gassed Americans exercising their First Amendment rights to protest in justice in America....he wants to talk about being a good Christian? A man who puts kids in cages because he likes the message it sends?"

Granholm agreed Trump had "mental problems" before gushing about Biden’s devout faith:

I mean, anybody who knows [Biden] knows that he is a lifelong practicing Catholic, and that he is deeply faithful. In many ways he reminds me of your father and the ability to pull faith into policy and caring for the least of these. Joe Biden walks the talk. He carries a rosary with him every day. It's just part of his DNA….

Cuomo then sneered at conservative Christians who wouldn't vote for Biden because they take abortion seriously:

I think your problem for Joe Biden is not, I don't think he is faithful. It's that you lefties, this will be the argument, you have turned -- I don't care what his faith is -- you guys want to kill all the babies. I don't care what his faith is. You guys want people to be able to marry anything they whenever they want and decide their gender whenever they want. And that's not what God wants. Those are the Christians that Trump is going for. 

It seems questioning Democrats’ religious beliefs is off-limits for the media but with Republicans or conservatives, it's fair game.

Before gushing about Biden's "authentic faith" some more, Granholm gave this goofy response: “ How many times did Jesus say the word gay and how many times did Jesus say the word abortion? Zero. Zero on both.” This was a pretty ignorant thing to say when the Bible has plenty to say about sexual sin and the sanctity of life, even in the womb.

Cuomo has displayed a pattern of bullying conservative Christians and the pro-life movement on his show, from saying we don’t need God’s help, to mocking pro-life believers to comparing baby-protecting laws to Jim Crow and calling anti-infanticide bills, “BS.”

CNN’s hostility towards conservative Christians was sponsored by T-Mobile and Sandals Hotels & Resorts.

See the transcript below:

Cuomo PrimeTime
9:12 p.m. Eastern

JENNIFER GRANHOLM: We know that he's got mental problems in terms of his malignant narcissism. I think it clouds everything and obviously he's got some deficiencies as well that have been brought on maybe by age, maybe by pressure. But I tell you one thing, Chris. This, today, I'm kind of grateful that he went over the top like that about Joe Biden, because it gives Joe Biden's camp the ability to talk about Joe Biden's faith. I mean, anybody who knows him knows that he is a lifelong practicing Catholic, and that he is deeply faithful. In many ways he reminds me of your father and the ability to pull faith into policy and caring for the least of these. Joe Biden walks the talk. He carries a rosary with him every day. It's just part of his DNA. So the fact that Trump would raise this as, in sort of this flailing -- I can't imagine that this was part of his written script that he's just trying as hard as he possibly can -- 

CHRIS CUOMO:  Or he is delusional. My concern is, I got two issues here. One is, I had always just assumed he was lying, defying reality, and denying it for his own benefit. But maybe he doesn't have a grasp of it. Maybe he really does think he is religious! Maybe he really does think these things that he says. I think your problem for Joe Biden is not, I don't think he is faithful. It's that you lefties, this will be the argument, you have turned -- I don't care what his faith is -- you guys want to kill all the babies. I don't care what his faith is. You guys want people to be able to marry anything they whenever they want and decide their gender whenever they want. And that's not what God wants. Those are the Christians that Trump is going for. 

GRANHOLM: How many times did Jesus say the word gay and how many times did Jesus say the word abortion? Zero. Zero on both. And so this policy of being able to care for the least of these -- and Joe Biden's theme about restoring the soul of America is evocative of his own faith. When asked about a Scripture, Joe Biden can easily say, the 25th chapter of Matthew. What does Donald Trump say when asked about his Scripture preference? He can't find one. Or if he does much later he says, an eye for an eye, which is something that Jesus revoked in Matthew when he said turn the other cheek. So, I mean, this notion about Evangelicals following Donald Trump because of abortion or gays.  I mean, those are not people who are going to be voting for Joe Biden and Joe Biden being pro choice, but I can tell you this. The people who care about Joe Biden's authentic faith and who can see him this morning, he was speaking to -- a Baptist convention just as Donald Trump was saying that he wants to “hurt God”. I think you're right that Donald Trump has lost it. He's lost it. Now he is going over the top in his desperation. That's what we're seeing.